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caluminthehood: hey
caluminthehood: since i don't get warnings
caluminthehood: neither do you

caluminthehood: heycaluminthehood: since i don't get warnings caluminthehood: neither do you caluminthehood:

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caluminthehood: b A. M

[ ashtonirwin is online ]

ashtonirwin: oh my god Calum
ashtonirwin: that's not fair

caluminthehood: yes
caluminthehood: yes it is :)

ashtonirwin: you have such a pretty smile baby
ashtonirwin: you're adorable
ashtonirwin: i wanna squish your little cheeks
ashtonirwin: n boop your nose


ashtonirwin: wow ashtonirwin: all the heart eyes 😍😍

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ashtonirwin: wow
ashtonirwin: all the heart eyes 😍😍

caluminthehood: fuck off
caluminthehood: don't """baby""" me
caluminthehood: that won't work this time
caluminthehood: i'm still mad at you

ashtonirwin: why

caluminthehood: because

ashtonirwin: that's not a reason

caluminthehood: actually
caluminthehood: it is
caluminthehood: do you want to get stabbed

ashtonirwin: are you offering
ashtonirwin: because yes

caluminthehood: you idiot
caluminthehood: i'm not gonna stab you
caluminthehood: i'm not evil

ashtonirwin: i know
ashtonirwin: can i please call you

caluminthehood: fine


"Hey." Ashton sighed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm okay." Ashton nervously scratched the back of his neck, pacing around his bedroom. 

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