Chapter 21

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(Y/n)'s POV

~Timeskip to Trigger's concert~

The mood only worsened with every passing minute. Various staff members complained and nitpicked, but I put on a polite smile and attempted to rid them of their frustration.

Gaku-nii and Ryuu followed me with their eyes as I gave instructions and suggestions for lighting and camera angles. Anesagi took over the role of dispelling their impatience as I stopped for a quick break.

"You look dead," commented Gaku-nii.
"Thanks a lot."
"He better make it in time."
"He will."

Despite saying this, a pointless sense of worry clouded my mind. He was a professional. They could not waver. They could not fail. They had to act like swords of steel, impenetrable shields willing to take on any amount of damage...but they were humans.

Being in this industry, I couldn't think such devastating thoughts. Taking up jobs such as these meant the loss of personal space; the loss of freedom in some sense.

My phone vibrated as Tsumugi sent a message over: Are you sure you're not coming to see their concert with us?

Me: Don't worry, I'll be watching

Tsumugi: If you say so

The wispy feeling of someone's fingers on my shoulder made me jump. I turned around to find Tenn smiling back at me. A relieved smile graced my face as he gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before going to meet the two people waiting for him.

"Break a leg, guys."

The three disappeared as their footsteps echoed on stage. They didn't need luck. They had talent, effort and endless support...but above all, they had each other.

'Secret Night' blasted through the speakers in the arena as Trigger appeared on stage. Even from back here, the cheers of their fans reached my ears. Despite not being the performer, I was enchanted and energised by the music.

All of Trigger's concerts had me mesmerised; trapped in a love spell. I craned my neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the boys dancing before someone pulled me back from the stage.

"You have work to do," exclaimed Anesagi.
"Such as? As far as I'm concerned, there's only paperwork for the manager to complete."
"You may have been able to conclude that I could use a helping hand."
"Right, because you're incapable of handling these things yourself."
"*sigh* This always happens whenever they have a concert."

I casted one last glance at the stage, a smile appearing on my face as the cheers grew louder and louder, before reluctantly going to help Anesagi with the dreaded paperwork.

~After the concert~

"Great job, guys!"

My legs weakened for a quick second as Tenn leaned forward and grew unconscious in my arms.

"You did wonderfully," I whispered.

A few staff members came forward and took him from my arms. Gaku-nii and Ryuu watched as they left. I gave both their hands a squeeze before heading to the entrance.

"Oi, you coming home with us?" Gaku-nii asked.
"No, you two go ahead without me."

I didn't bother waiting for his reply as I continued in my objective. My objective...what was it? I found myself walking slightly faster. That was right. I wanted to see IDOLiSH7. I wanted to see how they felt about Trigger's concert.

Scanning the small crowds outside the glass doors, I found the seven boys with Tsumugi beside a few benches. Before I knew it, a smile graced my face as I watched them, happy that they seemed to have such overjoyed expressions.

Iori suddenly met my gaze. Ba-dump went my heart. I put on a masked smile and waved my fingers. Butterflies filled my stomach as I continued to keep up this act of nonchalance.

He smiled. Heat rose to my cheeks. Mitsuki followed his brother's lingering gaze before waving his arm. I waved back, smiling at his energetic attitude. Tamaki spoke something to the manager before rushing off to dance.

I watched in surprise as all seven boys started dancing. People crowded around them, soon blocking my view of their determined movements.

Father would complain. He would complain about them stealing Trigger's fans. The knot in my stomach told me so. However, I saw differently. Trigger had inspired them, inspired motivation...enough for them to dance right outside their competitors' arena.

Iori's POV

By the time we were finished, (Y/n) was gone. Her bright, enchanting smile was no longer there. My heart yearned for her beautiful presence yet my mind tried to suppress these unreasonable emotions.

She was our assistant manager. Nothing could happen between us. It was That aching realisation stomped all over my heart as it latched itself into my mind.

"Hey Iori, do you think (Y/n) came to see Trigger's concert after all?" niisan asked.
"I don't know."
"It's a shame she wasn't with us, but a certain someone probably feels like they're down in the dumps."
"*blush* What are you implying?"
"Nothing, nothing at all."

I eyed his smirk, choosing to ignore his teasing.

"Man, how are they so good..." said Tamaki.
"They're idols."
"I bought a whole lot of merchandise. I can't wait to open them," Sogo exclaimed.
"So-chan, you're drooling."
"Don't worry, he's only joking," Nagi replied.
"Guys, let's go home," said Yamato.
"Bye everyone, see you tomorrow," Tsumugi said as she waved.
"Bye manager!" Riku replied happily.

As we walked, a black car rode past, making Tamaki stop and stare as it retreated into the darkness down the road. I looked back to check but the car was already gone.

"Something wrong, Yotsuba-san?"
"N-no," he stated simply.
"Okay...if you say so."
"Let's catch up to the others."

He was hiding something. Unlike Riku being Tenn's brother, I couldn't conjure up a secret big enough for him to hide. That black modelled an expensive type, exclusive to high-end shoppers, but was that so unusual?

"What were you looking at?" Riku asked.
"Yotsuba-san was staring at a fancy black car."
"I was not!"
"Wait, the one that passed before...that looked awfully like (Y/n)'s brother's car..." niisan recalled.
"Come on, guys. I'm tired," Yamato said.
"Right, sorry."

Tamaki's expression only grew more blank as he thought about niisan's words. What did he have on his mind?...

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