Chapter 99

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(Y/n)'s POV

The constant ringing of my phone woke me from my slumber as I reluctantly pressed the answer button. Anesagi's voice rang loud and clear in my ear, ruining my already irritated mood.

"What are you doing?! I've been calling you for the past five minutes!" she exclaimed in desperation.
"Why? Has something happened?"
"Of course something has happened! We got a call from American director Jason Blackwing (made-up character). He wants you to star in his next movie!"
"Anyway, he's on the way here now. You better come."

With that, she hung up. I hurriedly rushed out of bed, grabbing a pile of clothes from my closet. The toothbrush was in my mouth the minute I finished changing as I began tying my hair in a high ponytail.

Within fifteen minutes, I was pulling on my boots. Ryuu wandered over to the entrance as well, nonchalantly handing over an energy bar. I quickly thanked him but was pulled back by the arm as I attempted to leave.

"I heard about your new job. I was told to bring you there," he said.
"But today's your day off, isn't it?"
"It's yours as well, right?"
"Yeah, well..."
"And besides, your brother'll probably give me an unnecessary lecture about your punctuality if you do end up late while waiting for a bus. I'll drive, now come on."

He started walking towards the carpark without waiting for a reply. I quietly followed the tall male, hopping into the passenger seat while he started the car.

I leaned against my arm as we rode in silence, wondering how such a famous director would know someone like me. Family connections remained a high possibility for this unlikely occurrence.

Who would know someone like him? I noticed Ryuu surreptitiously glancing at me from the corner of my eye. He immediately focused on the road again as the lights turned green.

"You okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, just..."
"I never thought I'd see you so nervous."
"I've never been one to be in the spotlight, you know that. I've-"
"You've helped us countless times before. How's that any different?"
"It's entirely different...because you guys won't be there...I'll be on my own..."
"(Y/n), I don't know if you know this or not but you attract attention whether you like it or not. You don't even need to try."
"Smile. I've always thought that that was your best feature."
"How can you say stuff like that without getting embarrassed?..."

The realisation finally flashed across his eyes. His cheeks flushed a light pink as he coughed, stumbling across his words in a struggle to apologise. I felt myself laughing.

"I-I'm sorry. That's- this isn't what you think," he stuttered.
"I know...but thanks."
"Let's get going."

The air felt cool against my skin, the sun a gentle warmth accompanying the wind. I ignored the paparazzi that had somehow gotten news of the director's sudden appearance in Japan.

Cameras flashed, shining blinding lights in my vision. People shouted, eager to ask questions that I had no intention of answering. Ryuu stayed by my side the entire way, leaving only once Anesagi hurriedly gestured for me to hurry up.

I entered the room where the only person waiting was the director. His slightly greying hair was slicked back without a single strand out of place. His suit was perfect, free of wrinkles despite the fact that he would've gotten off his flight not too long ago.

He turned once I was in front of him, his forest green eyes a reflection of kindness. His lips turned into a smile as he greeted me,  introducing himself mother's friend.

"I'm sorry to startle you like this," he began.
"No, it's fine."
"...I knew your mother. She was a very good friend of mine. I'm sorry about what happened."
"She often talked about you."
"What? Really?"
"I was surprised when I found look just like her."
"It was Isaac who suggested I take you on. You're a good actress like your mother, I've heard."
"I'm flattered but I've still got a lot to learn."
"We've all got lots to learn. So will you accept my offer?"
"Of course!"
"Looks like Isaac won the bet. He said you'd accept straight away but I was sure you'd need more time. Your mother sure did."

This brought a smile to my face. By this time, I was laughing. He began laughing too, seemingly eased by my now carefree aura. The conversation became comfortable as if we were long-time friends.

"Director, I may be like my mother in some ways but I'm my own person."
"You have strength for being so young. However, I've been warned of your...outstanding business capabilities. You better not try any of that with me, missy."
"*laughs* If you have any problem with that, please take it up with my father."
"We'll see. I'll be making the movie in Japan. Isaac mentioned that you and your brother are practically inseparable. It just so happens that this setting'll fit perfectly with my movie so it worked out fine. I look forward to working with you."
"Likewise, director."

The director and I stood up, moving towards the door. Once we exited, he immediately went about his business to finalise the plans for his new movie. He was shown to the upper levels of Yaotome Productions.

Gaku-nij was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed in front of his chest. I immediately pulled him into a long hug, content to stay here like this. He stroked my hair, silently lending me his support.

"Come on, you've been clinging to me for too long," he exclaimed.
"Gaku-nii, thank you."
"Are you okay? You seem pretty out of it."
"Oi (Y/n), I heard the news. Congratulations."

I turned around to find Yamato standing there with a large smile on his face. I returned the gesture with a cheerful smile of my own, grateful for the friends I had. No, they weren't friends. They were family.

"They sent me here to come see you. We're having a celebration tonight," he said.
"What kind of celebration?"
"You'll find out soon. Gaku'll take you there."
"You never told me about this."
"You never asked," Gaku-nii replied with a smirk.
"Tch, jerk."
"I'd prefer humble and princely saviour."
"Yep, total moron."
"Ungrateful sister."
"Badass lunatic."
"Irritating airhead-"
"Alright, enough!" Yamato exclaimed.

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