Chapter 84

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Gaku's POV

They stared at me with eyes that exploded to the size of tennis balls. I internally groaned, mentally scolding (Y/n) for not having told them sooner. Damn it, leave the hard explanations to your brother...

"You've probably heard the news but her mum passed away. She went to America to attend her funeral."
"We never knew..." Tamaki started.
"I'm leaving tomorrow. Her family want me to go too."
"...can we go with you? We don't need to attend her funeral. We just need to set things right," Iori exclaimed.
"Oi, do you even realise what you're saying?" Yamato questioned.

Iori stepped forward, his eyes ablaze. Yet...they wavered like unstable waves during a storm. He was scared. He knew his limits, and he knew when the line was drawn...and he was willing to distort these restrictions all for my sister.

"Take us to (L/n)-san."

He bowed. The others immediately did so as well. I ran my fingers through my locks, unable to deny them their request yet also finding it difficult to ask (Y/n)'s stepbrother for a favour when I barely even knew him.

"Fine, just stand up. You don't needa bow... I'm not that stiff of a guy."
"Thank you!" Riku said happily.
"Hang on, let me just call Isaac. If he disagrees, there's nothing I can do about it."
" in Isaac Anderson?" asked Mitsuki.
"Yeah, who else?"

I quickly dialled the number (Y/n) had given me, grateful to have a distraction from the questions waiting to burst out and annoy me. The phone didn't ring for long before a male voice answered on the other side.

"Hello, Isaac speaking."
"Wait, Gaku? (Y/n)'s brother, right?"
"Yeah, sorry for calling. I have a favour to ask."
"Sure thing. What do you need?"
"About that private jet you're sending. How many passengers can it take?"
"Hmm, quite a few. Why?"
"I have seven other people I wanna take. They' desperate need of something important."
"Okay? I mean, sure I don't mind but..."
"IDOLiSH7. It's IDOLiSH7."
"Seriously? Vi's in love with them. May I ask for something in return?"
"Put me on speaker. They're there with you now, right?"

I did as he said and gestured for the others to listen.

"It's done, Isaac."
"I don't know if you've heard of me before but my name is Isaac Anderson. As you know, mother...our mother passed away. I want to make a request. Please do a performance for my sister, Violet. She hasn't taken this whole situation very well. If it wasn't for (Y/n), I wouldn't..."
"We'd be glad to do a performance for her," Nagi answered.
"Thank you...I'll make the arrangements. See you soon."

I finally let myself breathe, not realising I had been holding my breath. The others collapsed onto the sofas and chairs scattered around the room, almost as if in a trance.

I leaned back, feeling the weight upon my shoulders despite the lack of responsibilities given to me. Someone tugged at my sleeve, forcing me to open my eyes.

"Can you explain the situation to us? How is (Y/n)-chan...that actress's daughter?" Tamaki asked.
"Tamaki, don't be so rude," Sogo scolded.
"...I'll explain everything on the way tomorrow. Just...know that (Y/n)'ll be more upset than usual so..."
"Don't worry, we won't make things worse for her," said Iori.

(Y/n)'s POV

I curled up into a ball, letting the tears blur my vision as the words replayed in my mind. The sunlight filtering through the windows did nothing to quell my sorrowful condition.

The bed was a luxury, the room a replica of a modernised palace. Yet...these extravagant furnishings couldn't heal the wound in my hollow heart. My hands kept shaking as I lifted mother's letter again.

Dear (Y/n),

I really hope you never have to read this, but a mother's got to be prepared for anything. Something must've happened to me. Please don't cry too much...but knowing you, that's like asking for a miracle haha.

I loved seeing your smile in the few years we were together. Come visit Isaac and Violet sometime. They really miss you, and so do I. I have an idea. Once I recover, maybe we can go to that dessert place you really like.

I'll be looking forward to it. I love you, honey.

From mum

No mum...I wouldn't be seeing you again. I wouldn't ever. Why did you have to leave? Don't leave me alone...I hated being alone... please someone...I wanted comfort...

The door opened before I hurriedly wiped the tears flowing down my cheeks. Isaac's face softened upon noticing my sorry state. He pulled me into a hug emitting homely warmth, something that I'd never be able to give.

"Your brother called earlier. He made some last minute arrangements," he exclaimed.
"I'm sorry. What did he ask for?"
"Nothing impossible. Violet's asking for you."
"I guess I have to toughen up now."
" sorry. You're obviously more affected but you know...about the accident Vi was in..."
"Don't worry, Isaac. I have a wonderful, albeit lazy, brother back in Japan. Violet also has you. I should probably go see her now."

I stepped out of his embrace, offering a smile before exiting the room. My legs took control as my mind wondered. Images of mother's laughing smile filed in with no signs of stopping.

I shouldn't do this. I have to keep on smiling. Violet stepped out of her room just as I arrived. Her lips immediately stretched into a warm smile as her dark blue eyes settled straight on my face despite the obvious fact that she had been crying.

"How long were you planning on keeping me waiting, dummie?" she asked teasingly.
"Well, I'm here now, aren't I?"
"You're so lucky. You're managing both Trigger and IDOLiSH7?"
"I wouldn't exactly say lucky...besides, your father's owns one of the most influential companies in the world."
"Yeah but imagine: Violet Anderson, fashion designer, future collaboration with IDOLiSH7."

I began laughing before she joined in. We had to talk about this...we had so much to catch up on...we had to distract ourselves somehow, even if it meant rejecting our wounds for a while.

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