Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s POV

"*laughs* I'm not Yaotome Gaku. People often mistake me for him but there's no way I'm as good looking as him."
"O-oh, I see. Well then, we'll go ahead and order," Tsumugi replied.

The melody of Trigger's (fave song) soaked the air as my phone buzzed away in my pocket. The others looked at me as I smiled apologetically and went outside to answer the call.

Opening the door, the cold wind clawed at my hair as it whipped it around into a bird's nest. I hurriedly answered the call for want of going back in sooner rather than later.

"(Y/n), it's me."
"Father, what do you need?"
"Pull out of that job. You've had the whole day to do it. Don't tempt me any longer."
"And why should I listen to what you say?"
"I am your father and your boss! I will not allow you to work for him! How much must you rebel against me?! If you don't quit that job, I'll crush that idol group. I'll crush them so much that you'd wish you listened to me."
"Oh really? I'd like to see you try. We'll overcome any obstacle you throw our way. I'll make them succeed, just watch me."
"You'll regret saying that."
"I'm sure I won't."
"Their future will be ruined and it'll be your fault."

He hung up. Blood rushed to my cheeks, my anger fuelling the fast pumping of the thick liquid in my veins. Angrily clutching the phone in my hand, I inhaled the cold air in hope of calming down my fuming body.

Running my fingers through my hair, I let out an exasperated sigh. Their future lay in my hand, and I had no intention to crush their dreams. Clearly father did not know me. I wasn't weak.

"Let me go!"

A woman screamed. Without thinking, I immediately headed in the direction of her voice. Cutting a corner and running narrow alleyways and conspicuously sketchy areas, I reached the middle-aged woman and her captors.

Kicking a nearby stone, it rocketed across the air and stroke the larger man's knee. His mouth seemed to be made of a dictionary of curse words as he spat them out, his eyes furious.

"Who the hell are you? Huh?" he asked, his two underlings trailing behind him.

I nodded towards the woman, who thanked me and ran away.

"A girl. Are you blind? Can't you see?"
"We'll just have you then, missy," he exclaimed.
"Shall I call my parents? You'll be in big trouble then."
"And what can they do to us?"
"They own most of the Ferrari companies in Japan."
"You're bluffing."
"Are you willing to find out if I am?"
"Who cares? You won't be able to call them if we silence you."

I dodged as he ran towards me and attempted to grab me. Kicking his back, I managed to make him stumble back but it hardly did anything to his tough exterior.

His friends caught me on either side, holding onto my arms. I pulled and pulled, but neither budged in the slightest. The darkness hung over my mind, its crooked fingers stroking my skin.

The leader placed two fingers under my chin, his foul alcoholic breath making me scowl. I spat on his face, flames of fury visible in my fierce gaze.


He grabbed my chin, his frustration powered by his drunkenness. The red veins in his eyes pulsed angrily, his nostrils flaring. Utilising my acting skills, I pretended as if such a thing did not affect me.

"How are you not scared right now?" he asked in a low tone.
"Do I have to be scared by a stupid drunkard?"

His other hand gripped my waist, slowly moving upwards as I struggled to get free. The crowded street was just a few metres away but no seemed to notice.

My ears perked as I heard his voice. Recognition flashed before my eyes despite the fact that this voice was somewhat muffled by a mask. Inhaling a big gulp of air, I let out a yell.

"Ryuu, over here! Help!"

I thrashed around, trying to turn my body. My arms were soon freed as he punched the two holding me captive, dragging them away from my body. Now that I was free, I swung my foot into the leader's privates.

"Let's go," said Ryuu.

He found my hand and hurriedly pulled me away. He didn't ask nor pry. He didn't say anything as walked away from that hideous place.

"Thank you, and sorry."
"*sigh* How did you even get yourself in such a situation? What if I wasn't there? Please be more careful in the future. Gaku'll flip out if you're hurt," he replied.
"Sorry. Are you going home?"

I checked my phone, seeing two missed calls from Tsumugi and another two from Gaku-nii.

"Where are you going?" he asked.
"To Gaku-nii's granddad's soba place."
"I'll take you there."

Nodding slightly, I quietly thanked him as we walked in silence. The cold air stuck to my skin as my feet trudged back to the soba place. Ryuu placed his jacket over my shoulders, smiling gently before taking his leave.

I looked through the windows, noticing Gaku-nii pacing back and forth in the back kitchen. I would have to apologise later. Entering the little store, I put on a smile as I sat down.

"Where were you? We were worried when you weren't answering your phone," Tsumugi exclaimed, taking my hand in hers.
"Oh, my phone ran out of battery and I met an old friend after my phone call. We talked for a while. I'm sorry for worrying you all."

I bowed deeply in apology as everyone stared at me. Sogo was the first to break the suffocating silence that followed, putting on a gentle smile as I looked up.

"We ordered your food for you. Hope you like (fave soba dish). We also decided on a group name while you were gone. What do you think of IDOLiSH7?" he asked.
"It's great!"

I took my seat, carefully folding Ryuu's jacket in my arms.

"That your friend's?" Yamato asked.
"Perhaps your boyfriend," Mitsuki stated with a smirk.
"A-as if!"

The others started to laugh, drawing me in with their happiness. I found myself unable to hold back as laughter overtook me. That was, until a dark aura emitting irritation reached my senses.

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