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Hey guys writer here. Sorry I haven't been updating this story lately I needed a break. School has been crazy lately but I'm back on regular schedule so please sit back, relax and enjoy this chapter. I think you will like it. Also, make sure you vote so I know you are enjoying Love Stories. Leave your comments on what you think will happen next. Thank you again to everyone who reads my story it truly means a lot to me. Anywho back to your regular scheduling.

Jay types on the site underneath Oscar. He wanted to meet Jay. Jay had mixed feelings about meeting up with a new guy since he still had feelings for Cardo but he had to move on.

j*We can meet up tomorrow at this coffee shop named College Cafe.

o*Sounds great, can't wait to see you Jaylin.

j* Talk soon.

Jay wanted to tell T about Oscar but he said he needs his space so he puts his phone back down. He goes into his closet and picks out a outfit for tomorrow's date. Jay smiles but then he starts to get sad because he wish it could be a Cardo, Jaylin date. Jay starts to cry then he shakes it off and takes a shower and heads to bed.


Jay sits down as he waits for Oscar.

Oscar walks in tall, light skin, good teeth, great style and smelled good.

Oscar:"You must be Jaylin."

Jay stands up to shake his hand. Form handshake that was a good sign but he was still thinking of Cardo.

Jay:"Oscar. Nice to meet you."

Oscar:"You know when you hit my line I didn't think you would actually show up."

Jay:"Yeah I saw that we matched and I was like why bot give it a chance. Me and my boyfriend I mean ex just broke up and I'm trying to move on."

Oscar:"Must be fresh huh?"

Jay:"Yeah, I don't want to think about it."

Oscar:"Well if you give me a chance I'll make you forget about him."

Jay is sipping on his coffee when he almost chocked.

Jay:"Is that so?"

Oscar:"Yeah. So tell me avout yourself."

Jay is caught off guard because that was the question he was about to ask.

Jay:"Well am in college. I'm avoiding my friends due to my ex. Now I'm taking time to find myself again. I just don't like to be alone."

Oscar:"With me you won't be alone."

Jay looks at Oscar he was telling him everything he wanted to hear. He took a sip of his coffee and looked up and saw Oscar in his place. He remembered all the dates they had here, all the laughs. He had started to smile when Oscar said something .

Oscar:"What did I say for you to smile?"

Jay frowned when he noticed it wasn't Cardo. He wanted him back but he messed up so many times, he was conflicted.

Jay:" I'm sorry I thought I saw someone."

Oscar:"You still love him dont you?"


Oscar:"You still love him."

Jay:"Why would you say that?"

Oscar:"Because your crying, you wish he was with you right now."

Jay:"I mean he is my first love. I'll always love him. I'm sorry Oscar I thought I was ready to move on but I'm not."

Oscar:"Want my advice?"


Oscar:"Did he cheat?"


Oscar:"Then give him time. You may be mad at him right now but that won't last long. Time apart is good in every relationship. If you believe he is the one wait for him to come back."
Jay:"But I'm the one who broke up with him."
Oscar:"If he really loves you he will realize what a great guy he lost. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Can we at least finish this cup of coffee before we part ways?"

Jay laughs.


They finish their cup of coffee and Jay hugs Oscar.

Jay:"Sorry I wasted your time."

Oscar:"Sometimes the universe puts people in your life to teach lessons. It wasn't a waste. Goodnight Jaylin. Oh and when you guys get back together I want a invite to the wedding."


Jay pulls out his phone as Oscar leaves the coffee shop. He wanted to tell T how we was feeling but he couldn't. The only person was Kevin.

J*Hey Kevin can you meet me at the coffee shop?

K* Be there in two minutes

Kevin had been following Jay all day.

Kevin arrives.

Kevin:"you've been crying,why?"

Jay:"I broke up with Cardo."



Kevin:"Nothing I'm sorry that happened, is that why you called?"

Jay:"No? I just went on a date and it felt wrong."

Kevin:"You finally realized we belong together?"

Jay:"that's not what I'm saying-"

Kevin:"I knew this day would come but not so soon. Jay I loved you since the first time I saw you."

Jay:"Kevin I'm sorry but its always going to be Cardo."

Kevin slaps the table.

Kevin:"You belong to me. Me and you are supposed to be together forever."

Jay:"We never dated."

Kevin:"you're not going anywhere."

Jay:"This was a mistake. I shouldn't have called."

Kevin:"You called so we can be together."

Jay:"I'm going to leave now."

Jay grabs his things and starts to run as Kevin runs to his car.

Kevin:"You can run but I'll get you."

Kevin is driving while Jay is running in the street Kevin hits the gas as he runs over Jay. He stops the car. He gets out and sees Jay looks hurt. He grabs Jay's phone and calls the first person on the list. He made a ugly face when he found out it was Cardo.

C*Hey Jay. I know your upset-

K* This isn't Jay asshole. This is Kevin.

C*Why do you have Jays phone?

K* He called me at this coffee shop after he got done with this date with some dude. I thought he wanted to be with me but all he talked about was you. Look I was trying to chase him and I kind of ran over him.

C* you ran over my boyfriend?

K*correction ex boyfriend.

C*You are not going to get away with this!

K* Oh yes I am. I'll call the hospital but I'll be long gone.

C* you dirty bastard. Where are you so I can kill you?

K* you mean Jay? At the University Cafe on 5th street. Talk later.

C*This nigga.

Kevin calls 911

K tells information and leaves in his car. Cardo shows up shortly afterwards.

He grabs Jay.


Cardo:"I'm here. Hang in there the ambulance is on their way. Kevin won't get away with this."

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