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caluminthehood: hey ash

astroash: what do you want

caluminthehood: that's a pretty rude way to speak to your boyfriend
caluminthehood: which is me by the way
caluminthehood: 🙂🙂

astroash: i know

caluminthehood: bUUUTTT
caluminthehood: since you asked
caluminthehood: i would like to show you the best picture ever

astroash: aight lemme see

caluminthehood: prepare ya self

caluminthehood: prepare ya self caluminthehood:

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astroash: oH
astroash: that's uh

caluminthehood: you sucking my dick

astroash: what an interesting photo

caluminthehood: tf do you mean 'interesting'
caluminthehood: fucking h o t
caluminthehood: 🤤🤤

astroash: oop
astroash: i mean i love doing that

caluminthehood: best way to wake up
caluminthehood: hands down
caluminthehood: i love pulling your hair
caluminthehood: your muscleS ahHH

astroash: shush

caluminthehood: n your butt

astroash: i love when you pull my hair
astroash: but shuT UP

caluminthehood: ok but you have such a nice ass

astroash: i do not

caluminthehood: yeah you do
caluminthehood: now gimme videos of you
caluminthehood: like idc if it's just you existing
caluminthehood: please

astroash: how bout some pictures for now

caluminthehood: i'll take what i can get from you

astroash: okay here

caluminthehood: good lord i just whined a lil

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caluminthehood: good lord i just whined a lil

astroash: your whines are so cute-
astroash: 😫😫❤💗
astroash: i cri

caluminthehood: shut up i'm not cute

astroash: okay lies
astroash: now gimme cute pictures of you

caluminthehood: how do you know it'll be cute
caluminthehood: i can be daddy af

astroash: it's gonna be cute
astroash: ik it

caluminthehood: okay hERE

astroash: baby boy astroash: so fuckin adorable

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astroash: baby boy
astroash: so fuckin adorable

caluminthehood: ugh my nose is too big
caluminthehood: how did i just notice this now
caluminthehood: why do you let me go out in public ew 🤢

astroash: angel i swear your nose is the cutest thing ever
astroash: perfect for kissing and booping

caluminthehood: it's too big though

astroash: nope wrong incorrect
astroash: your nose is perfect
astroash: and if your nose is big look at mine

caluminthehood: if i look at that picture again imma cum

astroash: dekjerh okay
astroash: but i'm serious love
astroash: you're perfection

caluminthehood: nope
caluminthehood: i'm poo poo

astroash: shut up
astroash: or i'll have to fly down there and show you exactly how perfect you are

caluminthehood: bitch i hope the fuck you do
caluminthehood: i miss you so much already
caluminthehood: and it's only been like two days

astroash: i know beautiful
astroash: i miss you too

caluminthehood: why do you like me
caluminthehood: why do you call me beautiful and treat me so well

astroash: i like you because you make me happy
astroash: you're so so so sweet
astroash: you're loyal and my precious baby
astroash: i call you beautiful because you are beautiful
astroash: and i treat you well because you deserve to be treated like a fucking king

caluminthehood: no i don't

astroash: yes you do
astroash: i care about you so much and you mean the world to me

caluminthehood: oh okay
caluminthehood: well i care about you too ashy

astroash: i adore you

caluminthehood: i know
caluminthehood: i adore you too ashy

astroash: i'm so so so sorry but i have to go my love

caluminthehood: oh okay

astroash: i'm really sorry angel, i don't want to
astroash: its uh work

caluminthehood: i figured
caluminthehood: s'okay

astroash: i just want you to know that you're more important to me than that

caluminthehood: i know ash

astroash: as long as you understand

caluminthehood: i do
caluminthehood: bye daddy 💗

astroash: fuck cal
astroash: why would you do that?

caluminthehood: because it f r u s t r a t e s you
caluminthehood: *cough* dick problems *cough*

astroash: ew don't say that
astroash: sounds like i've got an std

caluminthehood: bye byeee

astroash: goodbye

[ astroash is offline ]

[ caluminthehood is offline ]


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