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Oscar's Apartment

He walks around trying to decide if he should call Jessica or not. He says what's the worst that can happen and decides to call anyway.

O* Hey Jessica. I didn't think you would answer.

J* Hi Oscar thanks for calling, I was just about to get in contact with you. I wanted to thank you on giving me advice on Jay. I went and spoke to him and I feel so much better.

O* I'm happy to hear that. Hey I was wondering if you would like to go for milkshakes.


O* I mean if its too forward or busy I can reschedule.

J* No milkshakes are nice.

O* Sweet so why don't I pick you up say... 1:30?

J* Perfect. I should be home by then I'll text you my address.

O* Talk soon.

Jessica hangs up.

Oscar starts dancing around his apartment. He had made a new friend and he was excited.

Jessica's Apartment

Oscar:"Ready for some milkshakes?"

Jess:"Sure lets hit the road."

They drive down the highway and Jessica rolls down her window and lets her hair blow in the wind. Oscar turns on the radio as they sing along.

Milkshake Land

Oscar opens the door for Jessica.

Jess:"Why are you opening the door, your not my boyfriend."

Oscar:"True, but I am a great friend now come on."

Jessica steps out.

Jess:"Thank you."

They walk in and find a seat.

They order their milkshakes.

Oscar:"So tell me more about how it went with Jay."


The waitress brings out their milkshakes.

Jess:"Me and him had a bad past, I really don't want to talk about it."

Oscar grabs Jessica hand.

Oscar:"You know you can tell me anything right?"

Jess:"You asked for it. But can you please let go of my hand."

Oscar lets go.

Jess:"I used to date Cardo and I got jealous when they started dating and I.."

She pauses and starts to feel bad for all the trouble she caused him.

Jess:"Tired to kill him."

Oscar:"Wow..um, that's deep."

Jess:"Cardo sent me to a mental institution where they made me face the past and figure out why I broke."


Jess:"I kinda snapped, like I wasn't myself. I started hiring hit-men to avoid what I was running from."

Oscar:"What were you running from?"

Jess:"My father and the true love of my life."

Oscar:"Which was Cardo right?"

Jess:"No he's name is Kevin."

Oscar:"Where is he now."

Jess:"Rotting in jail as he should. We used to be best friends until he helped my father hurt me."

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