452 50 24

caluminthehood: yo 😎

[ ashtonofbricks is online ]

ashtonofbricks: someone's in a good mood

caluminthehood: indeed i am

ashtonofbricks: and why is that

caluminthehood: because
caluminthehood: i'm?
caluminthehood: allowed?
caluminthehood: to?
caluminthehood: be?
caluminthehood: do you want me to be sad

ashtonofbricks: noooo
ashtonofbricks: i want you to be very happy 
ashtonofbricks: spewing rainbows if possible

caluminthehood: ash
caluminthehood: your gay is showing

ashtonofbricks: yea
ashtonofbricks: what about it

caluminthehood: i don't know
caluminthehood: i love it?

ashtonofbricks: you're welcome

caluminthehood: i didn't say thank you

ashtonofbricks: you didn't have to

caluminthehood: alright
caluminthehood: whatever you say daddy

ashtonofbricks: stop it right now

caluminthehood: why

ashtonofbricks: because
ashtonofbricks: i cannot let you say things like that to me
ashtonofbricks: it's tempting

caluminthehood: what if
caluminthehood: you wake up tomorrow
caluminthehood: and you have to call me whatever my username is

ashtonofbricks: no

caluminthehood: why not

ashtonofbricks: because you're gonna change the username to babyboy
ashtonofbricks: and that's cheating
ashtonofbricks: you need to earn my admiration

caluminthehood: but
caluminthehood: but
caluminthehood: d a d d. Y

ashtonofbricks: no

caluminthehood: d
caluminthehood: a
caluminthehood: d
caluminthehood: d
caluminthehood: y

ashtonofbricks: ok
ashtonofbricks: i need to leave

caluminthehood: ahahaha
caluminthehood: i win

ashtonofbricks: no you don't
ashtonofbricks: this isn't over

caluminthehood: yes it is
caluminthehood: and i won
caluminthehood: whats my reward

ashtonofbricks: i don't know
ashtonofbricks: we'll see

[ ashtonofbricks is offline ]


caluminthehood: it's been like 20 minutes
caluminthehood: the fuck is taking so long
caluminthehood: A S H T O N
caluminthehood: i'll kill you

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