Chapter 31

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No one's POV

~Two years ago~

The silver-haired male stared down at the supposed talent who'd become the centre of the group. The air sparked with unspoken words and fiery tension.

The two had not gotten off to a good start. There needed to be a medium to balance out the incompatibility of these two who would soon be in the same idol group.

The quietest of them worried and worried. He had not expected such an event to occur. They would soon debut as Trigger, and it wasn't a lie to say that there had been certain triggers that had set off a rocky start.

Just as the tall male was about to open his mouth to announce his concerns, a pale-haired girl stalked through the doors, ringing the melodious bell. The two stopped arguing, their eyes following the girl's movements as she stood behind the counter.

Tenn's expression mimicked confusion, as did the others. This bar had been rented out for the night. The girl took off her (f/c) coat and hung it on a nearby chair, her lips tilting upwards as the three immediately fell frozen, almost awed, by her presence.

Her soft hair surrounded her petite form, a hazel-coloured beanie on her head with expensive sunglasses resting on her nose. Her black miniskirt swayed as she moved to grab three glasses.

"So you're the group father's scouted," she exclaimed.

Gaku immediately headed over to the girl and pulled her into a warm embrace. His arms tightened around her as he buried his face in her hair. She held back her tears. She was once again in her brother's arms.

"You're back," he said softly.
"Yep, I arrived in the morning," she replied.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to surprise you. I thought you would've heard from father that I was coming back from America today."
"He doesn't tell me anything."

Gaku spat those words out, angry now that he was reminiscing how their father had sent her overseas without ever telling him. (Y/n) pulled away before putting on a small smile, asking the two males their ages.

"Sixteen," Tenn replied.
"Twenty-one," said Ryuu.
"My name's (L/n) (Y/n). I'm here as your assistant manager."
"Kujo Tenn."
"Tsunashi Ryuunosuke."
"Gaku-nii, Ryuu-san, are cocktails fine with you?"
"Yeah," the two replied.
"Don't worry, Tenn-san. I can whip up a mocktail for you."
"Oi, since when did you become a bartender?" asked Gaku.
"Just something I learned when I was away," (Y/n) replied cheekily.

The three sat down on the stools as she effortlessly sorted through the bottles and concocted three colourful drinks. She placed them in front of the boys who were watching her with amused amazement.

"So Gaku's your brother?" Tenn asked.
"This is good," Ryuu exclaimed.
"I'm glad you like it."
"My dad used to say that even enemies could become friends after drinking and dancing."

The girl smiled, placing her chin in her hand as she leaned against the counter. And so, the four grew closer as their fame increased with their music shaking the industry nationwide.

~Present time~

(Y/n)'s POV

"So that's how you met them..." Iori commented.
"Were they just as amazing back then?" Sogo asked eagerly.
"Yeah, they had overwhelming auras."
"You did too," said Mitsuki.
"We thought you were unapproachable at first."
"But you turned out to be one of the most easygoing people we know," Yamato finished.
"Well then, I'm glad to have been acquainted with you all."
"(Y/n)-chan, we trust you," Tamaki exclaimed.

Words caught in my throat. Tamaki pulled on a nonchalant grin as he locked eyes with me. Iori squeezed my hand, his reassurance clear and passionate. I bowed my head.

"Thank you."
"You're welcome," he replied.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go. Trigger needs me for a photoshoot."
"Sure thing," Riku said.

I waved goodbye before taking my leave. Stretching my arms, I slowly made my way to the bus stop. If father's rage was my final destination then I wouldn't mind taking my time to get there.

Subconsciously biting my lip, I recalled my unfortunate childhood memories. Shivering involuntarily, I clenched my fists and hopped on the next bus. Faltering meant weakness and I was not prepared to give up.

I strode through the revolving doors, scanning my card as I headed to the elevator that led to Trigger's practise room. The doors pulled apart, revealing Tenn's calm smile on the other side.

"Hey," he greeted as I stepped inside.
"Did you come here to greet me?"
"No, Gaku told me to go with you."
"What's he doing?"
"Waiting to go to our photoshoot."

We headed straight to father's office as soon as the elevator halted to a stop. Perhaps having Tenn with me would lessen the 'punishment' but it wasn't a guarantee. Father was merciless.

Giving my shoulder a squeeze, the male pushed the door open. Father's gaze flickered to me as I stalked to his desk, my gaze defiant yet coldly polite. Greeting him with a professionally cold smile and waiting for his reprimands was a feat not all that unfamiliar.

"Why do you always continue to embarrass me?" he asked.
"Embarrass you? If you had treated me right from the start, there would be no need for such embarrassment, father."

A sharp, stinging pain erupted from my cheek as my mind processed what had just happened. Of course, violence was always the answer. I smirked and leaned forward on his desk, taking delight in his growing anger.

"You insolent brat," he cursed.
"I'll take that as a compliment."

Tenn immediately blocked his hand as father raised it again.

"Let's refrain from using violence, Mr Yaotome. She's your daughter," Tenn exclaimed calmly.
"Meaning she should be grateful that I raised her. I-"
"Mr Yaotome, we are going to be late for our photoshoot. Please, if you'll be able to finish your conversation."

Tenn smiled before taking me by the hand and leading me out of father's office. Gaku-nii and Ryuu were waiting outside, their faces grim as we noticed them down the hallway.

"Come on, put on a smile on your faces. It looks like you two just came from an accident."
"You..." Gaku-nii exclaimed softly as his fingers fluttered to my cheek, which I immediately hid under my hand.
"Where's Anesagi?"
"Getting the van," Ryuu replied.
"Let's go."

I flattened out Gaku-nii's fist and offered a smile. He simply looked away, knowing that arguing would make no difference. Tenn and Ryuu chuckled, well aware of the fact that our affection went beyond normal boundaries, strengthened by unfortunate circumstances.

"You gonna continue with the Mr Grumpy Pants act and force me to act like Mrs Grumpy Pants or are you gonna stop?"

I burst into laughter at his shocked reaction, leaning against the wall for support as Tenn stifled his own. This undoubtedly irritated my brother but at least he wasn't haunted by father's actions anymore.

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