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After the stressful day spent with Harry, Calum and Ashton decided that they needed to stay in the next day and spend more time together (that was why Calum was visiting, after all).

And so they had hardly done anything all day. They talked about everything, told stupid jokes, shared soft kisses and confessed feelings for each other every few minutes.

Ashton had been sitting cross-legged in the middle of the freshly made bed with his hands holding firmly to the younger lads hips, and Calum had sat in his lap, hooked his legs around Ashton's waist and laced his fingers through the elders hair.

Calum's phone rested on the bed beside them, because they were supposed to be spending this time taking the pictures for the boys Tumblr, but naturally, Ashton could not resist him, and was placing delicate kisses down his jaw and smiling wickedly when he heard Calum muttering his jumbled thoughts.

In Ashton's defense, Calum was wearing only a sweater, thigh-high socks and his panties. Ashton couldn't help himself, Calum was captivating.

They simply could not get enough of one another.

When Calum could finally form a coherent thought and actually get it past his lips, Ashton hardly payed any attention to it.

"You're distracting me!" The tanned lad squeaked quietly, pulling gently on Ashton's hair.

Ashton didn't respond. His lips stayed attached to Calum's neck.

"Ash!" Calum giggled as the older lad continued leaving sweet kisses on his neck. "Stop distracting me!"

Ashton hummed, letting his teeth graze over Calum's tanned skin. "How am I distracting you, love?"

Calum wiggled around on Ashton's lap, hoping to either start something that was more fun, or get the older lads attention. "You're kissin' me and touchin' me and-"

"Do you really want me to stop?"

Calum closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath as Ashton's hands gently ran over the material of his baby blue sweater, the warmth from his hands seeping through to his skin. And once Ashton's hands were tired of the fabric, they slowly ventured beneath it.

"Answer me, angel. Do you want me to stop?"

"No." He bashfully replied, cheeks flushing pink. "But you said we could take the pictures now, and it's hard when you won't take your hands off of me."

"I thought the whole point was my hands being on you." Ashton mumbled, fingers tracing small, gentle patterns on Calum's stomach and hips.

"Don't touch my stomach." Calum whined, ignoring Ashton's statement. "I'm fat."

Ashton grabbed Calum's chin, forcing their eyes to meet. "You are not fat, Calum Hood."

"I am. And I'm ugly too."

"You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Ashton murmured, eyes soft as they stayed locked with Calum's. He left a trail of kisses up the boy's jaw. "It hurts that you don't see it."

"You shouldn't worship me like that."

"Why not?"

"Because it's not true. You're lying to me."

"I'm not."

"You are."

"No." Ashton replied, eyes carefully trailing from Calum's face to his neck, fingers bringing goosebumps with each touch.

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