Chapter 52

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(Y/n)'s POV

My vision blurred yet I forced myself to remain focused on the conversation. My head started to ache. My replies less frequent as the pain worsened and worsened.

Quickly excusing myself from the messy table left untidied from lunch, I headed to the balcony and into the afternoon sun. The sun's warm rays beat down on me as I stared at the various units lining the street.

I couldn't faint from exhaustion did Tenn put up with it every time? The soft wind helped soothe the strain as it blew past. I leaned my chin on my hands as I stared nonchalantly at the cloudless blue sky.

The conversation with father suddenly flew to my mind. I angrily clenched a fist, wondering why he had to come at that moment. Damn him. Now Iori was aware of the disparities within my family...


I glanced at Tenn as he flashed a gentle smile. He stood beside me and mimicked my pose as we both gazed at the street below. The male said nothing, and neither did I. It was just us and the chirping birds.

He pushed my head down to rest on his shoulder. I watched as he unfurled my tightly clenched fist and spread my fingers out. He whispered a soft question, careful not to disturb the peace.

"What happened?"
"...father came."
"He...threatened you, didn't he? In front of Iori."
"So what are you gonna do?"
"I'm not gonna let him get his way. I'll beat him. I'll win someday..."

Iori's POV

I stole glances at the two standing outside, feeling an unreasonable sense of jealousy grow in my chest. They were just friends, I kept reminding himself. Yet...I also wondered why I even bothered to care so much.

"Ne Gaku, are they dating?" Momo asked.
"Huh? No," replied the male.
"They seem close," commented Yuki.

I zoned out of their conversation as I continued to look at the two talking on the balcony. I had wanted to go to her. I had wanted to talk to her. I wanted to ask her about her father...but most importantly, I wanted to let her know that I thought nothing of it. She was still (Y/n)...

"Hey Iori, you seem rather interested in what they're talking about. Are you...jealous perhaps?" Riku teased with a smirk.
"Jealous? In your dreams. Are you sure you're not the one who's jealous because you can't talk to Kujo-san like she does?"
"Hmph, Iori, baka!"
"Oh? You're the one getting all fired up."

I smothered a laugh as Riku pouted and turned away in irritation. Yet our little brawl had not gone unnoticed. It seemed that everyone had been listening and now most were chuckling.

Momo scooted closer, as I politely backed away yet his face inched closer until we remained only a few centimetres apart. I eyed his suspicious behaviour, but he paid no mind to my discomfort.

"Do you actually like (Y/n)-chan like Riku said?" he asked innocently.
"Sunohara-san, you're too close."
"I'm curious too," Gaku chimed in.
"Come on guys, his private life has nothing to do with us," Ryuu exclaimed.
"And yet here we are, spending our day off together," said Yamato.
"Momo-san, to answer your question, it's a definite yes," replied Nagi.
"W-what? Rokuya-san, I-"
"Oh don't worry, Iori. Love can be tough sometimes, especially if the girl you like is dating someone else."
"They aren't dating!" Gaku argued.

I sighed as everyone began adding their own comments and assumptions. Suddenly, a voice fairly close to my ear spoke up as the chatter died down. Startled, I turned to my right only to find (Y/n) grinning at me.

"What're you guys talking about?" she asked.
"Do you like anyone?" Momo questioned.
"Hmm, I do."
"Really? Who?"
"Do you all wanna know?"
"Of course we do!" Riku said.

I watched as a seemingly innocent smile graced her face. She walked away from where she had her hand on the back of my chair and towards the opposite side of the table as everyone waited in anticipation.

"Although he can be a little dense and overly annoying, I wouldn't give him up for anything."

She wrapped her arms around her brother from behind, a teasing smirk plastered on her face as everyone let out a groan. I couldn't help but feel relieved. Even if she didn't like anyone, it was better that I didn't feel jealous if she did...

"Right, let's have dinner at Trigger's dorms. I'll invite Tsumugi along so you don't feel lonely, Gaku-nii," (Y/n) exclaimed.
"Tch, who said anything about feeling lonely?..."

Yet despite saying that, a light pink tinged his cheeks. (Y/n) began gathering the dirty dishes as Yuki stood up to help her. The doorbell rang unexpectedly, making all of us look up in confusion.

I offered to go get the door. The doorbell kept ringing. My hairs stood on end and my heart pounded vigorously. This was suspicious. I opened the door as two men greeted me with a bow.

"May I ask who you are?"
"Is (L/n) (Y/n) with you?" asked one of them.
"Why do you need her?"
"Her father has requested that we bring her back to Yaotome Productions. We have already filed a letter of resignation to her current employer and-"
"Excuse me? Are you two working under my father? Or did he personally hire the two of you from a gang?" (Y/n) asked as she walked up to them.

I clutched her hand, wanting to pull her back, and out of the face of danger. I felt terribly bad about this. She gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"So I'm good to assume you are aware of the reputation our gang has?"
"Of course. You can tell my father that I have no intention of going back entirely. I already work as Trigger's assistant manager."
"We were warned that your response would be like this. I suppose you don't know but we have people overseas. If you don't want harm to go to your mother-"
"You can't..."
"Just try us."

Thankfully, they left without causing us any physical harm. Yet...I worried for the girl now trembling in front of me.

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