Chapter 36

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(Y/n)'s POV

Tension hung in the air as I stepped inside Mr Takanashi's office. His expression was grim, as was the others. Tsumugi came to my side, taking a hold of my sleeve with nervous anxiety as I slowly walked to her father's desk.

"I came as soon as I was discharged. What's the problem?"
"I want Sogo and Tamaki to debut," replied Mr Takanashi.
"Just the two of them?"
"Your father has already made a move, and I don't intend to give in to him. They will debut as a sub unit of IDOLiSH7."
"But..." Riku began.
"I don't want to do this," Sogo argued.
"(Y/n), what do you think?" Tsumugi asked.
"...I would urge you to debut, but as long as everyone's okay with it. The others will also work hard to promote themselves more. I'll make sure of it."
"I trust that you will. Please also help Tsumugi," Mr Takanashi exclaimed.

Sogo placed a hand on my arm, touching my bruise beneath the fabric of my sleeve. Despite the pain spreading like poison through my arm, I plastered a warm smile on my face.

"You've just gotten discharged," he said.
"Yeah, and I'm fine."

I took his hand into my own, relieving the pain piercing my arm.

"Who do you think I am? I will definitely help the others. You won't be leaving them behind."
"Um, I want us to have a new name. IDOLiSH7 is for the seven of us. I don't want to use that name if it's just the two of us," Tamaki said.
"Yes, I've already thought of that. You two will use the name 'MEZZO'," Mr Takanashi answered.

Although it was hard to come to terms with, the others neither argued nor complained any more. I dug my nails into my palms, frustrated that I had let popularity between members slip my mind. This wouldn't happen again.

"Sogo, Tamaki, I need to speak with you two. Everyone else may go."

Tsumugi smiled and put a thumbs up as I acquiesced to her father's request. Everyone followed me outside, and into their practice room as I pondered over their next course of action.

Other than advertising and marketing, appearing on TV programs and doing mini concerts would increase their fanbase and support. If no offers came in, then I would just have to make an opportunity for them.

"Hey (Y/n)?"
"Yeah Nagi?"
"Are you okay?"
"Why are you asking me? I'm fine, but more importantly, are you guys..."
"You were only let out from the hospital today, right? You were kidnapped and you're already worrying about us..." Mitsuki began.

Although his concern for my wellbeing was sincere, I couldn't help but notice the twinge of insecurity hidden in his eyes. I had heard about their difference in ranking in terms of popularity and he had most likely figured it out himself.

"Mitsuki, I'm fine. If anyone asks me that again, I'll personally rip out your throat."
"Y-yes ma'am!"

Iori held my hand and rolled my sleeve up, revealing the one stubbornly large bruise that refused to heal. Pointedly sending a look of irritation, I moved my arm but his grip was like iron.

"What was that about being fine?" he asked.
"I am fine. It doesn't hurt."
"Oh really?"
"Positive. Don't believe me? Try me."

He hesitated. I challenged his reluctant gaze with one of defiance.

"Scared that you'll hurt me? Don't make assumptions when you don't even have the courage to see it through to the end."
"H-how about we do some practice?" Yamato suggested.

I received a call from someone, leaving me unable to reply to his question. Quickly excusing myself, I headed outside and answered it. The voice on the other end almost made my ears pop but I greeted him with a simple hello.

"(Y/n)-chan, I think there's been a mess up in the schedule. You see, Re:vale's supposed to appear in Trigger's music video but the female lead can't come and-"
"Hold on, slow down a little, Momo. You two are doing a collab with Trigger on their new song, right? And the song centres around falling in love with the wrong girl, but you're having trouble finding a new female lead for the part?"
"Yes, exactly! Trigger's manager is busy handling everything else and asked me to call you-"
"Oi (Y/n), you there? Get over here already," Gaku-nii exclaimed.
"But I can't just-"
"Hurry up."

The call ended. A soft sigh escaped my lips. I entered the room, making everyone turn their heads towards me. Putting on a smile, I told them their plan for today.

"Alright, let's go to Trigger and Re:vale's music video shooting."
"Come on, it'll be a good experience. It's urgent for me and Tsumugi's taking care of Tamaki and Sogo, so let's go."

The five of them stared at me like I had just told them a terrible joke. Without waiting for a reply, I opened the door and left. As expected, they followed me despite the scepticism and hesitance clouding their faces.

~When you arrive~

Gaku-nii immediately ushered me over to the director and stylists who were currently in a heated discussion with Anesagi. They immediately stopped upon our interruption, with the director raising an eyebrow while giving me a quick glance.

"Here's our female lead," Gaku-nii announced.
"Who is this?" asked the director.
"A friend who owes me a favour."
"Surely she passes your high expectations?"
"Mmhmm, I approve. Now hurry up, we don't have much time."

The five members of IDOLiSH7 stared with wide eyes as I retreated into the dressing room. Of course, such a reaction was expected. I was only a mere assistant who has become a temporary female lead in Trigger and Re:vale's long awaited music video.

The stylists pulled clothes over and began rearranging them into fashionable outfits. The seamstress made quick adjustments to the size before I was told to put them on.

If father found out...when he found out, I wouldn't be expecting anything pleasant. However, I prayed that it wasn't anything too serious.

"You have a few bruises on your arms..." commented the head stylist.
"I'm afraid I was being somewhat clumsy yesterday. I tripped over a table. Please forgive my reckless behaviour."
"*sigh* Well, it can't be helped. We'll just have to make do. Let's get your hair and makeup done."

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