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astroash: hey baby
astroash: guess what

caluminthehood: what is it what happened i'm here

astroash: i did something
astroash: thought you should see

caluminthehood: should i be concerned?
caluminthehood: did you hurt yourself?

astroash: no

caluminthehood: okay?
caluminthehood: so let me see


caluminthehood: ashton fletcher irwin

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caluminthehood: ashton fletcher irwin

astroash: calum thomas hood

caluminthehood: are you aware that your hair is red

astroash: i am aware, yes

caluminthehood: oh my god you
caluminthehood: you're so gorgeous
caluminthehood: what is air

astroash: uwu

caluminthehood: how could you do this to me
caluminthehood: i wasn't READY

astroash: sorry?

caluminthehood: and the chain around your neck i-
caluminthehood: how do you exist
caluminthehood: you're way too pretty and i'm literally garbage
caluminthehood: wow 🥺

astroash: you're not garbage
astroash: if you're garbage what does that make me

caluminthehood: a fucking god
caluminthehood: i thought we covered this already

astroash: you're beautiful

caluminthehood: whatever you say
caluminthehood: random subject change in 3

astroash: hooray

caluminthehood: 2

astroash: i'm so excited

caluminthehood: 1
caluminthehood: i took pictures of you when i visited

astroash: i know

caluminthehood: wanna see

astroash: yes



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