Chapter 34

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(Y/n)'s POV

~One week later~

Terror blurred my vision. Pain erupted from every inch of my body. Sleep threatened to overtake my conscience, but I struggled. I struggled against the pain. I forced my eyes open.

The gang leader pulled me up, my arms dangling limply behind me. The tightly knotted rope dug into my skin, scratching and pulling with every movement.

Momo's anxious eyes met mine. He struggled against the rope that held him to the chair, seemingly wanting to shout but all that came out were muffled sounds as the duct tape performed its job.

"Give up your job as an idol, and hand us your money. You ruined my son's chance and I want you to feel the same despair he did," the leader spat.

I bit his hand as he stroked my cheek, making him let go and drop me to the ground. Swinging my feet, I managed to trip him over. My body protested against every move I made but our lives were on the line.

Bang! I froze. The man smirked, aiming the gun at Momo's head now that he had our attention. He caught hold of my leg, slowly pulling me towards him as Momo struggled and struggled to break free.

His henchmen held the idol still, pressing the nozzle to his temple. I held back a scream as he kicked me. Stars lined my vision, faint blood coating my lips.

"What a pathetic tactic. You really think torturing me will make him give up his dream? You're just trash-"
"Shut up!"

My phone vibrated in my pocket. No one seemed to notice, seeing as how the leader was still rampaging about and muttering nonsensical ideas.

I twisted about, acting as if I was trying to get out of his grasp. My phone silently slipped out, dropping onto the ground with a quiet thud. I turned so that my hands could touch the screen.

"Let us go."
"No," he exclaimed angrily.
"Stop talking!"
"I'm afraid that's a part of my job. You ruffians may not understand but I have a responsibility to ensure my client's absolute safety so that he/she will continue working with us. Your unprecedented kidnapping of us does not help me in the slightest and I will endeavour to get out of this situation."
"What's wrong with me kidnapping the man who ruined my son? Huh?! Why do you care about your stupid job so much?!"
"Oh? I could ask the same to you. Why do you care about your son's career so much?"

His face twisted in anger. I attempted to block his kick but it was futile seeing as how my body ached from any kind of movement. Momo jerked against the chair, earning a hard knock from the gun.

Blood bubbled out of the cut on his lip. Tears threatened to fall as he shouted against the duct tape. The leader nodded towards one of his subordinates, who ripped the adhesive off.

"Don't touch her!" he yelled.
"Why should I listen to you? She failed to protect you. You two are oblivious to those jealous of your status. She thought everything would be fine. Just a simple escort from the meeting point in a cafe to Yaotome Productions. Neither of you suspected danger."
"...I'm sorry about your son, but instead of taking it out on me, why don't you encourage your son to try again? Please don't hurt her anymore..."
"Then will you give up your career to save her?"
"Like hell he will! You think killing us in an abandoned building will mean you never committed such a crime just because nobody'll find out?"

Ryuu's POV

Sweat damped my brow. My hands shook involuntarily, almost dropping my phone. My heart pounded and pounded at an incredibly fast pace. If no one arrived in time, they might die.

Gaku and Tenn sat at one of the benches, unaware of (Y/n) and Momo's situation. They were supposed to arrive after we finished our charity concert, and I had only called to ask where she was.

"Oi Ryuu, where is she?" Gaku asked as he walked up to me.
"She's been kidnapped by someone who has a grudge against Momo."

He took the phone from my hand and held it to his ear. The colour drained from his face, mirroring my anxiety. From what I could grasp of the situation, the man was using (Y/n) to get to Momo.

"I'll call the police."

Gaku almost dropped the phone as he put it on speaker. All that could be heard was Momo screaming (Y/n)'s name. No...she wasn't...she couldn't be... I swallowed.

Relief flooded my veins as she groaned and made a retort against the man. I motioned for Tenn to go to Gaku before calling the police and explaining the situation to Anesagi and Mr Yaotome.

"What?! They've been kidnapped?!" he asked, completely shocked.
"The police are going there now."

~Some time later~

Before I could hold the male back, Gaku rushed inside, ignoring everyone's shouts and yells. I followed him in with the police. We had the four men surrounded as Gaku punched the man who had been hurting his sister.

Tenn and I ran to his side and held him back from damaging the kidnapper's face any further. His fists were a bloody mess, his eyes cold and merciless as he forgot all that around him.


(Y/n)'s faint voice managed to pull him out of his trance. We released him, letting him go to her side and take her into his arms. She smiled, grateful that we had come.

"I'm fine, silly. Don't cry," she said.
"Your hands are a mess."

She wiped his tears with her thumb before the paramedics took her away. Momo stood silently beside us, waiting for Gaku to stand up. He immediately bowed deep in apology.

"Please forgive me for the trouble I caused!" Momo exclaimed.

The male simply looked at him before walking away. Tenn placed a hand on Momo's shoulder and smiled.

"Don't worry, he's just trying to wrap his head around all of this. He doesn't blame you."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."
"(Y/n) would never blame you so you shouldn't blame yourself either. Gaku...cares very deeply for her. Their bond is stronger than most other siblings, so please understand that he was only worried for her. He won't blame you."
"...that may be the case but I'm sorry..."

He scrunched up his face, forcing himself to stay composed but soon, tears fell down his cheeks as he cried.

"I feel so pathetic..."

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