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caluminthehood: good morning to you too

astroash: WHERE IN THE F U C K
astroash: IS MY COFFEE

caluminthehood: i don't know??

astroash: yOu doNt kNow

caluminthehood: yeah

astroash: whY DON'T YOU KNOW

caluminthehood: cAuSe i DOnT lIvE iN yOuR hOuSE
caluminthehood: s o r r y

astroash: I NEED COFFEE

caluminthehood: don't you think you're overreacting just a tad

astroash: not in the slightest

caluminthehood: check under the sink

astroash: alREaDY dId
astroash: only decaf
astroash: who the FUCK drinks DECAF

caluminthehood: why did you buy decaf if you don't drink it??

astroash: i don't know

caluminthehood: cupboard by the window??

astroash: n O

caluminthehood: by the dishwasher??

astroash: N O

caluminthehood: maybe where you keep your fucking COFFEE CUPS

astroash: oh wait
astroash: maybe

caluminthehood: jesus
caluminthehood: that was a rollercoaster

astroash: found some
astroash: i love you 😍😍😍

caluminthehood: me or the coffee?

astroash: ....
astroash: i can love two things

caluminthehood: are you sure you didn't already have coffee
caluminthehood: cause damn
caluminthehood: that was wildly energetic
caluminthehood: and unless we're fucking you hardly have any energy in the morning

astroash: well yeah
astroash: cause
astroash: your eyes and your lips and your jaw and your neck and your collarbones
astroash: and your shoulders and your chest and your stomach and your HIP BONES
astroash: and your thighs
astroash: most of the reasons i'm alive
astroash: - a poem by me

caluminthehood: woah
caluminthehood: lol ur gay

astroash: what i had no idea

caluminthehood: you had no idea
caluminthehood: AGAHAGAH

astroash: it's called sarcasm baby boy

caluminthehood: don't call me that or so help me god ashton
caluminthehood: i'll get turned on

astroash: shshsshsjsbb
astroash: maybe that's what i want

caluminthehood: you horny fuck

astroash: why yes i am

caluminthehood: so what do you want from me

astroash: i don't know
astroash: hugs 😖

caluminthehood: aw ashy
caluminthehood: i wanna give em to you

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