Chapter 28

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(Y/n)'s POV

"You mean you're gonna help us with our practise?" Yamato asked.
"Yeah, if you all don't mind," replied Momo.
"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Sogo said.
"Of course. (Y/n)-chan asked me after all."

Momo draped an arm around my shoulders and flashed a cheeky grin. *sigh* Since when did we grow so close? I barely knew him. Save for those two times I've met him, I hadn't even seen him.

"Where's Yuki?" Nagi asked.
"At home. I left him alone because he looked tired," Momo answered nonchalantly.
"Right, let's get started, shall we?"

The boys gathered around as Momo started explaining the basics and expectations of fans during concerts and live broadcasts. His tone remained light and fun, his vibrant smile lightening the mood.

He would work great with children. I leaned against the wall, watching intensely for I seemed to be just as interested as everyone else. They enjoyed it, I could tell.

Momo'd be able to handle this by himself. I quietly slipped out of the room, and headed to the stairs that'd take me to the rooftop. Pushing the heavy door open, I felt the rush of wind against my skin as I lingered in the doorway.

The cold air caressed me, pulling me into its embrace as I took a step forward and felt the door close quietly behind me. My feet moved of their accord as I soon found my hands pressed against the fence.

Gazing at the pink sky, the setting sun and the warm clouds, I let out a small breath. Today's concert was a success. Father had not caused any problems and I felt that a heavy burden had been lifted off my chest.

I promised mother that I would stay strong. Surely I was doing fine. I wouldn't want to disappoint the one parent I respected and loved. I would meet her again, and I'd make her proud.


I turned around, hiding my surprise under a mask of politeness. A slight blush formed on his cheeks as he averted his gaze. Taking a step forward, I ducked to meet his clear eyes, catching him off guard.

"Something wrong?"
"I, nevermind."

The male checked his phone, seemingly needing some sort of distraction but the blush on his cheeks only darkened. I bit my lower lip, worried that something I wasn't aware of had happened.

"May I?" he asked, his eyes still averted as he held out his hand.

My hand lingered on his before he suddenly pulled me closer.

"I was told to ask you for a dance, so don't misunderstand," he exclaimed quietly.
"By Momo?"
"Yeah, he said I needed to face my feelings..." he muttered.
"Well, Iori. Let me warn you, I'm a terrible dancer."

Face his feelings...huh? I wondered what Momo saw that I had failed to see. Did he assign weird tasks to everyone? Iori hesitantly peered into my eyes, his arms still wrapped loosely around my waist.

A smile tugged at my lips. He raised an eyebrow, clearly cautious now that he had seen the look on my face. Ignoring the vigorous beating of my heart, I leaned closer and whispered softly into his ear.

"Momo told you to ask me for a dance, but he didn't specify what kind of dance, did he? Why choose slow waltzing?"
"W-well, anyone would assume that, considering how he asked."

A laugh escaped my mouth before I could stop myself. The male shot me a look, but couldn't hide the smile forming on his face. Despite the fact that neither of us were dancing, we stayed in each other's arms.

Iori's POV

As (Y/n) turned to look at the scenery, I found myself staring at her. My heart was pounding ferociously fast, and my face undoubtedly was painted in a coat of red.

The evening glow casted her in a mystical aura. She looked beautiful in that moment. Her bright eyes shining, her soft lips slightly parted. I should've pulled away. I should've let her go...but I couldn't nor did I want to.

"So? How long are you going to stare at me for? Must I make the first move?" she asked.
"Shall I then?" I replied, ignoring the blush on my cheeks.

I leaned in as she struggled to back away in my arms. Her eyes shut as I drew closer, my lips brushing ever so softly against her cheek. She blinked, seemingly realising what had just happened. I laughed at her reaction.

"Tch, meanie," she exclaimed as she pulled away.

So it was possible to tease our charismatic assistant manager after all. The girl headed to the door, looking back to smile at me. I caught up to her as she went through.

"You're lucky my brother wasn't there to see you tease me," she said.
"Hmm, is he protective?"
"Very. So, did you have fun facing your feelings?"
"Well, you're very welcome, Iori."

As soon as she pushed the door to the practise room back, a bag of flour sprayed all over her. Everyone in the room let out a big gasp, some sighing and others apologising as she blew out the flour from her mouth.

"S-sorry! That was meant for Nagi!" Riku exclaimed.
"And who's going to clean up this?" she asked in a dangerously calm tone.
"Don't worry, (Y/n). I'll get you some new clothes," Momo exclaimed.
"I don't need new clothes."
"What happened in here?" Nagi asked.
"You doofus! You were told to come in two minutes ago," said niisan.
"I'm guessing all your little missions went smoothly save for this flour prank?" (Y/n) asked.
"Yep, don't worry. They got help from the Momo after all," the said male replied.
"Will you come by again?" Tamaki asked.
"Sure, if (Y/n) agrees."

She let out a small sigh before a smile graced her flour-covered face. Despite such a ridiculous look, she still managed to get everyone helping with the cleanup.

Niisan helped dust some of the flour off her clothes as the others swept the remaining powder off the floor and into the dustbin. I met her gaze, only to see her flash a secretive smile my way.

"Let me give you a ride home," Momo said to her.
"I can't trouble you any further-"
"Don't worry. Consider it as an apology for this mess."
"I'll take care of things here. You should go home and wash up," exclaimed our manager.
"Okay, then see you all next time."

I watched as the girl left with Momo, making me wonder how she knew such a famous idol. Her life really was a mystery. Before long, I could feel everyone's gazes on me.

"So? What did you do with (Y/n)?" Riku asked with a smirk.

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