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Jay arrives home with tears in his eyes as he goes to his room. He was having a mini-breakdown. He heard the doorbell ring. The only person he wanted at that moment was Cardo. Sure he hurt him but a part of him wanted to try and regain his trust. He opened up the door with a little hope that it would be Cardo but it was T.

T:" Jay you look a mess!"

Jay:" I messed up T, I did something wrong. He was supposed to be with me."

T sees that Jay is falling apart before her and she hugs him."

T: "It's okay Jay. I'm here."

Jay: "I was falling in love with him. T I wanted him to be at that door. To try and regain my trust or beg to have me back."

T:" I don't think that's going to happen. I told him to stay away from you."

Jay:" Why would you do that?"

T:" Because you need to move on. He's hurt you too much."

Jay:" But you have too and I've forgiven you. Shit, I'm forgiving you now!"

T:" Jay he's not worth it. Now let's get you a bath. I'm not leaving your side tonight. Come on."

Jay gets out of the bath and gets dressed. T is laying on his bed.

T:" Come on. Lay with me."

Jay lays with T and puts his head on her shoulder.

Jay: "Why are you so nice to me when I push you away?"

T:" Because I love you and you're my best friend. Plus I always have your back, you know that right?"

Jay:" Yeah, but sometimes you have a crazy way of showing it."

T:" I know but I would never hurt you on purpose. Now get some sleep."

Jay:" Okay."

Jays gets under the cover and so does T. Jay turns off the lights and they both fall asleep.


Eli:" Are you going to tell me what the hell just happened?"

Cardo:" I was supposed to tell you guys that we had a thing going on but couldn't do it."

Eli:" WHY? He's a good guy. Plus you have been spending a lot of time with him. Why do you keep hurting him?"


Eli:" So because Jess hurt you, so you're hurting Jay? That's not fair to him and you know it! Now you lost something that could have been special. Now you have to deal with the consequences. Me and T don't care who you love, we just want you to be happy. Now you ruined the one good thing going for you."

Eli looks at Cardo shakes his head and leaves to go to his room.

Cardo realizes that he messed up and that he may have lost Jay forever. He begins to cry because a part of him was falling for him as well.


Jay and T go for a run.

T: "I forgot how good it felt to go running with you."

Jay:" Girl I'm just happy we're stopping. I was losing my breath. Why are you spending all this time with me, don't you have a boyfriend?"

T:" Yes but you're my friend in need. I'm not going anywhere."

A guy runs up to T he has no shirt on and he taps Jay on his shoulder.

Kevin: "Thank god you stopped I've been trying to catch up to you."

Jay:" Did you mean to touch my shoulder? My friend has a boyfriend but go ahead."

T:" But you don't."

Jay: "T, shut up."

Kevin: "No I meant you."

Jay pointed at himself and the guy nodded his head.

Jay: "Um-"

T:" Oh look at the time I have a sex date with my boyfriend. see you later Jay."

Jay: "Sex date? No, you don't"

T winks at Jay as she runs to her car.

Jay:" Excuse her. My friend can be a handful sometimes."

Kevin: "It's okay. I was just wanted to get to know you better."

Jay: "You want to get to know me? That's what the last guy said."

Kevin: "Well I'm not the last guy. What's your name beautiful?"

Jay: "Thanks for the compliment, my name is Jaylin."
Kevin: "Well Jaylin, how about me and you go on a date this Saturday night."

Jay: "Saturday night? I don't know."

Kevin: "What were your plans for Saturday night?"

Jay: "Uh I was going to watch romantic movies and try to get over my sorta ex-boyfriend."

Kevin:" Sorta ex-boyfriend huh?"

Jay: "Yeah I was falling in love with him but he wasn't ready for a relationship."

Jay pulls his head down but Kevin pick it back up.

Kevin:" You're too cute to be single. And that guy who hurt you is an asshole. Just one date and if you're not feeling it we can call it quits deal?"

Jay: "How about we just go on a date no deals?"

Kevin: "So that's a yes on Saturday night?"

Jay:" It's a yes."

Kevin writes down his number and Jay writes down his address.

Kevin: "So I'll pick you up at 8?"

Jay: "Sounds good."

Kevin: "Until then."

He smiles and Jay as he continues his run. Jay smiles. He was excited to go on a date and guys found him attractive but he still wanted Cardo. It was going to be hard to get over him.

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