Chapter 12

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Iori-kun! Help, she just grabbed me out of the blue!" Haru exclaimed, her expression pretentiously pleading.

I let go of her arms, where red rings had stained her soft, pale skin. Tears sprung to her eyes, her lips drawn into a tight line to keep from crying. However, having experience in the field of acting, I could see right through her exterior.

"Iori-kun, look! My wrists are red...I..don't know what I did wrong..."

She flung herself at him, indirectly making him catch her in his arms as she sobbed quietly with her hands clutching his shirt. I saw no necessity to interrupt her nor clear this misunderstanding. Humans tended to...believe those that they knew longer...

I turned around. My feet had already started walking. Iori called my name, his voice hurried and slightly more worried than his usual stoic tone. Cocking my head back, putting on a polite smile, I asked what the matter was.

"Do you not want to explain yourself?" he asked.

I caught sight of his arm around Haru's shoulders, mainly just to keep her from collapsing on top of him.

"I'll leave that to Haru-san. Well then."
"W-wait!" he said, his expression mimicking displeasure.
"Haru-san, please let go of him."
"Eh? You can't tell me what to do, and besides, he's the one-"
"I suggest you do it when I'm asking nicely."
"Pfft, what?"
"I'm fed up with your attitude. He clearly does not enjoy your presence."
"But you hurt me!"
"You threw me against the fence, demanding that I 'give up on him'. What I did was simply self defence. Do you want me to do it again?"

She stood up, balancing on her own legs. Without wasting another second, my fingers wound around Iori's hand before making a run for it. Her ear-piercing yell reverberated across the park, yet neither I nor Iori made a move to stop.

A large smile graced my face as the wind whipped against my skin, my hair and my clothes. Slowing down to a walk, I sneaked a glance beside me, catching Iori's eyes on me.

"Sorry I just dragged you like that..."
"No, I should be thanking you," he replied.
"Got your heart pumping?"
"You shouldn't be so serious all the time. You have to admit, the look on her face was priceless."

He cracked a small smile, warming my heart with his comfortability to act like this in my presence.

"She always treats you like that, right?"
"I've gotten used to it," he replied.
"She's going overseas so there's no need to worry about her anymore."

I turned to look at the male, only to notice his gaze on our hands. Smoothly forcing the stain of pink on my cheeks to dissipate, I subtly let go and quietly apologised.

"L-let me walk you home," he suddenly said.
"I-it's not like I'm worried or anything. I just don't want to feel guilty if you get assaulted by some rouge person."
"...sure thing."

Our steps fell in sync as the night passed slowly. Turning my gaze to the stars high above, my thoughts drifted to my mother and her life far away from mine...her life with another family.

No one's POV

Iori found himself unable to keep his eyes off the girl beside him. She looked beautiful, melancholic yet peaceful. Her large, violet eyes shone as the moon's rays hit the corner. Red coated his cheeks. Her aura was powerfully charismatic.

(Y/n) turned to flash a smile towards him. Thump, thump, thump went his heart. Iori tore his gaze away from her, biting his lips to stop himself from thinking about her any more.

"Isn't this neighbourhood...this is close to Yaotome Productions, isn't it?" Iori found himself asking.
"Hmm, now that I think about it...yeah, it is," (Y/n) replied.
"I wonder if Trigger lives near..."
"*laughs* It'll be a miracle if someone such as myself could see them in a quiet neighbourhood. Well, I guess I'll see you next time."
"You don't have to walk me all the way. I'm fine by myself. You should go home and have some rest."
"Bye Iori."

The girl waved goodbye, walking into the rows of houses and units. He stood, staring even when her figure had disappeared from view. Perhaps he had grown enchanted by her stature, perhaps she...would be different.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) had already entered the passcode to unlock the door. Gaku, Ryuu and Tenn were already home, all in their rooms. She set about making hot cocoa for the boys, nonchalantly moving about in the kitchen.

As the sweet aroma of chocolate filtered the air, she headed to Gaku's room first, giving her brother a cup, who accepted it without a word but she knew him well enough. He was grateful.

Next was Ryuu, who thanked her kindly as he took the cup to which she returned with a smile. (Y/n) knocked on Tenn's door, no answer. She tried again, still nothing.

Opening the door a slight crack, she peeked inside to find him sprawled half on his bed and half on the floor. Immediately putting the cup on his desk, she rushed to his side, hooking an arm around his waist, struggling to lift him up.

"If you're exhausted, please tell someone. Don't hide it, especially not from me. I have to ensure that your health is top notch."

She managed to get him on the bed before pulling the blanket over his shivering body. His breaths grew slow and steady, his eyes closed. She placed her hand over his forehead, sighing in relief, thankful that he had not developed a fever.

Just as she moved away, his hand shot up and grabbed her arm, his eyes half open. The girl turned around, kneeling down to his height as he spoke up.

"Read me a story," he exclaimed softly.

She nodded and moved to his bookshelf, choosing one of his favourites. In truth, Tenn would not have made this request to anyone but those he trusted completely, and this girl had gained all of his trust before he even knew it was thrusted into her hands.

(Y/n) began reading, melting his worries as her words slowly became a lullaby.

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