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all they talk about is kinky shit lol

Edit - the ending. i don't know what happened. so sorry. it's um. just read it.


ashtonofbricks: hey

caluminthehood: what do YOU want

ashtonofbricks: to talk to you

caluminthehood: i don't wanna talk to you
caluminthehood: you're being mean

ashtonofbricks: no i'm not
ashtonofbricks: i said that i'd call you the name if you earned it
ashtonofbricks: you don't earn anything from begging, cal

caluminthehood: yes
caluminthehood: yes you can

ashtonofbricks: random subject change in 3

caluminthehood: what

ashtonofbricks: 2

caluminthehood: so you're doing this now

ashtonofbricks: 1

caluminthehood: okay

ashtonofbricks: kinks

caluminthehood: what
caluminthehood: whyyy

ashtonofbricks: because
ashtonofbricks: i'm on break
ashtonofbricks: and i'm curious

caluminthehood: but why does it matter

ashtonofbricks: because
ashtonofbricks: i'd like to tease you

caluminthehood: what makes you think that i WANT you to do that

ashtonofbricks: i could type two words right now and make you go insane
ashtonofbricks: and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it
ashtonofbricks: you've been begging me for three days to call you a name
ashtonofbricks: and you keep calling me 'daddy'
ashtonofbricks: THAT makes me think you like being teased
ashtonofbricks: because if you didn't
ashtonofbricks: you would've just stopped talking to me after i refused the first time

caluminthehood: well fuck
caluminthehood: you aren't wrong

ashtonofbricks: i know
ashtonofbricks: so tell me what you like ;)

caluminthehood: okay
caluminthehood: talking about kinks isn't a problem
caluminthehood: but was the winky face really necessary?

ashtonofbricks: yeah

caluminthehood: ughh
caluminthehood: okay

ashtonofbricks: sooo
ashtonofbricks: tell me what you like

caluminthehood: what are you even going to do with this information

ashtonofbricks: that is none of your concern

caluminthehood: yes it is
caluminthehood: what are you gonna do
caluminthehood: write a book about me

ashtonofbricks: no

caluminthehood: then what the fuck

ashtonofbricks: doesn't matter
ashtonofbricks: tell me all your shameful secrets

caluminthehood: um

ashtonofbricks: ya know what
ashtonofbricks: i will just write some
ashtonofbricks: and you decide
ashtonofbricks: is that easier?

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