501st rule book

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This book was written by the 501st, some rules where put there by certain troopers due to unfortunate circumstances. Hope you enjoy😉

1. For the love of force never mess with Rex and his coffee

2. Don't mess with Kixs unless you have a death wish! he's a medic and knows how to kill people in the most painful way.

3. If your going to start a prank war don't involve the Jedi, especially anakin because they are ruthless!

4. Never give Hardcase caffeine or sugar, only give it to him as a last resort.

5. Never tell a shiny that kix will use them as medical experiments in their sleep if they mess up. I'm looking at you Fives ~Rex

 6. Never be the poor guy who has to wake commander tano from her sleep. The last guy was in the medical centre for three days. Thanks to anakin not warning him.

7. Unless you have a death wish NEVER steal commander Cody's data pad when he's on the resolute. Rex tried and had to go into hiding for two weeks. The whole ship heard his screams when Cody found him.

8. Never challenge Nara to hand to hand combat challenge she is small and viscous. Fives tired once he still has the scar to prove it.

9. Never get in the way of Echo and his reg manual that is his baby. 

10. When Rex is angry and his Kama is swaying like a pendulum it is a warning sign to run for your life .~fives 

11. Never challenge Jesse to beer pong he is the ultimate master.

12. Never let Fives start a paintball war in the mess hall again, the last one ended with the two generals and the 201st & 501st going to war against each other. 

13. Never let Jex have sugar because the last time he had some he ended up getting stuck on the ceiling.

14. Never let Fives exceed his limit of five drinks because he'll start randomly proposing to non living items like brooms.

15. Don't ever mess with Tups hair! No one will hide you if you do, the last trooper who did ended up bald the next day.

16. Never ask commander wolf about his eye it never ends well 

17. Master plo koon is the god father of all clones 

18.Never let Nara swing off the ceiling kix is tired of having to give Rex ice from all the times she uses him as a crash matt.

19. If c3-po wants to tell you about his heroic adventures run for your life! ~Wolfe

20. The mess hall is not a battle field don't start food fights.~ Kenobi 

21. Never tell Fives he's a horrible singer he gets really sulky. ~Echo

22. Always bring ear plugs to karaoke night, especially when Hardcase signs 

23. When it comes to plans always bring a spar jet pack the genral always involves some kind of falling. ~Rex

24. make sure your night vision is on when the power goes out last time twenty troopers knocked themselves out on door frames and pipes.

25. No one understands master yoda don't try to.

26. Be careful about using Mando around Ashoka she knows more then she lets on

27. Never bring alcohol into the troopers barracks last time they almost burnt down a command centre.

28. Never let dogma pick the music he likes opera 

29. If you want to get better at fighting Nara is always willing to help because she basically lives in the training room~ Rex

30. Nara always has a glitter bomb under her pillow never surprise her while she sleeps ~ Fives and Hardcase 

31. Fives and Nara are known as Rex's toddlers . (This is a new rule~ kixs)

32. Never let the Jedi know that the arcs built a secret golf course on the resolute.

33. Never let hardcase have a radio he always manages to find the most irritating stations

 34. Water balloons are banned thanks to Echo and Fives 

35. Never imitate Kenobi's beard stroke he can sense you doing it.

36. Never call kix or dock nurses

37. Never let Nara and coil team up in a paintball war they will destroy you

38. If Nara refuses to go to med bay call kixs he is prepared with tranquilizers

39.Jesse hates the song "Jesse's girl" it's his weakness use only for black mail purposes 

30.Everyone knows that Harvey and Nara are clueless that they like each other, don't say anything so many troopers would lose bets

31.Tup is secretly good a pranks so be careful 

32.Leave the nightlight on in the troopers barracks it helps with nightmares

33.All the members of the 501st secretly call Anakin sky guy And Ahsoka snips

34.Never let Nara have spray paint. She likes to draw on the ships walls

35.Never try and steal Rex's helmet as a joke ~ Nara,Fives,hardcase 

36.Never tell fives to give you a high five he won't laugh

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