Chapter 44

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(Y/n)'s POV

A smile graced my face as I waved goodbye. Riku happily waved back. The others waited in the lounge as I headed toward the elevators. Anesagi had informed me that Trigger had returned to their rooms.

As I was about to press the up button, a hand suddenly gripped my wrist. Startled, I turned to see Iori panting slightly as he straightened himself. I tilted my head, confused as to why he would stop me.

"C-come with me," he said.
"Just an o-outing. I thought it would be better than staying in a hotel room, wasting your energy on nothing," he replied stiffly.
"Ooohh, a date I see," Mitsuki exclaimed.
"*blush* I-it's nothing like that. You've simply seen too many stereotypical confessions."
"Iori, as your older brother, I know you. Come on, why can't you just be a man and say that it's a date? What do you think about this, (Y/n)?"
"I don't mind either way."

Iori pulled at my arm, leading me away from his brother as we headed to the entrance of the hotel. I risked a glance at his face as he let go of my arm and started walking at a slow pace.

His expression offered nothing as to what he was feeling, and I found myself wanting to know his inner feelings. I bit my lip, oppressing these unreasonable desires and instead, followed him without a word.

"Where are we going?"
"Where do you want to go?" he asked.
"Hmm...let's go get some souvenirs and then maybe the beach?"

I grasped his hand, pulling him along the tranquil streets lined with small trinket stalls and snack food. Casually browsing over the keyrings, nonchalantly glancing over the delicious food.

Iori had his eyes on a beautiful shell necklace. He soon turned away from the piece of jewellery, making me frown. Who was he thinking of getting that for? His mum? His secret girlfriend? Although that last option did make me jealous.

"You're not gonna get this?"
"No," he replied simply.
"Who did you want to get it for?"
"N-no one in particular."
"Oh I see..."
" you like it?"
"The necklace? Yeah, it's beautiful."

I caught sight of a stand selling parfaits, eyeing the food like a predator stalking its prey. Now that I thought about it, I had had no food. No wonder why I was so hungry.

Iori had headed back into the store while I walked to the parfait restaurant and peered at the menu glued to the glass wall. Numerous flavours were written on the menu, different and some unusual combinations lined up a separate section.

I suddenly felt a presence beside me before turning my head to see Iori's face mere inches away from mine. I forced back the blush and took a step back.

"Let's go eat," he stated.

Before I could reply, he walked inside, leaving me no choice but to follow him. He sat down once he had finished ordering. I raised an eyebrow, curious about the order but all he gave me was an enigmatic smile.

"So what did you order?"
"You'll see."
"Then what did you buy at the store?"
"I'm afraid that's a secret."
"Hmph, are you gonna tell me anything?"
"I don't know, depends."

Iori's POV

The parfait came just as (Y/n) was about to make a remark. Her face immediately lit up upon seeing the delicious, fruit-layered dessert. The waitress handed over the spoons before she pulled out a polaroid camera.

"We take pictures for every customer that comes. Smile!" she exclaimed.

I simply stared at (Y/n), but she was already facing the woman with a carefree smile. The camera clicked, printing out a small film that needed a few moments to let the photo appear.

"Great. You two look like a wonderful couple. Enjoy!"

(Y/n) grabbed the spoon and took a decent amount as a happy smile graced her face. As she was eating, I took the chance to look at the photo. Pink stained my cheeks. It really did look like I was love struck. Why on earth did I have to stare like that?...

"Aren't you gonna eat?" she asked.
"No, I'm not hungry."
"Come on, it's really good."

She held out a spoonful, eyeing me with anticipation. I hesitantly allowed her to feed me as her big, violet eyes watched me as I chewed, bright red coating my face.

"I-it's good..."

~Some time later~

Someone suddenly grasped my hand, making me turn around. (Y/n) offered a small smile as I tried not to stare, only to fail miserably. Her hair was tousled slightly by the wind. However, I was still trying to get used to seeing her in a (f/c) bikini.

She seemed to think nothing of it, instead, interlacing her fingers with mine as we walked along the shore. The setting sun cast a golden glow over the sea, the sky painted hues of pink and orange.

"Iori, your face is all red. I hope you're not thinking weird things," she exclaimed.
"W-why would I? You're just misunderstanding."
"Oh really? Then care to explain why you're blushing?"
"The weather's too hot. I'm not blushing."
"Fine, believe whatever you want."
"...thanks for today."

I turned to look at her but her gaze was on the sea. I gave her hand a squeeze, wanting to convey more than a simple 'you're welcome'. I wanted to let her know how I felt. I wanted to tell her everything, but that in itself...may be impossible.

"Yo (Y/n)."

Gaku unexpected appeared by her side, startling the both of us. I watched as he picked her up and began walking to the ocean. She yelled out in anger as he dumped her into the water, managing to trip him with her legs.

"Oi!" he yelled.

Ryuu and Tenn came to stand beside me as we watched the two tackle and splash each other with water. The rest of IDOLiSH7 were trailing behind, talking boisterously with laughter. wonder she wasn't fazed. I could never compete with her brother or Ryuu. I didn't know how she saw me but she was surrounded by handsome celebrities. I couldn't even compare...

"Yo Iori, how was your date?" Riku asked.
"It was not a date."
"You wanna date my sister?" Gaku asked as he combed his hair back with his hand.
"No, I have no intention to."
"Your friends told me you took her out on a date."
"That's not true."

(Y/n) came up behind her brother, placing a hand on her hip as she listened to our conversation. She flashed a wink my way before quickly darting behind Ryuu to avoid Gaku's attempt to get her into the water.

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