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When Ashton woke up on the third morning they were together, the apartment was almost completely silent. He could hear cars outside and his own soft breathing, but he hated that once again, Calum was not in his arms when he awoke.

He slowly climbed out of the bed, stretched and let out a little groan, then shuffled towards the edge of the bed. He was going to head into the kitchen, as it was where he had found him the morning before, but then a soft noise from the bathroom caught his attention.

It sounded like crying.

Ashton stepped closer to the door, hearing the sobs grow louder. He knocked gently on the door, not wanting to just walk in and invade Calum's privacy. He deserved to be alone sometimes, and Ashton knew that. But he was clearly upset, and it was Ashton's job to make that better.

"My love, are you okay?" The redheaded lad cooed softly, his hand now on the doorknob. The crying only got louder. Ashton worriedly bit his lip and whispered, "Darling, I'm gonna open the door."

He didn't hear an objection, so he slowly turned the doorknob and pushed it open to reveal a crying Calum, curled up in a ball with his head in his hands as he shook softly with each sob. In an instant, Ashton had crouched down in front of him, placed a hand on the side of Calum's leg and began to mumble, "Angel, what's the matter?"

But Calum couldn't talk, so he just shook his head. That was all Ashton needed to pull the boy into his body, wrapping his strong arms around his angel's torso and hiding his worried frown in the boys hair as Calum tucked his face into the crook of the older mans neck.

"Will you please tell me what's wrong, beautiful?" Ashton cooed gently.

Calum let out yet another sob and whispered in his broken voice, "P-please don't c-call me th-that..."

"Alright love." The redhead agreed softly, just wanting Calum to be okay. "But...why not?"

"B-because it's a l-lie." Calum whimpered, "I-I'm not b-beautiful-"

"Calum, you are so beautiful." Ashton began to rub a soothing pattern into his angel's thigh. "Why would you think otherwise?"

"I'm s-so ugly." Calum hissed and pushed himself out of Ashton's strong, comforting grip. He stared at himself in the mirror as he continued to sob. "M-my nose is t-too b-big and my eyebrows a-are like c-caterpillars and I'm s-so fat and m-my neck i-is too l-long and..."

Ashton stood behind Calum, holding his hips comfortingly and shaking his head in disagreement with everything the boy said. He hated having to watch his angel point out every thing he despised about himself, every little insecurity.

"I d-don't get w-why you l-love me, I'm j-just s-so fucking hideous a-and weak and I'm not good e-e-enough for y-you or anyone..."

"Oh baby." Ashton sighed softly, hooking his chin over Calum's shoulder. "You're so fucking breathtakingly beautiful, and I don't understand how you can't see it."

Calum refused to believe him, "'Cause I-I'm not..."

"You are." Ashton insisted. "And I love you more than anything in the world. I'm so fucking in love with you, and there is nothing that can change that."

"But w-why?"

"Because, darling..." Ashton slowly started, spinning his love around and setting him gently on the counter behind them. He fit himself perfectly in between Calum's legs, grabbing onto his hips. "You are my everything."

Calum shook his head and tears continued trickling down his cheeks. Ashton let out a soft sigh and place a curled index finger beneath the boys chin, lifting his face to lock their eyes together.

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