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Jessica comes home from the super market and hears talking from upstairs. She puts the bags down on the counter and slowly walks upstairs. She hears Eli talking to himself.

Eli:"I can't believe that crazy women had a crush on me. I just thought she was doing me a favor but no all she wanted to do was sleep with me! How could I be so stupid to think she didn't want anything from me? Now she is telling me to watch my back? Ha! Who does she think she is going around demanding orders like she is a angel. She has no good inside of her I don't even know why she is trying so hard to be someone who is never going to exist."

Jessica hears this and starts to tear up. She was changing for the better but Eli seemed to not care or feel as if it was  a act. She didn't feel too bad about the plan she was cooking up because revenge seemed to be calling Eli's name and she couldn't wait. She walks outside.

Jessica calls the police.

Jess:" Hi I would like to get some information on Eli Johnson. I paid his bail last week. I was wondering what exactly he got arrested for?"

Police:"It seems like a guy named Jaylin had put a restraining order on him and he violated his probation plus he tired to burn the entire apartment complex down."

Jess:"Interesting. And what exactly will happen if he does it again?"

Police:"He could go to jail up to 25 years."

Jess:"25 years doesn't sound long enough."

Police:"Well if the person who ordered the restraining order wants him to have more time then that can be arranged. Is there any other questions?"

Jess:"No you told me everything I need to hear, thank you."

Jessica feels that coldness in her chest but it slowly goes away she doesn't feel that darkness coming out this time. Something was telling her she did the right thing.

Jess:"I get that he didn't like me but you didn't have to stab me in my chest."

She sits on the porch and cries. Eli was the first guy she was falling for since Cardo and she didn't know how to feel. Was her past defeating her from finding her true love? Her love story? She felt sad so she went in and changed into work out clothes and headed to the park.


Jessica is running when she stops to catch her breathe. She had already done three miles. Oscar is half a mile away when he speeds up to catch up with her.


Jessica looks up and sees Oscar.

Jess:"Chip guy from earlier, Hi."

Oscar:"I saw you twice in one  day, luck must be on my side."

Jess:"I guess so. Can I help you with something?"

Oscar:"Your number... I mean you look tired there is a sit over there."

Jess:"Smooth. I guess I can take a break."

Jessica and Oscar sit under  a big tree as they watch other people run.

Oscar:"Tell me if I'm wrong but you seem sad since I met you earlier today."

Jess:"You caught that? Oh that was nothing, just the most embarrassing moment of my life happened within 72 hours."

Oscar:"I doubt its embarrassing."

Jess:"Okay. Over the last three days I confessed my feelings to my crush only to find out he doesn't like me at all."

Oscar:"Wow that is embarrassing."

Jessica laughs.

Jess:"Shut up!"

Oscar bites his lip.

Oscar:"Your laugh is cute."

Jess:"Yeah don't butter me up. What do you want from me?"

Oscar:"To be your friend. I moved here a few months ago and my only friend is Jaylin and I think I may start to become friends with his boyfriend."

Jess:"You know Jaylin and Cardo?"

Oscar:"I don't know Cardo that well but I say me and Jay are good friends."

Jess:"I wish I had friends."

Oscar:"You don't have friends?"

Jess:"Everyone kind of hates me in this town. I did some bad things to Jaylin and Cardo. I wish I can take them back I wasn't in a good headspace at the time."

Oscar:"Want to talk about it?"

Jess:"If I did you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore."

Oscar:"I doubt it. I'm a pretty open guy."

Jess:"I see that, I mean you did try to date Jaylin."

Oscar:"How did you know?"

Jess:"Word gets around.Everyone seems to like him."

Oscar:"Can you blame them? He's a good person what is there to hate?"

Jess:"Well he hates me, that's for sure."

Oscar:"Have you ever tired talking to him?"

Jess:"Okay your sweet and all but your asking too many questions. Nice talking to you but I need to go."

She gets up to leave but Oscar grabs her arm softly.


Jess:"What now?"

Oscar:"Can't I at least have your number now? I mean we are friends."

Jess:"Ah, friends are you sure you want to use that word? You barely know me."

Oscar:"But I want to get to know you."

Jessica smiles.

Jess:"I've never had a friend before. My number is 555-5555"

She waves goodbye.

Jessica:"Bye Oscar!"

Oscar watches her walk away.

Oscar:"I got her number! Yes!"

He lays down and closes his eyes with a smile. But it left him curious...what is Jessica running from?

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