Chapter 86

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(Y/n)'s POV

Tears brimmed my eyes but never went any further than that. The four of us stood side by side, silently letting the wounds in our hearts heal. Mr Anderson's other family members left one by one before he offered a small smile to his children and left for work.

Mother's grave stood before us, tall and proud as if she was right here in front of us. Gaku-nii's fingers slowly found mine, squeezing my hand and sharing my pain. Neither of us said anything.

Violet suddenly burst into tears, able to express her sorrow now that her father and his family were gone. Isaac pulled out a packet of tissues, having already predicted his sister's outburst.

"Aren't you gonna cry like no tomorrow too?" Gaku-nii asked with a slight jest.

A knowing smile slipped onto Isaac's face as Gaku-nii shot him a grin of his own.

"Idiotic brother, I've already cried enough."
"W-what are you guys talking about?" Violet asked through quiet sobs.
"Nothing important," replied Isaac.
"Hey (Y/n), can you ask your brother to sing?"
"Uh okay. Gaku-nii, sing something."
"Huh? Why should I?"
"Violet calms down after listening to music," Isaac explained.

We proceeded to a ledge a few steps away. Violet sat back to back with Gaku-nii whilst Isaac and I did the same. My brother began humming a soft melody before lyrical words filled the tranquil silence.

Violet's eyes met mine, a warm smiling coming through the dark rainy clouds like sunshine breaking through dark times. She rested her head on my brother's, as I sensed the slight stiffening of his body.

The tension soon left him as the song finished and the four of us just sat there. Mother's face flashed before my mind once again, almost startling me out of my dazed-like state.

"Do you think your brother will let me design some clothes for him?" Violet asked.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind."
"Ha, you'd definitely have to step up your game then, Vi," teased Isaac.
"T-that's mean!"
"He's a top idol. His style's got to be better than yours."
"Yeah, well then it's also better than yours, moron."
"Hey, I didn't deny it, sis."

An eruption of laughter escaped my mouth as I listened to their light bickering. The two also let out a laugh, needing a lighthearted distraction to mend the needle pricks on our conscience.

Gaku-nii turned his head to ask what we were talking about. Isaac replied before I got a chance to dismiss his question. We moved to sit side by side as the male explained the situation to him.

"Huh, that sounds interesting. Is she a designer?" Gaku-nii asked.
"She wants to become one. She's planning to go to France to learn about fashion. That's why she chose to learn French instead of Japanese," said Isaac.
"I see."
"But man, you look better in real life than on TV."
"Huh?! Did you think my looks were photoshopped?"
"*laughs* Of course not."

Violet let out a quiet gasp, making the three of us turn to look at whatever had caused her surprise. My body immediately froze upon seeing what had caught her attention.

IDOLiSH7 stood a few metres away from where we sat. What were they doing here? Both our brothers avoided our gazes, only provoking Violet even more. She sent him a playful glare, before returning to stare at her idols.

I stood up, not sure what to make of this situation. Tamaki was the first to break the lack of movement, walking forward to grab a hold of my sleeve. My mouth drew into a thin line, wondering what had caused the sudden change in heart.

"We're just gonna borrow her for a bit!" Riku exclaimed.
"You guys better make it worth asking me to bring you here," Gaku-nii replied.
"Eh? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.
"They asked me to keep it a secret. Sort it out with them."
"Isaac, you dummy! How could you keep this a secret from me as well?!" Violet questioned.

I felt a hesitant tug at my sleeve, causing me to turn my head. Tamaki quickly averted his gaze before ever so slowly coming back to meet mine. A concoction of sorrow and regret shone behind his wavering gaze yet he made no attempt to look away again.

"Where will you be going?" asked Isaac.
"Central Park," said Sogo.
"Alright, we'll meet you guys there later."

Violet's expression mimicked that of confusion yet she still held a thumbs up to show her support. I managed a smile before letting Tamaki lead me away from them, and from mother.

Nobody spoke on our way there. People busily went about their daily lives, cars honked and brushed past, leaves fluttered in the gentle breeze. I walked without faltering yet the fact that I was nervous didn't scar my outward appearance.

"(Y/n)-chan," Tamaki whispered.
"...why did everyone come to America?"
"There's something that you really need to know."

Ideas came and went yet none stuck...except for one. Tamaki's apology...stuck. What did Gaku-nii tell them? I became quiet, quieter than usual as I pondered the situation.

The concept of time escaped my mind as we traversed the busy streets. Without meaning to, I bumped into Nagi's back. I immediately apologised yet he waved it off as nothing.

"We're lost," he exclaimed.
"It's our first time here so what'd you expect?" Yamato asked.
"You expect me to know then?"
"Well yeah, haven't you been here before?" Riku said.
"*sigh* Okay, I'll lead the way."

My brother must've told them everything. I held in an irritated sigh as it finally dawned on me. He was always ready to do things like this yet despised it when I kept things from him...

Now, Tamaki's hand was wrapped tightly around mine in the huge fray of people. His large hand felt warm against mine. I caught Iori's gaze, and in that instance, everything disappeared. It was just us.

I wasn't sure whether to smile, and neither did he. We continued to try to break each other apart, trying to decipher each other's expressionless faces. It was futile now.

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