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Ashton groaned as his alarm screamed in his ear, and he reached over to swipe it off before a startling realization hit him.

"Fuck, I get to see Calum today."

"Yes! Now get up and get your shit ready."

Ashton immediately grabbed for the gun he kept on his nightstand and pointed it in the direction the voice had come from. "Shit! How the fuck did you get in here?"

Michael smirked. "You didn't think I'd copy your key?"

"Get out, Michael." Ashton hissed.


"It's weird that you're here."

"Is it?"

"Yes!" Ashton exclaimed, anger growing. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"No." Michael rolled his eyes. "I was looking for all your toys."


Michael let out a tired sigh. "Guns, Ashton. Where are your guns?"

"What do you need a gun for?"

"I told Luke that-"

"Get the fuck out of my house before I murder you."

"Fine, alright." Michael held his hands up in surrender. "I'm leaving."

After Michael had fled for fear of losing his life, Ashton frantically showered and dressed, panic coursing through his veins as he hurried around his apartment to get everything ready.

Once he was satisfied with how the place looked, he checked the time. 11:08am, his watch read. Calum would be landing within the hour. Ashton cursed under his breath and rushed to the bathroom, checking over his outfit once more. He didn't think Calum would care what he was wearing, but he didn't want to later find out there was a flaw in his appearance.

He rather liked these articles of clothing: a simple white button up shirt and black skinny jeans. He decided to leave his hair in its naturally curly state after stepping out of the shower. He gave himself a nod of approval in the mirror before grabbing his keys, wallet and phone, then rushing out the door.


When Ashton arrived at the airport at 11:37am, he was worried that stopping for flowers had made him late. He wanted to make sure there was something for him to give to Calum (besides his affection of course), but he didn't want Calum to think he'd blown him off.

He worriedly scanned over the texts Calum had sent him before take-off, trying to find the time when Calum would likely arrive. 11:49am it said. Ashton let out a breath of relief. He had plenty of time. That caused his insecurities to bubble to the surface of his mind. He'd never been an insecure person, but this was an important moment and he didn't want to ruin it.

After a tiring eleven minutes spent worrying about Calum's arrival, Ashton had finally started to calm down. He wanted this. Everything would be fine. He had begun to count the petals on the roses he'd brought for Calum, until he saw people starting to emerge from the terminal.

He immediately shot out of his seat, startling the woman beside him.

"Expecting someone special?"

Ashton eagerly nodded, fiddling with the flowers in his hands. "Yes."

"Girlfriend?" She enthusiastically asked.

"B-boyfriend, actually." Ashton bit his lip, thinking that just because it wasn't true now didn't mean that it would never be.

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