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ashtonofbricks: are you feeling better today?

caluminthehood: um
caluminthehood: sure

ashtonofbricks: i'm concerned cal
ashtonofbricks: tell me how you're feeling

caluminthehood: i'm still alive
caluminthehood: interpret that as you wish

ashtonofbricks: i don't want you to be sad cal
ashtonofbricks: what's bothering you

caluminthehood: i don't know
caluminthehood: i have reasons to be happy
caluminthehood: but my brain won't let me
caluminthehood: it's like i'm not allowed
caluminthehood: i just wanna feel fine again

ashtonofbricks: i'm really sorry
ashtonofbricks: do you want to talk?

caluminthehood: i want to die

ashtonofbricks: please don't say that

caluminthehood: but i mean it

ashtonofbricks: i know you're hurting cal
ashtonofbricks: it's hurting me

caluminthehood: sure

ashtonofbricks: just because suicide seems like an option doesn't mean it's an answer

caluminthehood: i feel like that is on a poster in an elementary school somewhere
caluminthehood: how inspirational

ashtonofbricks: i'm serious
ashtonofbricks: i would feel awful if anything happened to you

caluminthehood: and then you'd get over it and forget about me
caluminthehood: just like everyone else would
caluminthehood: then i'd only be another example of how fucked up the world is

ashtonofbricks: no
ashtonofbricks: i'd feel like shit for a really long time
ashtonofbricks: i wouldn't forget you
ashtonofbricks: you shouldn't think like that

caluminthehood: do you know that song
caluminthehood: wasn't me by shaggy

ashtonofbricks: yeah
ashtonofbricks: why?

caluminthehood: more or less
caluminthehood: he said
caluminthehood: "banging on the bathroom floor"

ashtonofbricks: how is this relevant love

caluminthehood: i'm crying on the bathroom floor

ashtonofbricks: calum
ashtonofbricks: baby
ashtonofbricks: please don't tell me you're using the blades again

caluminthehood: i thought about it
caluminthehood: but someone at work would say something if they saw

ashtonofbricks: i would hope so

caluminthehood: older people always have this way of making everything sound bad
caluminthehood: stupid condescending voices
caluminthehood: "do you know how many people would be sad if you killed yourself?"
caluminthehood: i know the exact amount
caluminthehood: it's zero

ashtonofbricks: not true
ashtonofbricks: i would care
ashtonofbricks: your family would care
ashtonofbricks: and duke would care
ashtonofbricks: so would your friend

caluminthehood: my family wouldn't care

ashtonofbricks: just because they don't agree with who you love
ashtonofbricks: doesn't mean that THEY don't love you

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