Chapter 30

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Even if they end up hating me, I'll never let them work with you, father."
"Well, that's a shame, isn't it? The offer's still here if you ever change your mind," he replied.

Without looking back, I grabbed Sogo and Tamaki's arms and left the cafe. Anger flared through my veins, threatening to make my very skin explode. He wouldn't ruin this idol group. He would never get a hold of them.

I released my hold on the two as soon as we were far enough from the cafe. My very stance emitted frustration and they knew that. They knew better than to annoy me even further but I had things to explain. They needed an explanation.

"(Y/n)?" Sogo asked cautiously.
"*sigh* Mr my father."
"So does that mean..."
"Yeah, Trigger's Yaotome Gaku is my older brother."
"You're not in some kind of bad relationship with him, right?"
"No, I can't even begin to imagine what that'd be like. Let's go back. You two owe the others an apology and explanation for everything. I guess I also owe them both."
"Yeah, you're right."
"I...want to find my sister."
"Of course. I'll help you. We'll all help you so let's go back."

I held a hand out, smiling as I did. The tall male glanced into my eyes before hesitantly placing his hand in mine. The three of us began making our way back to Takanashi Productions.

They were still reluctant to face each other, but I figured that all it took was a little push and they'd be fine. The cheerful weather mocked us with its clear paths and bright skies as we slowly made our way back.

We took the stairs, unwilling to use the elevator that would provide us with awkward tension. Once we reached the practise room, I pushed the door open.

"We heard," was all Iori said, although everyone was uneasy.
"We...received an offer from the president of Yaotome Productions," Sogo began.
"What?" Riku asked, shocked.
"He asked us to join his company because we'd be able to debut faster..."
"So what did you say?"
"I declined but Tamaki was..a little rebellious."

Tamaki only squeezed my hand, unable to meet any of their gazes.

"Then leave. He's obviously wavering. We can't have someone who may betray us later," Iori exclaimed.
"He has his own reasons for behaving like he did," I replied.
"What reasons?"
"I'm trying to look for my sister. She went missing and I um..."
"So you became an idol in order to find her?" asked Yamato.
"We heard that she's going to be forced to work, so he wants to find her fast."
"*sigh* He's really hopeless at explaining, isn't he?" Mitsuki asked.

I just smiled. They had found themselves a good group. Sogo glanced my way, making me remember that I still had some explaining to do. Tamaki, who was standing behind me this whole time, stood forward.

"What are you doing?" Nagi asked.
"*blush* W-well, if any of you decide to ask (Y/n)-chan harsh questions, I-"
"Oh, I see how it is. You two are secretly dating, aren't you?"
"What? How did you even come up with such a crazy idea?"

Sighing, I let go of Tamaki's hand and went to sit down on the ground. The others risked a glance at each other before gathering around me. I offered a faint smile to ease their anxiety before beginning.

"Even if Tamaki may have been tempted to join hands with Mr Yaotome, I would never allow it."
"Well, that's a given," exclaimed Riku.
"No, there's more to the story than just my being your assistant manager."
"Like what?" Yamato asked.
"Mr Yaotome...well, I'm not exactly on good terms with him. You may say that it's just how a rebellious daughter would talk about her father."
"He's your father," Iori confirmed although he still sounded unsure.
"Wait, so your brother's Yaotome Gaku?! That's why he seemed so familiar back then!" Mitsuki said.
"Well, he's only my half brother. We have different mothers."
"But why did you decide to work here? Surely you'll have much more luck under your father's company," Nagi began.
"I suppose so, but I just hate his guts. That brings me to my other 'secret'."

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I'm also Trigger's assistant manager. That's my other job."

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes, their mouths hanging open. I had just bombarded them with unbelievable facts after all. Nobody said a word as they waited for my confession to settle in.

Perhaps telling them wasn't a good idea, perhaps I had been wrong but it had to be said. My other...personal matters could be kept hidden, but they needed to know.

"How?..." Riku asked.
"If you're worried I may leaking information between the two groups, you have my word that I wasn't and I would never share information. Although it's questionable how much you guys trust me now that you know."
"Aren't you really busy then?" said Sogo.
"Yeah, but I've managed."
"So that's how you know so much about the entertainment industry," commented Iori.
"Yeah, I was with Trigger ever since they met for the first time."
"(Y/n), I want to see Tenn-nii."

I turned to look at Riku. His eyes glowed with resolve, his lips set into a firm line. Knowing almost too well that Tenn would refuse, I couldn't ask him and expect him to acquiesce with an outcome already in mind.

"I can't promise you anything."
"You're close with everyone in Trigger, right?" Mitsuki asked.
"Yeah, I'd like to consider them my family although there are some fights that occur-"
"So that's how you have so many connections?" asked Nagi.

My phone vibrated with Trigger's (fave song) reverberating across the practise room. I picked up, no longer feeling the need to hide the caller on the other end.

"That damned old man's demanding that you come back for our photoshoot this afternoon."
"Ugh, can't he ever get over anything?"
"Come over soon. Tenn and Ryuu would prefer you over Anesagi's scolding any day."
"*laughs* What would she scold you for?"
"Dad's been in a sour mood all day."
"...I see. Well, see you later, Gaku-nii."

I mentally sighed. Father would do more than just scold me. He'd 'punish' me, but there wasn't ever a time when I couldn't handle it. I just wished that...he would stop. Was it just because I reminded him of mother? Was it because she had forced me onto him?...

"Hey (Y/n), how did you meet Trigger?" Tamaki asked, trying to ease the tension.
"Do you all want to hear it?"
"Of course," replied Nagi.

Iori surreptitiously slipped his hand over mine, surprising me but for a split second. I felt a smile grow on my face before I began to tell of my first encounter with the idol group that had taken over Japan's music world.

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