Chapter 104

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(Y/n)'s POV

Tenn and I quietly walked through the lush gardens of the hospital, nonchalantly listening to the soft, airy breeze and the light songs of singing birds. A question, however, weighed heavily on my mind.

" obviously care about Riku, so why don't you just show it?"
"It's not as simple as you think. He thinks I abandoned him so he still willing to act like nothing happened? This is all too..." he almost whispered.
"Tenn, it really is simple. He thinks like that because you're his brother. You've surely shared many fun memories, right? I'm sure both your hearts are aching. Don't think I didn't see you staring worriedly at him when he was unconscious."
"*sigh* (Y/n), you also collapsed, remember? So why were you even there?"
"Come on, I'm fine."

I looked into his large eyes. His lips quirked up into a soft smile as he placed his hand on my head. Before I could reply, he disappeared inside the building, leaving me on my own.

I went to a nearby bench and sat down, staring at the beatifically blooming tree standing in my view. Careless thoughts roamed my mind as it struggled to block out Iori's words. I was...lying...I wasn't doing any good...

Suddenly, a male around my age or a few years older took the seat beside me. He pulled out a cigarette as a girl wearing clothes that seemed too small for her snuggled up against him.

Talk about awkward. I quietly stood up, watching from the corner of my eye as he did as well. The girl pouted, still clinging to his arm like superglue.

"Can you get lost? How many times do I have to tell you I don't want you?!" the male asked, clearly irritated.
"But Hikaru-kun-"
"Shut up."
"But I still-"
"Hey, is that you, Aki?"

He had her completely wrapped around his finger as the conversation was directed to me. He jerked his face up in a pleading look while the girl was focused on me, to which I internally sighed.

"I see you're still being chased by your ex's."
"Come on, don't be like that, sweetheart," he replied.
"You and I have some unfinished business."

I grabbed him by the arm and roughly pulled him away from the girl who was now staring at me with angry, vengeful eyes. When we had reached cover from her prying gaze, I let go of him and raised an eyebrow.

"Thanks for that," he said.
"No problem."
"Wanna go out some time?"
"I have a boyfriend."
"And where is this boyfriend of yours?"
"'s complicated."
"Oh? I hate owing people so let me help you out."
"Thanks but no thanks. I'll sort it out myself."
"Right, the perfect plan is to make him jealous."

My frown suddenly turned into laughter. His smile turned even more casual at the sight of my somewhat uplifted mood. I noticed Iori in the gardens we had just left, making the male follow my gaze.

"Is that him?" he asked.
"Alright, come on."
"Hang on, I didn't-"

He was already leading me into the gardens, where he suddenly pushed me against a tree. On the inside, my heart began beating with worry yet my face had naturally sculpted into a reflection of cool indifference.

"Show some expression on your face. It'll make this more believable," he whispered against my ear.

I finally let the anxiety show through bit by bit. His smirk was all I needed to know that Iori was making his way over. His hand came to tilt my chin up before Iori's sharp voice pierced through the loud pulse in my ears.

"What do you think you're doing?"
"Geez man, no need to get all fired up. I was just playing around," replied the male.
"Then play around with some other girl. Don't lay a hand on her again."
"Alright, whatever you say, hotstuff."

He walked away, turning back to flash a quick wink before disappearing around the corner. Iori continued to stare at me, his eyes asking a silent question. Can I go to you?

I took the necessary steps and pulled him into a tight embrace. His arms immediately wrapped around my body as if I'd fly away if he didn't hold on. I enjoyed his warmth for the time we stood against each other.

"You were jealous."
"N-No, I wasn't," he answered.
"You're no good at lying."
"...I know. (Y/n), I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, I'm sorry too."

I lifted my head, smiling as he gazed at me with a multitude of emotions cutting through his sorrowful eyes. I leaned up and placed my lips upon his, capturing this moment in a passionate kiss.

His hands came up to cradle my head as he deepened the kiss, licking my bottom lip, sending shivers down my spine. I lost myself in the seemingly endless moment before he eventually pulled away.

"Should we go back?" he asked softly.
"Isn't that why you came out here to look for me?"
"I wanted to apologise."
"Well, apology accepted."
"Hey, don't let other guys touch you again."
"Good to know you're still infatuated with me."
"I-I wouldn't put it like that..."
"Then how else would you put it?"
"...come on, let's go back."

A giggle escaped my lips as he pointedly avoided the question. I intertwined our fingers, remaining completely oblivious to the person sneaking up behind us.

I jumped back as Momo yelled 'boo' behind me, sending him a glare as he doubled over in laughter. Yuki offered an apologetic smile while the laughing male soon calmed down.

"(Y/n)-chan, we're having a party tonight!" Momo exclaimed excitedly.
"A party?"
"We're going to their place apparently. It was decided last minute," said Mitsuki.
"But I don't think your brother's coming. He said he wanted to take our manager on a date," Tamaki added.
"I see..."
"Hey, isn't Mikki the only one that's left? You're dating Iori, and Gaku's already with our manager. He needs to get a girlfriend."
"W-well, excuse me for not finding true love!"

I began laughing at their light banter, feeling more at ease as time went by. I'd never replace them for anything. They were my true family.

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