Chapter 10

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(A/N): Later on in the chapter (and story), there will be underlined words. That simply means the person speaking is doing so in English :)

(Y/n)'s POV

"Don't you think you're the one that's overreacting? You don't just grab people out of the blue like that and pointedly compliment their appearance," said Iori.
"But a girl like her deserves compliments. She's pretty and kind. I don't see you two giving her any," Haru replied, her grip neither loosening nor tightening.

She leaned in, her breath blowing gently against my hair as she whispered quietly into my ear.

"Iori-kun's mine. I won't lose him to you."
"Oh, I have no intention of taking him...but would he be fine dating a girl who treats others unfairly just because of her own jealousy?"
"Say whatever you want. I have no obligation to listen to you."

Haru let go of my arm, blowing a kiss towards Iori, who ignored her without batting an eye. Catching his gaze on my arm, I casually hid it behind my back, going around to nudge the both of them towards the school entrance.

Tamaki groaned, seemingly having forgotten about going to school during that little fiasco. I waved as he grudgingly headed inside. Iori suddenly grabbed my bruised arm, his touch so gentle I would have imagined it if I had believed he left.

"When did this happen?" he asked.
"At home in the morning. I tripped."

He unzipped his bag, and pulled out a small ice pack. Hiding the pain behind a mask, putting on a facade for others to see. After all, if no one realised that it was just camouflage...then it simply became the 'truth'.

Warmth spread in my chest as he took my hand, tenderly pressing the ice pack against my arm. He looked up, realising I had been staring at him before red stained his cheeks.

"It'll be a hassle if this doesn't heal. You're our assistant manager. You need to be looking after us," he exclaimed, embarrassed.
"*smiles* Thank you."

The bell's hypnotising rings reverberated across the garden. He handed the ice pack to me, hurriedly swinging his bag over his shoulder as he rushed inside.

"Wait, Iori! Your lunch will..."

The smallest of smiles graced his face as he cocked his head back and waved. Ba-dump. My heart skipped a beat, a fluttering taking its place instead. He was the first person outside my family to ever...notice my pain after my concealment of it...

~Back At Takanashi Productions~

Frustration drenched the air, exasperation almost choking us, restricting us. Standing up from my place in the corner, I made my way to the members, crossing my arms as I stood.

"(Y/n), I know you must be frustrated but this is hard," Mitsuki exclaimed.
"Nobody said becoming idols was going to be easy."
"But we're-"
"Trying your best? Then get through it. You may argue that I have no right to 'lecture' you about becoming idols when I can't do what you guys can do, but if this is really your dream, then live up to it. Don't you dare give up halfway."
"I think (Y/n)'s right. Iori and Tamaki aren't here but that doesn't mean we can't pretend we can't do it ourselves. The least we can do is get our own parts right," said Nagi.
"*smiles* I wholeheartedly believe in you all."
"(Y/n), I have a request to make," Riku said, his expression resolved.
"I want you to help us. Please make us rise to the top. Be as harsh as you have to. Teach us about the entertainment industry."
"...are you sure?"
"(Y/n), this..." Tsumugi started.

The five boys bowed, pleading me with their actions. Their sincere voices touched my heart.

"No need to trouble yourself with this, Tsumugi. Just continue to be the way you are. If you're their light that leads from above, I'll gladly take on the one that leads from the shadows. I'll definitely make them stars that everyone will look up to."

Just like I did with Trigger. Nobody outside the company knew of my existence, but such a thing didn't bother me. They were famous all over Japan and IDOLiSH7 would reach them.

They thanked me, their genuine gratitude reaching deep inside me to caress my heart. A feeling of nostalgic reminiscence overwhelmed me as I recalled the moment I met Trigger. Memories made, memories lost...I treasured them all.

(M/n)'s POV

Memories of (Y/n) flashed across my mind as I returned home. Her beautiful, confident smile. Her casual yet professional stance. Her exceptional way with words, and her exquisite ability to act.

"Hey mum, dad said that he'd be able to come home early today," informed Isaac.
"Does that mean we'll have a family dinner?" asked Violet.
"We haven't had one in a while, have we? I'll get started on it right away."
"Ugh," Isaac groaned.
"Now now, young man. Family time is a must."

Violet laughed as her brother sighed, escaping upstairs to his room for all the alone time he could get before dinner. I fished my phone from my pocket, dialling (Y/n)'s number.

After a few busy months of work on set, I haven't had the time to call her. I, no doubt, felt terribly bad as her mother, as the woman who was supposed to be looking after her. Although she knew of my job, I was still worried.

"Are you calling (Y/n)?" Violet asked as we walked to the kitchen.
"Of course that's the first thing you do."
"I hope she can come visit sometime..."
"She'll definitely come someday. She promised."

After three rings, she picked up. A large smile graced my face as I heard her surprised greeting. Holding back a few tears, I answered her uncertain statement.

"Hey (Y/n), how have you been?"
"Has your father gotten any better? What about your brother? He's looking after you, right?"
"...I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"Father's the same as always, but I have Gaku-nii with me."
"That's good to hear. You coming over anytime soon?"
"Mother, how about you going here?"
"*laughs* I'm joking, but I guess I'll have to see when I'm free. A lot of stuff has happened."
"Tell me about it, okay?"
"Sure thing. I love you."
"Love you too."

Violet frowned, her worry showing on her face. I simply smiled to dispel her concern, yet we both knew that I was hurt. I missed her...but I had to abandon her...

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