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ashtonofbricks: are you excited
ashtonofbricks: you get to come down here soon

caluminthehood: of course i'm excited
caluminthehood: i cant wait

ashtonofbricks: it's gonna be a long flight tho

caluminthehood: that's why i have music and your sweater
caluminthehood: imma sleep

ashtonofbricks: you're adorable

caluminthehood: theres something im gonna show you when i get there
caluminthehood: imma be wearing it

ashtonofbricks: the flower crown
ashtonofbricks: i remember

caluminthehood: you actually remembered
caluminthehood: that's sweet

ashtonofbricks: i've been thinking about it since you first mentioned it
ashtonofbricks: i cant wait
ashtonofbricks: hold on
ashtonofbricks: it's super late for you baby
ashtonofbricks: you should go to sleep

caluminthehood: it's 11pm
caluminthehood: that is not late
caluminthehood: fight me

ashtonofbricks: do you have work tomorrow

caluminthehood: you know the answer to that

ashtonofbricks: get some sleep darling

caluminthehood: fine
caluminthehood: good night

ashtonofbricks: sleep well 🙂

caluminthehood: i'll try

[ caluminthehood is offline ]

[ ashtonofbricks is offline ]


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