Chapter 59

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(Y/n)'s POV

I curled my fingers around my bag, somewhat reluctant to leave. Yuki placed a hand on my shoulder as an instinctual smile plastered itself onto my face. He seemed eased by my smile, and offered me a cup of coffee.


I gulped it down in no time at all and passed the cup back into his hands, much to his surprise. A cheeky grin tugged at the corners of my lips before I waved goodbye.

"Sorry, I have to hurry to work."
"Alright, see you later."

The wind whipped at my hair, clawing around my clothes. I effortlessly tied my hair up into a ponytail before continuing on. The walk to the bus stop seemed to drag on for eternity, but I didn't care either way.

The scenery passed by in a wild blur. The bus rarely slowed down, and I didn't mind one bit. I needed a distraction. Perhaps my feelings were the distraction. I just needed to get rid of it...

I took a deep breath and hopped off when it reached my stop. The wind had lessened yet it was still strong enough to make a mess of my hair. Striding down the deserted path, I nonchalantly paid no attention to anything.

Suddenly, a warm jacket was placed over my shoulders. The warmth spread to my chest, earning a good sigh of content. Tamaki flashed a grin as I thanked him.

"You know, (Y/n)-chan, you still have that aura around you even when you look tired," he commented.
"Did something happen between you and Iorin? You both seem kinda distant with each other."

I held back a tremble as his hand came to rest on my head, like I was a little girl again. He began walking faster as I jogged to catch up to him. Soon enough, he was running. I pouted, knowing that I would never be able to catch up.

Even so, I tried. I yelled at him to slow down yet all he did was poke his tongue out. Gritting my teeth, I willed myself to run faster, faster than I would've ever run to work during a time like this.

Eventually, we both reached Takanashi Productions at the same time. Our hands rested on the sleek glass windows as we caught our breath. I broke into a laugh, the first I've done in a long time.

"You two seem to be having fun," Naomi said cheerfully.

She seemed to have just arrived with Iori...together. Her hand was laced with his. My eyes immediately became shadowed, even if it disappeared within a second. Tamaki cut my line of sight, and tugged at my sleeve.

I tore my eyes away, grateful for Tamaki's intervention. Director Izuki was already in the studio, along with everyone else. I slid to Tsumugi's side, unnoticed like a shadow.

The filming started shortly after. The boys were simply doing a routinely practice and so, it didn't require much acting. Tsumugi passed me a clipboard with some documentation that needed completing.

I stayed in the corner with her, although she did occasionally go speak with the director. Time passed by like a breeze, quick and barely noticeable.

A staff member suddenly tripped over his own feet, making the coffee cup slip from his hands. I hurriedly pulled Tsumugi away from the boiling liquid, unintentionally letting it pour over my hand.

I held back a wince, forcing back the tears that sprung to my eyes. Director Izuki turned a sharp, discriminatory gaze towards the male who had clumsily fallen over.

"(Y/n), are you alright?!" Tsumugi asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna go get some ice or something. Don't worry, I finished all the paperwork."
"Takanashi-san, you should not concern yourself with that. We have things to discuss, come," exclaimed the director.
"Hey, do you mind if I go with her?" Mitsuki asked.
" as you wish."

The orange-haired male immediately rushed to my side and followed me outside. He gestured for me to follow him, and so we headed to the infirmary tucked away in a small area of the building.

The nurse quickly grabbed an ice pack and carefully put it over the burn. I thanked her before I sat down with Mitsuki on one of the benches, reluctant to go back.

"Sorry for making you come all the way here."
"Don't worry about it. I needed a break," he replied.
"I hope Tamaki doesn't mind that I got his jacket dirty..."
"*smiles* You got yourself hurt and you're worried about his jacket?"
"Heh, is that bad?"
"...does it hurt?"
"You sure don't look like you're in that much pain..."
"I'm used to it, but I could do with some help on emotional pain."
"You're used to it?"

I realised my little slip up too late. A casual smile graced my face as I joked about the monsters hiding under my bed, the monsters that used to poke at me in my sleep. He began laughing.

"But you know, I approve of you dating Iori," he said.
"Come on, it's obvious that-"
"He likes Naomi."
"*smirks* Are you jealous, perhaps?"
"No way!"

I laughed and stood up, as Mitsuki followed. We rounded a corner only to see Iori look up, surprise glued to our faces. In his hand were two drinks. A sports drink and a fruit drink with jelly. I immediately pulled on an air of nonchalance as I grabbed the fruit drink from his hand.

"Thanks for the drink, Iori."
"'re welcome."

It was (f/f)...did he know that I liked this flavour? Or was it simply a mere coincidence?... I shook my head, unwilling to let myself think about it too much in case I found that he really did love Naomi...

We opened the door to the studio to see them in the middle of filming a scene with Naomi arguing with Sogo and Yamato. Damn she had gotten good at her acting...

I had almost forgotten about the burn and the subtle yet persistent pain it gave off as I watched them film their respective parts. They had improved a lot, and it brought a smile to my face.

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