Chapter 68

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Mr Junichiro, I'm offering you a deal. Your cooperation or your future."
"Tch, that damn Yaotome. How the hell did you turn out exactly like him?..."
"Sir, I take it this makes up for my 'incompetence'?"
"...fine! You have yourself a deal. But if I hear any word of that, you won't make it out alive."
"I assure you, I keep my promises when it's in my interest to do so."
"Let's see if you really do."

The line went dead. I let out a long, nervous yet relieved sigh. I didn't think I could pull it off. Playing the part of cruel, malevolent daughter of the president wasn't something I'd want to do again.

My eyes slid upward to look at Iori as he stood waiting by the door. His brows were knitted together, making it seem like he was deep in thought. His eyes were wide yet sharp, gazing around until they finally landed on me. He was...afraid...of me...

I leaned forward and put my chin against my hands, a gracefully practised smile pulling at my lips. He took the hint and walked towards me before setting a cute bag on the desk.

"Niisan made it for you," he said, straight to the point.
"Tell him I said thanks." He nodded.
"So how's everyone doing?"

I moved to the leather couch and gestured for him to sit. He silently obliged, his eyes never leaving my face. I held his gaze, unwilling to yield. It broke my heart to look him in the eye, knowing that he belonged to another girl...

"It's tiring at times but we're all doing fine," he finally replied.
"I see."
"What about you?"
"Are you...doing alright?"
"Yeah, I'm as good as new."

I stood up as he mimicked my action. We both moved to the door. A tense silence drenched the air as neither of us moved to open it. I found myself noting every feature of his face, from his eyes to his nose to his slightly parted lips.

He was this close to me...yet so unreachable. I let out a small, almost inaudible gasp as he slammed his hand on the wall behind me. His gaze seemed almost frantic...pleading.

"Must you continue to do this? I can't take this anymore..." he murmured in frustration.

I remained silent as his other hand reached out, his fingers a centimetre away from touching my face. My heart began pounding. I could hear his ragged breathing, I could see the confusion in his expression.

His eyes widened before he immediately pulled away. A small part of me yearned for his warmth, even if it was a little twisted. Yet the logical side of me knew that he would never belong to...

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know what- I should go," he exclaimed.

Before I could even manage a reply, he was out the door. The tears finally fell, marking the pain of my heart. I collapsed onto the floor and closed my eyes, seeing his face flash once more in my mind.

I loved him. I loved him so much that it hurt my heart. Was I blessed or cursed for having to experience this painful love? My phone suddenly began ringing, pulling me out of the land of sorrowful confessions.

"Hello, this is (L/n) (Y/n) speaking."
"It's me, Momo. I need your help with something. It's really urgent!"
"Momo? What is it?"
"Our manager caught a sudden cold!"
"There's something I really wanna buy but I can't without consent. It needs to be under company expenses."
"I'm sorry, I don't think I have the authority to-"
"No, that's perfectly fine. As long as I have someone here to witness the transaction."
"And what is this item that you really want?"
"You'll see when you get here."

A deep sigh left my mouth. One thing after another. When would I be able to rest? I walked back to my desk and called father's temporary secretary inside with the phone. She was here within a minute.

"Yes ma'am?"
"Look after the company while I'm gone. It won't take too long...hopefully."
"Yes ma'am. And your lunch?"

I glanced at the bag on the desk.

"I'll take it with me. Thanks."
"Have a safe trip."

She bowed as I left. Momo had forwarded me the address with a message telling me to hurry up. Geez, that slave driver. Clutching Mitsuki's homemade lunch in one hand and my small backpack in the other, I made my way to the entrance.

An elegantly gleaming silver car pulled up to the driveway. Father even had a personal driver. How convenient. I could get used to this. The chauffeur opened the door before I climbed inside.

~Some time later~

I rubbed my eyes, unable to believe what I was seeing or hearing. Momo strolled happily by my side with his new video game swaying in a bag held in his hand.

"So you're telling me you lied and said that it was for your job as an idol so that you could get one of the limited editions?"
"Yep! B-but it's not like I did it just for myself! We need to pretend to be playing a video game in our next music video so..." he replied with his gaze averted and pink dusting his cheeks.
"I wonder what Yuki'll say when he finds out."
"Nooo! Anything but that!"
"Well, he's going to whether you like it or not."
"I can just say it was a present from you. Ne, you don't hate me, do you?"

A laugh escaped my lips before I knew it was happening. A small weight lifted off my shoulders. The difference was conspicuously noticeable, almost pushing me to the verge of tears.

Momo's smile fell, his steps faltered. He leaned down to peek in my face, no doubt noticing the moment of sorrow flashing across my features. I immediately donned a nonchalant, happy smile to ease his worry.

"Is today your day off?"
"Yeah- hey, want to go to the amusement park?" he asked excitedly.
"I'm still working."
"But I can find some time in the late afternoon."
"Alright, leave it to me! I'll plan everything out. Be ready for our date, (Y/n)-chan."
"Yep, a date between two best friends. Why? Did you think I meant something else?" he asked with a smirk.
"Of course any normal person would assume the same thing I did."
"*laughs* I'm just kidding. Then see you later."

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