Chapter 49

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Bye guys!"
"Oi, be careful!" Gaku-nii yelled.
"Don't worry about me!"

I bowed in thanks to the various staff on site and rushed off to the bus station. Trigger had just finished the filming for their TV program and now I was hurrying to get to IDOLiSH7's last shoot for their new music video.

A sleek black car rode past as I hurriedly made my way onto the bus that had arrived. Its elegance made those around it seem dull in comparison, and yet I wondered who was riding in such a fancy vehicle in a tropical place like Okinawa.

Within minutes, the bus had pulled over at my stop. The building was bustling with people going about their jobs, giving me the occasional nod as they passed by.

I caught Sogo's eyes, offering a smile as I headed over. He waved before his violet eyes widened in worry. A tall girl with a man, both having luxurious design brands adorning their statures pushed past my shoulder. The girl sent me a look of disdain.

"Hey, you should apologise," Sogo said as he came over.
"Apologise? To a nobody like her? I don't have time for trivial things like that. Move," she stated.
"Sogo, just forget about it."

I tugged at the male's sleeve, yet he was frozen to the spot. His hands were shaking, his eyes ablaze. I returned her arrogant glare as she left, putting on an air of defiance.

Sogo seemed to have calmed down after a while. I placed a hand on his shoulder, as he turned towards me and forced a casual smile. He simply shook his head at the hint of a question shining in my eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's not..."
"Of course. Just tell me if anything's worrying you, okay?"
"Okay, I will. I just-"
"Oh, (Y/n)-chan, you're here. So-chan, what's wrong?" Tamaki asked.
"Nothing. I was just saying hi."
"I see...(Y/n)-chan, I need to talk to you."
"Ah- tell the others I'm here!"

I caught a glimpse of the smile gracing Sogo's face as Tamaki's larger hand found my smaller one. He pulled me towards the double glass doors I had just passed through, and into the hallway a little way down the corridor.

The tall male peered into my eyes, his brow furrowed although I doubted he realised the way his concern was showing. His mouth curved into a nonchalant grin as the question slipped from his lips.

"Do you like Iorin?"
"Why do you ask?"
"He's been acting strange lately and before, he was staring at you. Does he like you? I'm confused..."
"*smiles* Tamaki, I'm not sure. I doubt he does. We're just-"
"It's bothering you, isn't it?"

I was caught off guard. Despite the carefree smile and laidback expression I had plastered on my face out of habit, I could not deny my internal struggle. I...loved Iori...yet his actions seemed to suggest otherwise.

Tamaki suddenly gripped my arm, his stance cautious as a stout man walked past on unsteady legs. His plump face turned to stare at the two of us as his mouth exerted a revolting burp drenched with the scent of sake.

My face immediately moulded into an expression of indifference and sternness, hinting towards my disregard for his actions. He stopped walking altogether, instead heading towards us.

Tamaki turned around to face him, leaning back slightly as if to shield me from the somewhat drunk man. He jerked his head at us, as if wanting to ask us a question.

"You two interested in becoming models?" he asked.
"Huh? Models?" Tamaki questioned.
"I'm the CEO of a model company. If you'd like-"
"I refuse."
"What was that, missy?"
"I'd like to decline your generous offer, sir. We already have jobs."
"I can guarantee that this job will pay higher-"
"No," said Tamaki.
"We already said no so leave us alone."

Tamaki backed up against me as the man took a few steps forward.

"Hey, can you back off? You reek."
"What?! Young man, you shouldn't speak like that to your elders!"
"And elders shouldn't be eyeing young girls!"
"Huh? Why you!"

Tamaki held his arm, preventing the man from hitting him. I felt his other hand grip mine, his fingers wound tight almost as if he was trembling ever so slightly.

Footsteps spluttered against the tense silence, shattering the atmosphere. Sogo and Yamato cut into our 'conversation', carefully removing the man's arm from Tamaki's grip as they calmed the both of them down.

"We have to get back to work. Please excuse us," Sogo exclaimed.
"Oi Tama, you shouldn't have provoked him," Yamato scolded as we were hurriedly walking away.
"Provoke him? He provoked me first."
"Are you guys okay? We saw you two getting harassed by a drunk man," Riku said worriedly.
"We're fine."

I glanced at Iori, suddenly remembering the conversation I had had with Tamaki. Offering a polite smile, I turned away and began walking towards the studio, completely immersed in my own thoughts.

He was staring at me?....A slight blush crept onto my cheeks at the unexpected thought of him sneaking glances at me. I put a hand under my chin, pondering whether we could really start something.

"Hey princess."

I shivered, his low voice igniting sparks underneath my skin. I elbowed the male but he simply dodged and smirked as he came around to face me. Another blush stained my cheeks.

"Stop teasing me."
"I like your reaction," Iori replied.
"Mmhmm, I wonder why."
"I'm what?"
"'s nothing."

Tsumugi came by, apologising for interrupting us before asking if I could discuss the outcome of the final video. I readily understood, waving a simple goodbye.

The director waved me over as we watched the video together. I analysed the video in silence as it progressed. Overall, the finished product was satisfying yet there were some bits that seemed...poorly shot...

"I assume you already know what I'm going to say?"
"Yeah, I know. I wasn't present for these shots here. The person in charge must've been an amateur," he answered.
"How long will it take to redo these ones?"
"Hmm, I'd say just a few hours but you guys are almost finished for the day, aren't you?"
"If you have no other appointments on, then I'm sure the boys will be happy to make this work."
"Great, let's get to it then."

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