25 months

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Today marks 25 months without you. Also it marks 2 years since you sent that first dream to me, about what really happened with the children.
I had another dream of you the other day. 
In the dream I promised Cristina ( who you know you hated lol ) that I would be her partner for some project but then Karen appeared. She offered to buy us some chocolate ice cream so we said yes and were just eating  our popsicles until I remembered we had a project due. I think we were at SMS.
I don't know how you even got there but you must've been in the class too because you pulled me to it and we sat together. We were talking about the project and I remembered I promised Cristina I would be her partner and you didn't care. I ended up ditching Cristina to be with you. It all felt so real. Eating ice cream and being together. It's something you would totally do too, make someone else be alone.

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