Chapter 76

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(Y/n)'s POV

"(Y-(Y/n)-chan?" Tamaki asked hesitantly.
"Sorry Tamaki, I would've liked to remain friends with you. I've just gotten sick of pretending."
"What are you saying?'re lying, aren't you? This is just a prank, right?"

He reached out as if wanting to make sure our friendship was still intact. I slapped his hand away, looking as if a bug had tried to bite me. His shocked expression was almost enough to make me stop in my tracks, but I couldn't stop now.

"Tamaki, how are you so stupid? I'm not joking, honey. It's reality."
"Then all those times when..." Iori started.
"When I talked to you guys like we were friends? It was all a test. My father asked me to do it. Ugh, acting all chummy with you was seriously such a tiresome chore."
"What? You're telling me you used them?! They're your friends!" Naomi yelled.

I let out a laugh, catching her off guard. On the inside, I begged them not to believe me. I desperately wanted them to shake it off as a prank. The hole in my heart was widening. If this continued, there'd be nothing left.

"Friends? You've got it all wrong. They considered us friends but I never did. I told you, it was just a test. My father wanted to see if I was fit to be an actress."
"H-how could you? You're..." she cried.

Iori immediately pulled the crying girl into his arms. My heart disappeared. I thought I couldn't feel any more pain. She leaned into him, flashing the quickest smirk before it disappeared as if it was never there.

"I'm getting sick of you guys, but I guess I still have to work."
"Hey, get a grip! You're not acting like yourself," Yamato exclaimed.
"No, Yamato. The me you knew never existed. This is how I really am."
"...I hate you. I hate you!" Tamaki growled, venom laced in between his words.
"Tamaki, wait!" Sogo said.

He spared me one last disappointed look before chasing after his friend. I yawned as if this was all a bore. A challenging smirk adorned my features.

"Well, now that I've told you the truth, there's nothing more for me to do here."
"So it's true that you used us," Iori confirmed.
"Yeah, but let's face it...without my help, you guys would be nowhere near this level. You should be grateful that I took the effort to work with you."
"Grateful? To work with a piece of trash like you? No wonder your mother abandoned you. You don't have one, do you?" Naomi mocked.

I held back a flinch, hiding my clenched fists behind my back. Tears almost sprung to my eyes. She knew who my mother was. She knew our relationship. She knew everything! Even so, a nonchalant smile rested upon my lips.

"That's right. My mother couldn't stand me. I was too perfect for her."
"I regret...ever considering you something more than a friend," Iori murmured quietly.
"How nice."
"You've severed our relationship. You may come to work but the atmosphere will never be the same. You've always had your secrets. Now I guess it's time we keep to ourselves," he stated harshly.

I simply smirked and let a small chuckle slip past my lips. Naomi's face was red from crying... so the tears were real. She glared daggers into my eyes before reaching out to slap me. I dared her with my gaze.

Suddenly, Gaku-nii reached out to grab her hand just before she hit me. His other hand slipped down to grasp mine as his sharp, frightening gaze moved to meet hers. She cowered beneath his stare and retreated to Iori's side.

"We're leaving," he exclaimed coldly.
"G-Gaku, this is all just a joke, right?" Riku asked.
"How she presents herself to other people is none of my concern."

He tugged at my hand, leading me away from the group. I managed not to wince as I saw looks of disappointment, of sorrow...and of betrayal. Ha, I was a horrible person.

Someone caught hold of my other arm, making me stop in my tracks. Gaku-nii turned around, annoyed that I had pulled him back before we both faced Mitsuki, who looked on the verge of tears.

"You're not really leaving like that...are you?" he asked quietly.
"Let go. I have nothing more to say."
"Even if it's a lie, tell me that this isn't real..."
"Sorry, I've given up on trying to keep up this stupid facade."

I shook his hand off before turning my back on him, on all of them...hopefully for the better.

~Some time later~

I remained under my blanket, curled up in a ball with endless tears streaming down my face. Not a sound escaped my mouth as I trembled and trembled, occasionally regretting my malevolent actions.

"(Y/n), can I come in?" Tenn asked.

No, I didn't want him to see me in such a mess. I broke apart his brother's group. I couldn't face him right now. Despite thinking this, I didn't voice an opinion nor a reply.

The door clicked open. Light footsteps came closer before the bed creased as he sat down. I scrunched my face as he lifted the cover. He offered a small smile as more tears fell despite my wanting to hold them back.

I stubbornly turned around, hoping he'd take the hint and leave. Instead, I felt a weight on the bed as I realised he had laid down beside me.

"(Y/n), it's not your fault," he started.
"Stop. I hate hearing those words."
"Ne, can you look at me?"
"I'll be fine soon. I just need..."
"I know you will be, but you're not fine now. You're trembling."

Reluctantly moving to face him, I looked into his honest eyes through the thick tears. He wiped them away and smiled brightly as I finally met his gaze.

"You know, I remember singing and dancing for Riku when he was unwell," he exclaimed softly.
"He must've had a great older brother."
"*laughs* I'm not too sure about that."
"Will you sing for me then?"
"Sure, if that's what you want."

He hummed a soft melody before comforting words filled the room. The trembling stopped. Then it was the crying. I scooted closer before my eyelids eventually grew heavy. I left the world of the conscious and drifted into the land of dreams.

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