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caluminthehood: T W O
caluminthehood: D A Y SSS

astroash: someone's excited

caluminthehood: yesterday
caluminthehood: this was how YOU were acting
caluminthehood: and why the fuck do you keep changing your name

astroash: cause i can
astroash: try and stop me

caluminthehood: in two days i'll be able to

astroash: i think you might be distracted

caluminthehood: by what

astroash: i don't know...
astroash: do you still wanna come on a job with me?

caluminthehood: yes

astroash: and you still wanna meet Harry?

caluminthehood: he sounds terrifying
caluminthehood: so yes

astroash: i can bring you to meet him when we go on a job
astroash: sound good?

caluminthehood: yes
caluminthehood: wait
caluminthehood: i need to text somebody
caluminthehood: gimme a second

[ caluminthehood left the chat ]

astroash: okay then
astroash: bye

[ astroash left the chat ]


caluminthehood: luke
caluminthehood: i request your attention

hemmotional: i thought you hated me

caluminthehood: i definitely do
caluminthehood: but i need someone to watch duke when i go see ashton
caluminthehood: so please

hemmotional: you seem really seriously in love with this ashton character

caluminthehood: will you shut the fuck up
caluminthehood: i'm not in love with him

hemmotional: oh okay
hemmotional: *whispers* cashton ftw

caluminthehood: seriously
caluminthehood: will you please just watch my baby for me

hemmotional: fine
hemmotional: i'll take care of your "baby"
hemmotional: but i want something in return

caluminthehood: i really do hate you
caluminthehood: i'm not sucking you off or anything like that so don't even think about it

hemmotional: gross
hemmotional: i don't even wanna KNOW why that idea was in your head

caluminthehood: i don't ever have any ideas that aren't sexual
caluminthehood: sorry?

hemmotional: i want you to-
hemmotional: actually i don't know
hemmotional: wait
hemmotional: yes i do
hemmotional: get me some nudes

caluminthehood: from who??

hemmotional: i don't know
hemmotional: ashton

caluminthehood: what the fuck mate
caluminthehood: you can't have those
caluminthehood: and you can't have ashton
caluminthehood: he's mine
caluminthehood: you can't have every person i like
caluminthehood: i know it's a hobby of yours
caluminthehood: stealing my happiness
caluminthehood: but you can't have him

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