Chapter 82

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(Y/n)'s POV

I pulled on my knee-high boots, strapping the laces and securing it in place. Tenn handed me my backpack as a grateful smile spread across my face. He offered a smile of his own in return.

"Oi, isn't today your day off?" Gaku-nii asked.
"Yeah but Tsumugi needs me to deliver some files. I won't be out for long...well, not that you guys will be here."
"Yeah so you don't need to come home so soon."
"Whatever. Have fun at work."
"Watch your step!" Ryuu called.
"Alright mum."

I waved before taking off towards the bus stop. If I didn't make this one, then I'd have to wait another twenty minutes. Trees, buildings, people all turned into blurs as time began counting down in my mind.

Tick tock time's up little girl, it seemed to say. The bus driver noticed me from the mirror and kindly waited for me to catch up. I bowed, immediately thanking him and took the only seat left at the back.

The male sitting beside me turned and suddenly leaned in, whispering quietly against my ear. I strained to hear him above all the chatter in the background but eventually made out his words.

"Momo, what are you doing here?"
"Running away from Yuki," he replied cheekily.
"We have to do these ridiculous acts on a variety show, so I ran away."
"Seriously? Just because of that?"
"W-well, what else was I supposed to do?"
"*smiles* Don't sulk for too long. My stop's next. See you later."
"Bye (Y/n)."

I hopped off and headed inside the building. Tsumugi had come down to the lobby to save me the trouble of going up. She smiled upon seeing me, waving her hand as a small greeting.

"Here are the files. Sorry for making you do this," she exclaimed.
"Don't worry about it. I'm fine with it."
"Sorry. I have to go back to work now."
"Alright, see you tomorrow."

I clutched the documentation in my hands, turning to go back out. The first drops of rain fell atop my head, followed by a light drizzle. Thunder clapped overhead, signalling the start of a storm.

The files were kept in a plastic folder, much to my relief. I slowly made my way to IDOLiSH7's dorms, dreading the thought of having to face them. My stomach was in knots.

My boots clicked softly on the pavement as the shadows drew ever so long. Why...did my heart feel so heavy? Today seemed ominous. As the rain mimicked my feelings and cried harder, I sped up until my feet were running.

By the time I arrived, it was pouring. Hand shaking one minute then firm the next, I rang the doorbell. Mitsuki opened the door, letting me go inside with a quiet yet non-offensive gesture.

The others were gathered around the TV, where a reporter was announcing something in English. A large, attention-grabbing caption rode across the bottom of the big screen. The room suddenly felt too stuffy. My hands suddenly became too shocked to stop shaking.

"Famous actress (L/n) (M/n) passed away this morning due to a hit and run incident. The police are trying their best to capture the suspect..." translated the Japanese anchor.

(L/n) (M/n) couldn't be. I must've been hearing wrong. That couldn't just couldn't... My breaths became shallow.

"(L/n) (M/n)? Isn't that the Japanese actress who moved to America?" Nagi asked.
"Yeah, her popularity was at its peak. I can't believe someone killed her..." commented Riku.
"Yeah, I can't believe this happened only this morning," Yamato replied.

I dropped the documents. They finally noticed my presence. I immediately ran out, ignoring their calls and heading into the light rain. Lightning lit up the dark sky, thunder echoing across the area.

I didn't stop running until the park came into view. I must've seemed like a lunatic running around in the rain but I couldn't care less. I couldn't even think. I...

My hands fumbled for my phone hidden inside my jacket as countless tears mixed with the rain. I dialled Isaac's number, thankful that he picked up after only a few rings.

"I-Isaac, about mum-"
"'s true."
"Then the hit and run..."
"She was crossing the street to go to work. Some damn bastard ran over her. I should've been there, damn it!"

He was holding back his tears. My hand dropped to the side as my legs slipped. I sat on the ground, soaked to the bone. Warm tears coated my cheeks despite the cold fighting to push through. But in already had.

Mum...I didn't even...get a chance to talk to you. I didn't even...visit you. Sobs choked up my thoughts as I hugged my knees and cried my heart out. I hated this. I hated everything.

I didn't know how my eyes still had so many tears left to cry. I didn't realise the endless pain my heart was in. I should've been there with her. I should've visited her. Instead, I've just been worrying about Naomi trapping Iori within her grasp...

The rain stopped around me. I peeked up, struggling to see through the blur of tears. Gaku-nii held an umbrella over our heads, offering a hand to pull me up. I let myself be embraced by his arm as he stroked my hair. I trembled beneath his hold.

"W-why are you here?"
"I called you as soon as I heard the news from Anesagi. You weren't answering so I checked your location on the GPS. I was worried, damn it," he said softly.
"Gaku-nii...I'm such a horrible person. I...should've spared mum a thought or two..."

I didn't know how long we stood there. Time stopped in the moments we stayed, unmoving. The cold seeped through our clothes with the wind only accentuating its inevitable hold.

"Let's head back. You'll freeze to death at this rate," he exclaimed.

I simply nodded. His hand found mine, squeezing tight as if I'd disappear and leave him alone if he didn't. I wasn't going anywhere. I had nowhere left to go. My heart felt hollow.

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