Chapter 18

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(Y/n)'s POV

Stretching my arms over the balcony railing, I looked across the street, seeing nothing but rows and rows of small units. The sun beat down on my skin as its light rays kissed my face.

Having already decided to help Trigger with their appearance in a variety show later in the day, I was left with nothing but my own leisure time to waste. Sensing movement below me, I immediately spotted a certain raven-haired male walking alongside IDOLiSH7's centre.

Hurriedly heading inside, I shut the glass doors and pulled the curtains closed save for a small gap. What were they doing here? Visiting someone? If they found out about my relationship with Trigger...

A sudden yet light ring caused goosebumps to arise as my gaze dropped to my phone. A message from Riku: We're in your neighbourhood, according to Iori. Which unit do you live in? We were thinking of hanging out...if that's okay with you.

Subconsciously biting my lip, I quickly thought up a reply.

Me: Sure thing. I'll go out to meet you. Where are you right now?

Riku: Near unit (number)

Me: There's a park at the end of the street. I'll meet you there in five mins

Riku: Okay

I grabbed my black jacket and (f/c) bag from the couch before slipping into knee-high laced boots, running a hand through my hair to rid it of unwanted knots. Locking the door behind me, I started making my way to the park.

The walk was short, the birds' melodies like a calming breeze brushing past my ears. Riku waved as soon as he saw me, a casual smile on his face. Iori simply nodded as an acknowledgement of my arrival.

"The others already have plans so it's just us three," exclaimed Riku.
"Okay, what do you two have planned?"
"Let's go to Shibuya."
"Are you an idiot? It's the weekend. There'll be tonnes of people," Iori replied.
"So what? It's got to be fun."
"I don't associate waiting in line with fun."
"Hmph, suit yourself. I'll just go with (Y/n) then."
"Unfortunately, I can't leave her in your hands. You're better off being looked after than looking after others."

I began walking, indirectly making the two stop arguing as they caught up. I let a smile slip onto my face as the two faced each other and grinned softly. How quickly they made up...

~When you arrive~

After our arrival, Riku immediately dragged us to the street food stores, eager to try all that Shibuya had to offer. I found myself smiling, his enthusiasm and excitement fuelling my happiness.

I slipped my hand into Iori's as Riku pulled me along by the sleeve, blushing slightly when he tightened his fingers around mine. What was happening to me? I always held hands with Trigger like it was no big deal...

"(Y/n), this is delicious. Try one," Riku said with a mouth full of takoyaki.
"Don't talk when you eat. You're not a kid," Iori reprimanded.

I laughed as Riku pouted, holding one out for me to try. Eh? Did he intend to feed me?! Noticing my reluctance, Iori took the toothpick from Riku and ate it himself.

"Hey! That was for (Y/n)!"

As soon as I opened my mouth to talk, Riku shoved one in, smiling innocently as he waited for me to chew. I held back a cough as I swallowed the food.

"Heh, was it good?"

Iori rubbed my back as I coughed, glaring at the redhead who simply pretended to take an interest in something other than my conspicuous irritation.

Someone unexpectedly shoved me, making me stumble into Iori's arms. I soon became enchanted in his dark eyes, losing myself in the moment as everything around us slowed into nothingness.

Red stained my cheeks. Quickly looking away, I steadied myself and muttered an apology. I didn't wait for a reply as I left his warm arms and followed Riku down the busy street.

"Have you always been so easygoing? You seem to get along with everyone..."

I wavered. Did I trust Iori enough to tell him the truth? Or was it...still too big to give up to a single person?...

"I guess I've just always been like this. Of course, there were certain things that influenced my behaviour, like expectations from some people."

Iori's POV

My hand moved of its own accord as it intertwined its fingers with (Y/n)'s. I felt her gently, hesitantly, return the gesture yet could feel her questioning gaze on me.

"D-don't misunderstand. There's a lot of people. It'll be a hassle if we get separated."
"Heh, of course. What else did you expect me to be thinking?" she teased.

My blush turned a darker shade of red as I quickly evaded her question. A melodious giggle escaped her lips as she watched my reaction. How could she be so cute?...

"On that note, we lost Riku," she exclaimed.

I looked around only to notice that he indeed was gone. I sighed, knowing that something like this would've happen sooner or later. She called him on her phone, giving him instructions as soon as he picked up. It was questionable how she wasn't already a manager.

"He's waiting in front of (store name). Let's go," she said.

I followed her as she navigated through the large crowds and winding roads, her grip on my hand only tightening as we hurried past numerous groups.

Biting back a blush and some overwhelming thoughts, I let her lead me to our destination. Her gaze suddenly turned to the side, a male with a cap and mask on returning it with an almost affectionate look as she broke contact.

The fleeting moment was gone within a second, like it never happened. I found myself asking who the stranger was despite not wanting to seem rude for prying into her personal life.

"...a friend..."

Her voice was so faint I could barely hear her.

"He's my brother's friend," she said again.
"Oh? You could've said hello."
"He was probably out on an errand for the company. I don't want to disturb his work."

The way they had looked at each other...I could tell that their bond was definite. Were they just incredibly close or was there something that led to that undeniable reliance on each other?

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