Chapter 103

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(Y/n)'s POV

The boys had been held back by their fans' continual request for an encore, yet they were all the more happy to be able to provide happiness for everyone.

I had returned to the measly amount of paperwork left, most of it finished by Re:vale's manager before he had to leave for a meeting. My mind felt a little hazy, the effects of a small headache taking over.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" asked Tsumugi.
"Of course I am. Worry about yourself more."

She hadn't detected the slight strain in my voice nor the way my eyes had gone out of focus for a split second. She had trusted my carefree smile and light attitude.

I hurriedly exited the area, and shut the door behind me. What was happening to me? Was this just from overworking? My legs swayed before I collapsed against the side of the hallway.

The vision in my eyes wavered continuously, flickering in and out of focus. The headache pulsed beneath my skull, drumming a dull, subtly painful rhythm against my head.

I needed some medicine, and most likely some sleep. I needed to go home. My eyes closed as I took in a deep breath. Unexpectedly, steady hands found my arms as my body was eased to lean onto theirs.

"You're too young to be getting so sick," Gaku-nii exclaimed, his voice close to my ear.
"W-what are you doing here?"
"I came over after my work finished. I didn't expect to find you half-dead in the hallway."

It was too difficult to answer. My eyelids fluttered closed, my breathing light and shallow. Gaku-nii's voice became faint as he said my name over and over, the wisps of worry etched in between. My mind went blank.

Gaku's POV

(Y/n) collapsed in my arms. My mouth drew into a thin line as I hooked an arm under her legs and the other onto her upper body to lift her. Her face was flushed, her eyes squeezed tightly shut as if trying to push out the world.

I entered the backstage area, managing to catch everyone's attention with (Y/n) unconscious in my arms. They immediately resumed their work after my unintentional glare met their wondering gazes.

"G-Gaku! What happened?" Tsumugi asked.
"I'm taking her to the hospital. This one never tells anyone when she's unwell. She probably didn't even realise it herself."
"Please do. I'll wrap things up here."
"Thanks. I'll see you later?"
"Worry about your sister first! Come on, she can't wait forever."
"Tch, you better be free on the weekend."

A soft blush coated her cheeks as she averted her gaze. Cute. She suddenly had her hands on my back as I let myself be pushed towards the door, knowing fully well that she couldn't make me budge even if she used her strength.

~A few hours later~

I held (Y/n)'s hand in my own, wondering when she'd wake up. The door opened as everyone piled in and filled the suite room. From how they were panting, I'd guess that they came straight after the concert.

Iori immediately made his way to the front, his eyes clandestinely worried. His cheeks flushed a slight shade of pink once he noticed my stare, yet I simply moved aside to allow him room to see (Y/n).

Her fingers fluttered as he grasped her hand, her eyes slowly drifting open. She seemed to blink a few times, suddenly realising where she was. Her body was already upright before any of us had any idea what she was doing.

"Oi, you literally fainted on me. You're not allowed to get up."

The skeptical look in her eyes pierced my own. I could tell that her mind was formulating a myriad of arguments just to spite me.

"I'm fine. It was just exhaustion. I need to-"
"No, you're not fine. If you were, you wouldn't have fainted," Iori exclaimed.
"I've been hiding it and no one noticed. Proves I'm fine enough to act."
"You mean fine enough to lie. You can't keep doing this!"
"...oh really?"
"Sorry, that's not what I meant."
"...where's Riku and Tenn?"
"Riku collapsed after the concert. Tenn's with him in another room," Sogo replied quietly.

(Y/n) pushed herself off the bed. I grabbed her arm, forcing her back so that her face was inches away from mine. She forced a glare but I didn't yield to her irritation.

She was my sister, for god's sake! As stubborn and annoying as she was, I couldn't just leave her when she was hurt...I just couldn't. Couldn't she see? Couldn't she notice how I felt whenever she fell ill?

"...I'm sorry, Gaku-nii. I'll take my medicine after checking on Riku, ne?"

She snuck her arms around my waist and pulled me into a warm embrace. In my moment of shock, she quietly escaped the room. Momo was the first to break the silence that followed.

"Awww, little Gaku-chan has gone all frozen," he teased.
"Call me that again and you won't live to see another day."
"That's mean!"
"Well, so much for visiting her," commented Yamato.
"Let's just go to see Riku," Ryuu suggested.
"Iori, are you alright?" Mitsuki asked.
"I'm fine," came the brief reply.

The others left the room, leaving only the two of us inside. Neither of us made any move to leave. I continued to stare at him as he remained lost in his own thoughts.

"You know, you should really apologise to her. She'll probably end up apologising to you too though."
"I'm surprised. You're not as angry as I thought," he replied.
"*sigh* I'm not that scary. Anyway, she's been acting and hiding her pain all her life so don't explicitly bring up its similarities with lying. Don't you love her?"
"I do but-"
"Then there's no thinking about anything. Just do what you usually do."
"...thank you."

Tsumugi teetered at the edge of the room, smiling once noticing the two of us talking. I glanced at the dark-haired male before walking away and taking Tsumugi by the hand.

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