Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Where to, miss?"
"Takanashi Productions please."

Wiping the drops of sweat off my brow, I leaned back into my seat, the worn cushion feeling like a cloud after my countless minutes of running.

Rolling the window down, a content sigh left my lips as the cool, rushing wind caressed my skin and calmed my beating heart. Colourful cars and tall buildings packed tightly together zoomed past as the taxi sped by.

The car came to an abrupt stop, making me realise we had arrived at our destination. I paid the fee and hurriedly rushed out.

"Be careful, miss! Don't trip over!"
"Okay, thanks! Bye mister!"

Deciding to take the emergency stairs rather than wait for the elevator, I pushed the heavy door open. My legs seem to move of their own accord as they carried me up.

Taking a big gulp of air, I immediately calmed myself down and combed my hair back and out of my eyes. Pushing the door open, I quickly headed to another labelled practice room, knocking as I arrived.

"Come in."

Bowing as soon as the door opened, I didn't look up until I had properly apologised for my unpunctuality.

"I'm terribly sorry for arriving so late. I'll take whatever punishment is needed."
"(Y/n)-san, not even an excuse?"
"Oogami, I've worked in the business world before coming here. I do not have an excuse suitable for my late arrival. My excuse will simply sound like an evasion of my own mistake."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, making me stand upright. A satisfied smile hinted at the corners of his lips as he let it pass due to it being my first time.

Finally, I took the chance to look at the seven members I was to work with alongside their manager. Flashing a casual yet polite smile as I moved my soft hair back, I greeted them with a simple introduction.

"My name's (L/n) (Y/n). Pleasure to meet you all. From today onwards, I'll be your assistant manager."
"The pleasure is mine, miss," the blonde replied, catching my hand and placing a soft kiss on my knuckles.
"Oi, don't go flirting with every girl you see!" exclaimed the redhead.

I simply smiled, remaining unfazed by his flirtatious attitude.

"Hello, I'm Takanashi Tsumugi. I hope to work well with you," the girl said happily.
"Same here."
"I guess it's time for me to introduce myself. I'm Rokuya Nagi."
"My name's Nanase Riku."
"I'm Osaka Sogo, nice to meet you."
"Yotsuba Tamaki."
"I'm Izumi Mitsuki."
"My name's Nikaido Yamato."
"I'm Izumi Iori. (L/n)-san, there are some things I'd like to discuss with you."

Getting straight down to business. His serious gaze and stern tone only sparked my curiosity, causing no concern nor fear. Clearly, this was not about how I'd manage their group but about my late arrival.

This perceptiveness, or his unwillingness to let a small matter pass - depending on the case - may prove to be something he had to overcome in the future. I've dealt with plenty of people to know this.

"This is business. As you've said, you've worked in this field before. So I'll ask that you aim to be punctual no matter the reason nor situation. We were waiting 20 minutes for you. Not to say, your casual yet polite attitude is bordering on playfulness," he stated.
"Iori! Sorry, (Y/n). He's-"
"Izumi-san, thank you for your concern but I can handle your brother's 'accusations'."

The orange-haired male flashed a worried glance my way, which I just dispelled with a reassuring gaze.

"I understand my unpunctuality has caused problems; however, as you have stated, this is business. Right now, your group has not even debuted. Right now, can you even talk to me when you have no experience? I'll have you know that I also have another part time job. For confidentiality, I cannot reveal any details but it was something I could not avoid."
"Damn, she's good at this, Iori. You should refrain from talking to your elders disrespectfully," Nanase whispered.
"Actually, I'm only seventeen."
"On (Y/n)'s behalf, I'll explain her attitude to my dense brother. Iori, listen up. It's called charisma."

I laughed. Perhaps taking this job was going to be a blast. Perhaps I might even enjoy it. After all, these boys seemed to get along like eating ice-cream on a hot summer's day.

"Well then, I'll leave the boys in your care," Oogami exclaimed.
"Okay," Takanashi replied.

He quietly left the room as the boys continued to chat away. If this was a family, I'd be happy to be in it. I'd be happy...but such a fleeting wish was only an impossibility.

There were things that I needed to do, and I could not rest until they were done. Survival: a concept I could not let go. Secrets: an item I was unable to forsake. My life...was far from perfect.

"Feel free to call me (Y/n), Tsumugi."
"H-hai. Then (Y/n), is there something on your mind?"
"Of course there is. When are we not thinking about something? We always are, even if we don't realise it."
"I see..."
"I simply was thinking how I'd like them to succeed in their dreams."

Topping the statement off with a determined yet practised smile, I knew that she had fallen for my acting. Stating such a thing wasn't so difficult when I channeled the emotions I felt that day...that day when they fell in love with Trigger.

"(Y/n), you have to teach me how to talk like that. I need to be able to give Iori a taste of his own medicine," Nanase exclaimed.
"All you need is experience."
"Aww, that's so vague."
"Nanase-san, you're acting like a child. If you really were grown up, you wouldn't be complaining about my maturity," said Iori.
"Do any of you object to my addressing you by your first names?" I asked.
"No objections here," Yamato replied.
"Same here," added Sogo.

The others agreed, although Riku and Iori had simply agreed for the sake of continuing with their argument, seeing as how they had no idea what they had just agreed to.

"You two, stop arguing. Did you even hear what (Y/n) just asked?" Sogo asked.
"What did she ask?" said Riku.
"If she could address us by our first names," Tamaki replied.
"Fine with me," Riku answered with a thumbs up.
"If you really must," said Iori.
"Manager, what are we doing now?" asked Nagi.

Tsumugi looked at the seven boys and took in a deep breath.

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