Happy Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

The sunlight shifted through the curtains, poking warmth against my exposed skin. I stretched my arms, staring at the bland ceiling of my room. The sky outside seemed clear, perfect for going out but I had yet to decide what to do.

My phone suddenly began ringing as I grudgingly rolled over to answer it. My finger hit the answer button instinctively before I put it on speaker to save the trouble of having to hold it to my ear.

"Hello, (Y/n) speaking."
"(Y/n)-chan, it's me."
"Oh, Tamaki. You're up early."
"I was threatened by So-chan."
"They told me to tell you that we're going out."
"Out where?"
"To the beach. Yamato said he also wanted to go to the hot springs but that's just because he's an old man."
"Oi, I heard that!" Yamato yelled.
"*laughs* Alright, I'll meet up with you guys later."
"Tell Trigger to come too. Bye."

Someone knocked on the door before coming in. I immediately ducked under the covers as Ryuu pulled the curtains back. He chuckled as he watched me peek out from the corner of the blanket.

"Gaku already heard from them. Come on, get up. We're leaving soon," he exclaimed.
"But it's still morning..."
"And that's exactly why you should be getting up."
"Also, I made breakfast."
"I'm up."

He simply grinned knowingly as I headed outside and took a seat beside Gaku-nii. His hand picked up the coffee mug before I took the cup from him and drank to wake myself up.

"I was just about to drink that, idiot," he said.
"We all have to make sacrifices."
"Tch, whatever."

~At the beach~

The sand tickled my toes as I dug my feet into its softness, the light wind whipping my braid. The water was crystal clear, its surface glistening under the sun.

Tsumugi and I settled near a palm tree, with its large leaves providing enough shelter for our belongings. I took off the large shirt I borrowed from my brother, folding it neatly against my bag.

"Come on, Tsumugi. You're not going to be swimming in all those clothes, are you?"
"I-I'm fine here so..."
"I want to see your swimmers. I bet Gaku-nii'll fall for you all over again."
"They're not..."

Tamaki suddenly tugged on my hand, gently pulling towards the ocean. I turned back to give Tsumugi a stern look. That was when Gaku-nii brushed past, making me smirk in return to her blushing face.

Iori met my gaze as Tamaki let me go to annoy Mitsuki. His eyes looked away, his cheeks turning a bright red as he feigned ignorance to the colour coating his face. I headed closer until we were almost touching, putting on a charismatic smile to bring his gaze to meet mine.

"You're blushing."
"You're just seeing things," he replied.
"I love you."

A giggle escaped my mouth. He suddenly buried my face in his bare chest as his arm came to wrap around my head. I could hear the splash of water behind me as light droplets prickled my skin.

"It was Nagi who threw the water balloon!" said Mitsuki.
"No, it was Tamaki!" argued Nagi.
"Oh this is so on!"

I stole a water balloon from Tamaki and aimed it at Nagi's face. He narrowly avoided the projectile before throwing one towards me. I quickly grabbed Ryuu's arm and used his toned body to shield me.

"H-hey, don't drag me into this!"
"Too late now. There're too distracted by your muscles to do anything. I'm going to make my escape."
"*blush* Wha- (Y/n)!"

I reached for Iori's hand and headed for the shore, keeping a keen eye on the progress Gaku-nii was making with Tsumugi. A soft smile graced my face as a blush immediately ran down her cheeks before he leaned in to kiss her.

I quickly snapped a picture and sent him the photo. Iori raised an eyebrow, making me put a finger to my lips. The trees shielded us from the scorching sun as we took a seat in the shade.

Iori's POV

I glanced at (Y/n) watching the others play around in the ocean. Her long lashes fluttered against her eyes, her lips eased into a soft smile. The heartache I had caused her suddenly flashed through my mind, leaving me with nothing but overwhelming guilt.

I clenched my fists, glad she wasn't looking my way to see the senseless guilt concealed in my eyes. She tilted her head to the side, watching a small butterfly fly overhead.

"Hey Iori."

(Y/n) turned her head before her lips met mine in a long kiss. She placed her hands on my chest, deepening the kiss before eventually pulling away. Strangely enough, I longed for her even more.

"Why do you look at me with such a sad face?" she asked softly.
"I'm not..."
"You already apologised enough."
"...(Y/n), I love you."

I reached for her hand, wanting to savour more of her warmth. She smiled that smile of hers, the smile that made my heart melt every time. I wished for this moment to last forever.

Niisan suddenly gestured for us to get up, mouthing something like 'get lunch'. (Y/n) stood up, pulling me with her. I followed her to her bag, where her brother was leaning against it.

"Oi, move your fat ass so I can get my bag," she exclaimed.
"Well, you were the one who put it where this fat ass brother of yours was gonna sit," he retorted.
"*smiles* Nii-chan, nobody can predict the future so if you'll kindly get lost, I'd really appreciate it."
"Also, delete the photo from your phone."
"No way."
"Then no bag."
"Fine, no deletion of photo."
"Oh Gaku, I have her phone. She lent it to me earlier," said Tenn.

Her brother got up before (Y/n) reached for the bag and escaped whilst yelling a 'thanks Tenn'. I glanced back to see Tenn avoid a handful of sand Gaku had thrown at him.

(Y/n) tugged on the oversized shirt, which I guessed was her brother's, before smiling at me. I returned the gesture, letting out a laugh as I pictured the events again.

"Where are we going for lunch?" she asked Sogo as he caught up.
"I don't know, they just told us to buy something good," he replied.
"So-chan, I want king pudding," said Tamaki.
"That's not proper food."

I pulled (Y/n) back a little, whispering gently into her ear. She almost leaned into my embrace, making me wrap my arms around her.

"I have a surprise for you later. Look forward to it."

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