Chapter 102

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(Y/n)'s POV

As the fanmeet was nearing its end, I walked on stage, my heels clicking on the cold floor. My light hair was fashioned into large curls cascading over my shoulders, my makeup kept light and natural.

The (f/c) miniskirt swayed as I moved, the cropped shirt exposing my shoulders and flowing down to large, open sleeves. I held the microphone up to my lips and nonchalantly greeted the fans that had come to see IDOLiSH7.

"Omg, isn't that Gaku's sister?!"
"Hey, didn't she get an offer from that American director?"
"She's so mysterious."

Momo suddenly pulled me into a tight hug, earning a few teasing comments and jealous jests. Iori's subtle gaze penetrated my side, where I turned my head to offer him a suggestive smile. His face immediately flushed red.

"Hey guys, I'm (L/n) (Y/n), but I'm pretty sure you all know that already. I'm here as a host to deliver an exciting message."
"Huh?! We didn't hear anything about this," said Mitsuki.
"It was a surprise."
"So what is this surprise then?" Nagi asked.
"Everyone, I'm sure you're all hyped up to see IDOLiSH7 and Re:vale collaborating together."

The echoing reply of 'yeah' and 'are you kidding' along with other variations reverberated across the area. A charismatic smile graced my face as I continued.

"They'll be doing a concert together very shortly. We hope you'll all enjoy it."
"What?!" the idols asked simultaneously.
"You heard me. Now hurry up and get ready. Your fans are waiting."
"But (Y/n), this is too sudden," Yamato replied.
"I'll do it!" Riku said excitedly.
"Me too!" Momo chimed in.
"Oh? Are you gonna let yourself get outdone by someone younger than you? As the leader, shouldn't you be, you know, leading them...Yamato?"
"Alright, alright."

The audience immediately began laughing. I felt the light, bubbly laughter rise in my throat before joining in with the audience. The others adorned carefree grins as Tamaki and Sogo poked fun at each other.

"(Y/n)-san, we have a question!" exclaimed the fans.

A girl in the front stood up, drawing all the attention to her stature. She cleared her throat before beginning.

"We've all been curious about this for some time. Are you dating Iori? Did he already break up with Naomi? We heard about what happened."

I hid my trembling hand behind my back, hiding all insecurities behind a smiling facade. My relationship with Iori had to remain a secret, least we cause an uproar.

Before I could open my mouth to answer the girl's questions, Iori suddenly grasped my arm and spoke in my stead.

"Yes, we are dating. I did break up with Naomi, and I'm glad I did. I'm pretty sure (Y/n) was hoping to keep this a secret to keep scandalous reports from chasing after us but I don't want to hide from it any longer. her. Please..."

Accept us. His hand slipped down to hold mine, his head bowed towards the audience. A ripple of murmurs filled the room, swallowing the silence that followed. I found myself holding my breath.

"Then we hope you look after her, Iori. Also, (Y/n)-san, if you ever dump him, we'll be snatching him away so don't let go of his hand."

Tears brimmed my eyes, but the soft water droplets disappeared as a mask of gratitude replaced my sentimental breakdown. A charming smile graced my face as I thanked IDOLiSH7's fans for their support.

~Timeskip to the concert~

The vibrant energy emitting from the concert was overwhelming. Loud cheers reverberated across the arena, colourful spotlights twirled around the stage, upbeat music blasted through the speakers.

The nine idols jumped on stage, instigating a sudden increase in noise. Tsumugi suddenly tapped me on the shoulder, an apologetic smile on her face as she held up a pile of paperwork.

I took the documents from her, managing a nonchalant grin before sighing in defeat. Glancing once more at the idols singing and dancing on stage, I made my way to a spare table to begin this tedious task.

My phone rang, Gaku-nii's name appearing on screen. I answered whilst still scribbling notes on paper and signing things off. His voice immediately lit a smile in my eyes.

"Yo," he greeted.
"Don't you have work?"
"I'm taking a short break. Anyway, that's not what I called you to say. Tenn's going over."
"Over where?"
"To where you are. He's been told by that arrogant father of ours to join. 'Can't have you guys stealing all the glory,' is what he said."
"*sigh* Seriously? I mean, I don't mind but..."
"Anesagi sent all the paperwork to you."
"I knew it. Even if I'm not officially your assistant manager anymore, she still works me to the bone as if I'm her subordinate."
"Good luck. Bye."
"See you tonight."

I checked the long email Anesagi sent, and couldn't help but let out an irritated groan. With the desire to get this done as soon as possible, I set to work and limited my focus to the task in front of me.

IDOLiSH7 and Re:vale had gotten through three songs before two hands were placed on my shoulders. Tenn happily greeted me, giving my shoulders a slight squeeze to ease the tension.

"You need a rest," he exclaimed.
"I don't want to hear that coming from you."
"*laughs* Fair enough."
"You came here as soon as you finished your photoshoot, right?"
"Looks like they're gesturing for you to get ready."
"Alright, see you later."
"Don't push yourself too hard."

He waved as he was walking away, as if to dispel my worries. I followed his movements until he was on stage with everyone else, where Momo threw an arm around his shoulders.

"Are you all ready for another round?!" Yamato asked.
"Yeah!" replied the fans.

Iori met my gaze for a brief moment, somewhat startling me. His lips eased into a smile as I found myself wandering over to the edge to watch their performance.

"You really love watching their concerts, don't you?"

I turned around to face Re:vale's manager.

"Yep, they're amazing."
"Why don't you simply buy a ticket and watch in the audience?" he asked.
"What, with that work? Not a chance." I gestured to the piles of documentation.
"Let me handle that."
"You don't seem like you've watched many of their concerts other than from backstage."
"That doesn't give me the right to push the work onto someone else."
"Then let yourself indulge in this opportunity just this time."

He swiftly made his way to the desk before I could argue back. A soft sigh was replaced by an eager smile as I turned back to watch their ethereal singing.

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