Chapter 69

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Tenn's POV

The new female staff snuck glances and longing looks towards the three of us as we got ready to wrap up the show. The camera panned in as the director motioned for us to look. I flashed my signature smile and winked before it was over.

We thanked the staff for their hard work and headed to the dressing room. Gaku immediately collapsed on the couch, putting an arm over his eyes as he let out a long sigh. A show focusing on innocence and cute icons must've been difficult for him.

"I wonder if (Y/n)'s still working," exclaimed Ryuu.
"She's out with Momo," Gaku replied tiredly.

Anesagi suddenly stalked into the room, sighing when her eyes landed on Gaku's exhausted form. Ryuu and I exchanged smiles as she kicked him and made room for herself.

"The girl's father is going to be coming back soon. She'll go back to her normal routine," she informed.
"About time..." Gaku muttered under his breath.
"Well, you guys are finished for today. Don't forget, your concert's in two weeks. I'd expect only the best from top idols."
"We won't disappoint," I replied.
"I know you won't."

Someone knocked on the door. I went to answer it only to be met by surprise. That girl...the one who was acting in IDOLiSH7's new drama. Naomi, if I remembered correctly.

"Is there something we can help you with?"
"Um...well..." she stumbled.
"Come inside."

I moved aside to let her in. She quickly moved inside after quietly thanking me. Gaku had changed his position so that now he was sitting up, his eyes trailing her every move.

Of course...he'd be wary of her. She was the reason for his sister's pain, yet she seemed oblivious to the darkness plaguing her friend. Ryuu offered her a seat to which she grateful took.

"I want to ask about (Y/n)," she exclaimed softly.
"Why? Did something happen?" Gaku asked, worry hidden in his voice.
"How is she? I haven't had the chance to talk to her much. Tamaki's worried about her. So is everyone else, but Iori seems to get a little awkward when it comes to her. I thought, because you guys are really close to her, that you'd be able to tell me what happened. I don't want to see (Y/n) hurt."

Damn, I didn't know how to respond to that. Numerous lies and small reassurances almost slipped past my lips but I held them back. She had come all the way here to search for a proper answer...and it wasn't one I could give.

"I'm sorry to break it to you but she's definitely doing a lot worse than before," Gaku answered, his voice all steel and ice.
"Eh? Is there anything I can do to help? I-"
"What he means is she's just exhausted from work. Nothing a little rest can't fix," Ryuu hurriedly added.
"Yeah, so don't worry."

She looked at me, and flashed a smile. She knew we were lying. I almost wanted to let out a dry, hollow laugh. Anesagi showed her out before we all let out a breath.

(Y/n)'s POV

I walked alongside Momo as we slowly made our way through the park. Leaves rustled in the cool, afternoon breeze. Birds sang their beautiful melodies. Everything seemed perfect...yet I wondered how it would feel if Iori was here instead...

Momo's eyes lit up in a warm smile as he pointed to a stall selling cotton candy. He immediately went over and bought one. My eyes went wide as he came back with a pink fluff of sweet cotton candy twice the size of his head.

"Are you going to finish that by yourself?"
"We're sharing of course!" he said happily.

I ripped a piece off and felt the sweet candy melt in my mouth. Momo pulled his mask down and took a small amount for himself, flashing a grin once noticing the small smile forming on my face.

"We should get going. Yuki's waiting for us."
"Huh? Where?"
"You'll see."

He held out a hand, which I took after a moment's hesitation. I was led to the bus stop. His eyes held a mischievous glint as our bus sped along the road.

The skyscrapers became more frequent, the net screens displaying ads from popular brands and new movie trailers. Into the city, huh? He chucked the cotton candy stick in the bin before leading me towards a luxurious restaurant.

A waiter was waiting by the entrance, seemingly for Momo's arrival. His face portrayed no emotion as we were showed to a table on the top floor of the building. No one was here, except for Yuki.

The night view of the glistening city revealed itself like the finale of a movie as we took our seats by the window. A smile tugged at Yuki's lips as he greeted us.

"We reserved this whole place so it'll just be us for tonight," Momo exclaimed.
"Eh?! Why would you..."
"It's no big deal. Let's order."

The food of high end restaurants was nothing unfamiliar to me yet there were times when I wished for simple street food. Whilst Momo waved the waited over, Yuki grabbed my attention with a small tug on my hand.

"Momo was worried about you, you know," he said quietly.
"He was?"
"So just let him pamper you for tonight. He's a regular here so I'm sure he'll order something great."
"*smiles* Alright."

Momo turned to face us once he had finished placing our orders. He looked between Yuki and I before frowning in confusion. We simply burst out in light laughter.

"Ne (Y/n)-chan, I heard from Gaku that you can take alcohol quite well."
"*sigh* That brother..."
"Unfortunately I can't order you alcohol here but I got you a super yummy mock tail."
"Thanks. By the way, Yuki said you were a regular here?"
"Yep, I come here whenever I wanna be alone."
"It never occurred to me that you'd like places like this."
"*laughs* I figured."

We exchanged smiles before settling into an eased conversation for the rest of the night, unaware that our friends were subtly drowning in an ocean of stress.

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