Chapter 89

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Iori's POV

(Y/n) laid asleep with her head on my shoulder. I stole a glance at her innocent face, her long lashes and her sweet lips. My hands drew into fists as I recalled the moments I had dated Naomi, allowing the guilt to swallow me whole.

Violet tentatively placed a hand on my shoulder, drawing me from my guilt-stricken thoughts. Although she did not say anything, I understood her question. A tired but instinctive smile adorned my face as I shook off her worries.

"Take care of her," she said.

Before I had a chance to speak up, she walked to the low couches in the bar to talk to Chris and Nagi. Gaku took her spot, subtly glancing at his sister before grabbing a bottle of beer.

"Sometimes she can be a handful but I'm glad she has someone to look after her now," he exclaimed softly.
" don't...?"
"What? Disapprove of you? I can't control who she likes. She could very well go ahead and date a criminal for all I long as he treated her right. As long as it made her happy."
"I'd probably worry about Iori. Well, he's always been a perfect child but knows nothing about love," niisan commented as he came to join our conversation.
"But I'm sure he'll make (Y/n) happy, right?" Riku asked.
"You bet he will, because if he doesn't, (Y/n)-chan'll cry and I don't want her to cry," replied Tamaki.
"Don't worry, Yaotome-san. Your sister is in good hands," said Sogo.
"I've always been wondering, why the hell are you still speaking so formally with me? We're already more than simple acquaintances, aren't we?" Gaku asked.
"I-I can't just drop all formalities! Y-you're the Yaotome Gaku!...san," Sogo answered.
"And the same with you. Just think of me as a friend, alright? I'm not some scary brother of the girl you're dating."
"Man, I question that," said Isaac.

The rest of us laughed while Gaku rolled his eyes. The weight of (Y/n)'s head was no longer on my shoulder, seemingly awoken by the loud chatter. I hadn't realised until it was too late. Her lips met mine as I turned my head.

She immediately leaned in for a while longer before pulling away to stretch her arms. I turned away, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Tamaki, Mitsuki and Yamato were all smirking at me, weird ideas forming in their heads.

(Y/n)'s POV

~At the airport~

Violet's arms were like glue sticking to my body, having no intention of letting go. She looked at me with wet eyes, making tears form in my eyes as well. I pulled her in for another hug.

Isaac immediately took over once his sister reluctantly let go. Both of them harboured a sense of home, and of belonging. I promised myself to come back to see them again.

"Take care of yourself," Isaac exclaimed.
"Same to you."
"(Y/n), come back real soon, okay?" Violet said.
"Alright crybaby. You and Isaac both, take care."
"We'll come back to visit one day," said Riku.
"I'll come back to see you, princess," Nagi flirted, placing a light kiss on Violet's hand.
"Oi, don't go around flirting with every girl you know!" Mitsuki scolded.

Violet blushed a fuming red as we waved goodbye. Isaac offered a grin as his sister struggled to smile through the tears pulling her heart with them. A single tear slid down, unnoticed like the wind's silent caress.

Iori's hand came to grasp mine, a solid support I could lean on. We passed through the gate, heading back to our homes and to our inevitably busy schedules.

~After arrival~

"See you guys later."
"Bye (Y/n)-chan," Tamaki called out as we went our separate ways.

Father had, much to our surprise, sent a car to pick up Gaku-nii and I from the airport. We slid inside before the chauffeur closed the door to the sleek vehicle, earning a few unwanted stares from other civilians.

My eyes strayed to the window, watching the scenery zoom past. Gaku-nii seemed uncharacteristically quiet, content to stare mindlessly at the passing landscape.

Eventually, sleep overtook him as his head fell on my shoulder. I took his hand in mine, wondering what was wrong. He had been staring at his phone ever since we got back, and something had clearly bothered him.

I continued to stare out the window, finally feeling the effects of drowsiness. Quietly leaning against Gaku-nii, I felt myself lured to sleep by his presence and by the reassurance of his warmth.

I dreamt of faraway lands, of impossibilities happening right before my eyes. Magic roamed the air, creatures hiding beneath the illusion of nature. The dream was calming, its nonchalant, childlike aura taking me back a few years.

When I awoke, the car was pulling into the driveway. Gaku-nii seemed to have awoken long before, with me cradled in his jacket. I rubbed my eyes, ready to get out before he suddenly grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"What is it?"
"Let's go somewhere else," he said, turning to tell the chauffeur our new destination.

The drive didn't take longer than a few minutes. We arrived at a secluded yet chic cafe sitting between two buildings with a semi-abandoned look. Gaku-nii immediately took me inside after thanking the chauffeur, who simply bowed and took off without a word.

Tenn and Ryuu waved at us from a booth near the back, both adorning masks to hide their identity. I glanced worriedly at my brother but it seemed that he couldn't care the least about being seen in public.

"Welcome back," Tenn exclaimed.
"Gaku didn't cause too much trouble, right?" asked Ryuu.
"Who the hell do you think I am?" Gaku-nii muttered.
"Hey guys, what's wrong? You're all acting kinda stiff."

The three of them had gazes stricken with concern and hesitation. I raised an eyebrow, leaning in and offering a questioning smile towards Tenn.

"It's Naomi. She's been coming to our dorms, demanding to see you. We refused of course, and I even called the police, but..." Tenn explained.
"But what?"
"She's good at countering their warnings with bribes," Ryuu finished.
"What kind of bribes? It doesn't seem like she has that much money..."
"What else can she offer other than money?" Gaku-nii replied.

It couldn't be...she wouldn't go as far as to...offer her body...right? A frown tugged at my lips as my hands clasped together, tightening with every passing second. Was the only option...facing her head on?

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