Chapter 74

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(Y/n)'s POV

IDOLiSH7 resumed their filming with the members currently on break participating in Re:vale's variety show. I slowly sipped my (f/d), surreptitiously keeping my eye on the director.

Others remained oblivious to the wariness permeating the lively mood; however, the director himself was fully aware of my constant supervision. His assistants tried as best they could to hide him from view but such a feat was almost futile.

"And now, let's talk to IDOLiSH7's assistant manager. So how do you find managing the group?" Momo asked.

If not for the camera, I'd have gladly refused to reveal myself to the many viewers streaming this now. I offered a charismatic smile and answered his question without complaint, hoping it'd just be this one.

"I couldn't have asked for a better group to work with. They're grasping everything with the utmost effort, so I'd like to ask that you all kindly spare a minute of your time to watch some of their music videos."
"*laughs* You're too good at your job, Miss Assistant Manager. Ne, I bet you're getting a lot of fans right now."
"Hmm? How so? If anything, I'd expect them to curse me for working with their idols."
"Whoa, don't say such scary stuff! You're really pretty-"
"I'm sure all your fans would love you to compliment them."
"Heh, alright. How about some fan service?"

I quietly left the scene as the cameraman focused the camera on Momo. Pulling at the hair tie around my wrist, I hurriedly fashioned my hair into a high ponytail and masked the majority of my face with a cap I borrowed from Mitsuki.

"Your shoot finishes in an hour, right?"
"Yeah, why?" replied Mitsuki.
"As much as I'd hate to say it, I want to go home. I'm not 100% confident Momo won't come up to me to ask questions again."
"Do you not like appearing on TV? Tamaki's sure excited. It looks like he might burst out of his skin."
"*laughs* I can tell. My father...knows a lot of people. I'd like to leave it at that."
"Yeah, sure. I won't ask."

A grateful smile slipped onto my face. It suddenly took a lot more effort to keep my expression neutral as Naomi strode inside and happily side-hugged Iori as he finished his part. I wished for someone to take away this unwarranted pain...I'd do anything to get rid of these feelings...

~One hour later~

"Alright, see you guys later."
"(Y/n), wait up! Let's go grab something to eat!" Momo exclaimed.
"Momo, slow down. I'm sure (Y/n)'s tired after a day of work," Yuki scolded.
"Don't worry, Yuki. Let's go. I promised my brother that I'd meet up with him. Is soba fine with you guys?"

I waved goodbye to the others, who nonchalantly returned the gesture. Naomi flashed a bright smile as her fingers curled around Iori's hand like shackles binding a prisoner.

Yuki hurriedly placed his hand against my back and gently led me away...away from the split second of murderous jealousy glistening in my eyes. A quiet apology left my lips as I ignored the thought.

Naomi's POV

My eyes trailed after (Y/n), unable to leave her body. She lived in a world of luxurious privileges, none of which were available to me...but I would make it there. I already have Iori. It was just a matter of time before fame arrived at my doorstep as my career progressed.

I treasured her as a friend. I truly loved her. Unfortunately, my jealousy would seep into my heart and win me over with its sweet mutterings. She claimed that she had no worries but she was clearly shaken by something. I just needed to know what...and then I'd be able to...

"Naomi, are you coming with us?" Riku asked.
"Sorry, maybe not. I'll go with (Y/n). See you guys later."

Giving Iori a squeeze on the arm, I ran after the light. I needed to see what was so different between us. I had been trying my whole life to attain it but she seemed to have natural talent for it...I couldn't stop this jealousy.

"(Y/n), wait up!"

Momo yelped as I crashed into his body, hurriedly catching me within his warm arms. I immediately regained my balance and apologised for the inconvenience.

"Sorry, are you hurt anywhere?"
"No, all good," he replied.
"What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked.

A crack. Was that really her first question? Weren't we friends? What...did I even mean to her? I drew up a smile, dispelling these inconsiderate thoughts and linked arms with her.

"Can't I eat dinner with you?"
"Of course you can."
"Ne, if your brother's going to be there, does that mean the rest of Trigger are too?"
"No, Tenn and Ryuu decided to go home to rest."
"I see."
"Why? Were you hoping to see them?"
"O-obviously! They're top idols!"
"Meanie! We're right here, you know," Momo exclaimed.

I let out a laugh as (Y/n) cracked a small smile. What did I have to do to gain their friendship? I didn't have (Y/n)'s charisma nor her beauty. All I could do was utilise my personality.

We walked the rest of the way in silence with (Y/n) and Momo occasionally chatting about random topics. A soba restaurant came into view before we entered and took the booth near the back, where Gaku was drinking his beer, looking as bored as ever...but his aura was the same as his sister's.

She took the seat beside him and gestured for me to sit on her left as Momo and Yuki took the empty seats across from us. The bowls of soba came as soon as we sat down.

"I told Gaku-nii we were coming. I'm assuming he just went ahead and ordered whatever," (Y/n) said.
"I only know (Y/n)'s preferences so sorry if you don't like it," he apologised, although it was mostly directed at me...because we barely knew each other.
"I'm fine with anything. I can't wait to try it."

I noticed his hand clasp his sister's as she flashed him a seemingly normal smile. Something was up. I quietly ate my meal, watching these unreachable lights interact like the ethereal colours of a never-ending rainbow.

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