Chapter 95

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Momo's POV

"And there you have it, everyone. Gaku's sister was the inspiration for Tasumi's girlfriend. This story was created with her in mind. We really need your help with (Y/n), ne?"
"(Y/n)-chan is our best friend so I won't forgive you if you don't accept her," Tamaki exclaimed.
"O-oi, don't say stuff like that," Yamato scolded.
"We'll really appreciate it if you wouldn't be too harsh with her. She's had her fair share of hardships already," added Sogo.
"Oh, that reminds me! Gaku'll be bringing her to Yaotome Productions-"

Mitsuki hurriedly secured his hand over my mouth, offering an awkward smile towards the camera as Riku and Nagi effortlessly changed the subject. Yuki simply sighed as the realisation dawned on my face.

"Well, that's it for now. Thank you so much for watching this show!" Riku exclaimed.
"See you next time," Nagi said while blowing a kiss.

The director gave a thumbs up before we finally took a break from the long, long session. Yuki, being the gentleman, thanked everyone for their hard work. Despite finishing this task, something heavy still weighed on my mind.

Movement to my left caught my eye as IDOLiSH7's manager stole my attention with a quick gesture towards the door. (Y/n)! I managed to get the others on their feet before we were all rushing to the van.

"Manager!" Riku called.
"Yeah, I'm coming," she replied.
"She'll be at Yaotome Productions, right?" asked Tamaki.
"Yeah, that's where we're heading."

We exited the building and wasted no time in climbing into the van. My hands began shaking subconsciously, catching the gaze of the others sitting beside me. To my relief, they pretended not to we all pretended everything was going to be fine.

(Y/n)'s POV

Gaku-nii stood by my side like an unwavering shield as we entered the building. The crowds were kept at bay outside as we reluctantly headed to father's office.

Iori's hand surreptitiously came to grasp mine, acting as a firm reassurance; as a reminder of the strength others could lend me. I felt myself leaning into his body before he squeezed my hand tighter.

"...what's going to happen to Naomi?"
"She's being chased at the moment," Tenn replied.
"I see..."

The elevator stopped before we stepped out and walked to the conspicuous double doors at the end of the hallway. Gaku-nii barged in without so much as a knock and eased himself into one of the couches.

"(Y/n), you're here," father stated.
"What did you need me for?"
"Your brother- no, I guess it wasn't just him. Your friends exposed your identity to the world. You'll be watched everywhere you go, like they are. You can't live how you've always lived until now," he began.
"I know."
"That's why I want to offer you a 'position'."
"What do you mean?"
"This is a contract saying you'll be one of our exclusive models while you work as an actress."

My mouth fell open, unable to hide my surprise at father's carefree attitude towards this sudden change. Everyone around me flashed cheerful grins as I hesitantly took the piece of paper that would change my life.

"Why would you offer me such a job?"

Father, instead of answering me, turned on the TV. Images of Trigger's photoshoots and magazine photo spreads covered the screen, each zoomed in to the female model in the pictures.

So they found out that that was me in such a short amount of time... The news reporter seemed as if he could burst from all the excitement building up around him.

"It has been revealed that Trigger's Yaotome Gaku has a sister who has already appeared in several of their photoshoots. Many companies are already vying for this talented young model..."

I gulped. Father turned off the TV. I looked once again at the contract before meeting his gaze across the table. He raised an eyebrow as if asking when I'd stop messing around and accept.

"I just want to have you working under my company before anyone else can snatch you away," he exclaimed.
"Excuse me for interrupting," Iori began.
"What is it?" father asked.
"Are you not her father? Why didn't you ask whether or not she was okay before offering her a job right off the bat?"
"Iori, it's fine."

I tried pulling him back but he wasn't budging in the slightest. The members of Trigger exchanged worried glances as I looked between my father and Iori. A practised smile suited more for a businessman than a loving parent graced my father's face.

"I'm not here as her father. I'm here as her boss," he answered.
"Then where would that 'father' be? Where is her so-called parent?"
"I'd watch your mouth if I were you. I have the power-"
"What's the point of having power when you have enemies wherever you go?"
"Iori, back down," Tenn exclaimed, gently placing a hand on his arm.
"Oi old man, you're too old to be arguing with teenagers," said Gaku-nii.

The door suddenly flew open as both Momo and Tamaki ran towards me with their arms outstretched, knocking me to the ground. The two of them wept loudly as I finally managed to sit up.

Yuki and the rest of IDOLiSH7 walked in, making father's office seem small. I pried the two off me, smiling as they began to grin. I laughed before pulling them in for another, proper hug.

"We were so worried!" Momo exclaimed.
"Come on, you two. She's probably overwhelmed enough. She doesn't need two weirdos bombarding her with hugs," Mitsuki said.
"Says you," replied Tamaki.
"Oi, what's that supposed to mean?!"
"I don't know. I didn't say anything weird."

Gaku-nii burst into laughter while watching the teasing bickering between them. Father cleared his throat, making us turn to look at him as he returned to his seat behind his large desk.

"(Y/n), will you accept or not?"

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