Chapter 26

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(Y/n)'s POV

The leader took a step forward, closing the small distance between us. I didn't back away even as I felt Mitsuki give the slightest tug on my arm. Now was not the time to show fear or hesitation.

I met the man's gaze, smirking as I did so. His fiery ember eyes flashed the quickest of angry emotion before turning into a dangerous emitting of warning. His finger traced the edge of my jawline yet my defiant smirk did not change.

"Stop touching her," Mitsuki demanded.
"Are you giving me orders right now?" he asked.
"You're making her uncomfortable."
"So what? You're just a nobody. Why do you care about someone who would give up your life without a second thought?"
"You heard him. Why bother protecting me? I don't have an ounce of concern for your wellbeing, so run away while you can. Why try acting like a dramatic hero when you're just a good-for-nothing dog?" I taunted.

Mitsuki stared at me, his mouth drawn into a thin line. My words had struck his heart. As much as I would like to take them back, it had already happened, and I wasn't about to endanger his safety.

His fists were trembling ever so slightly. I had never seen the male show so much fear, so much pain...and I had caused it. However, now was not the time for regret. I had to get us out of this dire situation.

No one's POV

'(Y/n) can't be serious about this...can she? Why do her eyes look so cold? Why was she saying such harsh things? She was just trying to help me, I knew that! But she had looked so genuine that I couldn't help but doubt...' Mitsuki thought.

"Aren't your gonna run away like the dog you are?" she mocked.
"You try and we'll kill you," exclaimed the leader.

As quick as lightning, (Y/n) glanced the guy's stomach with her knee. She blocked an incoming punch from one of his subordinates and twisted the knife out of the other's hand.

Soon enough, she had retreated from the situation and grabbed Mitsuki's hand, pulling him along as she ran with all her might. The short male caught up to her, running alongside the girl as they attempted to escape the three feral men.

She quickly pulled out her phone, dialling her brother's number. Her voice remained calm even as their pursuers gained some distance and closed the gap between them.

"Nii-chan, where are you?"
"We just got back to our dorm. Why? Did something happen?"
"People are chasing us. They claim that father ruined their business."
"Hang on, I'll be there soon."

(Y/n) tightened her hold on Mitsuki's hand and led the male around the neighbourhood, trying to lose their pursuers. They were catching up fast. The adrenaline in their veins pumped their stamina, but it also increased their fear.

They were scared for their lives. The girl could only count on her brother, hating herself for dragging him into her problem. In no time at all, she crashed into someone as they turned a corner.

"(Y/n), are you hurt?" Gaku asked worriedly, his voice slightly muffled by his mask.

The girl peeked into his eyes, the cap shadowing the fierce anger within. She gave a small nod before he pulled her behind him, shouldering Mitsuki as well.

"If it isn't her brother," said the leader.
"How low do you have to scoop to gang up on an innocent girl?" Gaku asked, masking his anger with an eerie calmness.
"So your relationship wasn't fake after all. Seems like she isn't anything without anyone protecting her."
"What the hell do you know about her?"
"Seeing that cute face of hers, I was trying real hard to hold myself back, you know. I-"
"Are you asking for a death wish?"
"Freeze! Hands up!"

The three men immediately tried to run away but were surrounded by policemen on all sides. Within seconds they were handcuffed and arrested. With a nod towards Gaku, the policemen left as soon as they had come.

Behind her brother, (Y/n) finally trembled, shutting her eyes to force the tears back. Gaku turned around, his heart clenching tight as she trembled and trembled yet refused to cry. The girl turned to Mitsuki and bowed.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you. Please don't take what I said to heart. I should've thought it through. I didn't take your feelings into consideration. Please forgive me."
"You have nothing to apologise for. I couldn't do a thing. To be honest, I was scared and I hated myself for not doing anything. I'm the one that should be sorry," Mitsuki replied.
"Thank you..."
"And don't worry, I won't tell anyone what was said. If what he said was true, about your father I mean..."
"...that'll be great. Thank you."
"Sure. Well, see you later."

Mitsuki managed a smile before nodding towards her brother. Gaku returned the gesture as Mitsuki handed him (Y/n)'s bag and took his leave. This time, Gaku finally pulled her into a tight hug.

'(Y/n), I hope you don't believe what he said. You were so didn't even waver. I admire you for that...' Mitsuki thought as he walked away.

The girl let out the quietest of sobs, biting her lip to keep from crying. She had feared not only for herself but for Mitsuki as well. Not only had they escaped, they had made it out unscathed, and she was glad.

"Cry. Why are you holding it in? Baka," Gaku said softly.

And so she did. She started crying, leaning into him as he pulled her tighter. The two stayed like that for a while longer, savouring the peace that followed. Neither suggested anything that hinted towards wanting to leave the moment.

(Y/n) rubbed her tears away, immediately taking her brother's hand, feeling like a little girl again but she didn't mind and neither did he. For once, she wanted to feel like a normal girl.

"Come on, let's go home. I asked Ryuu to make some hot cocoa," Gaku exclaimed.

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