Now I'm Here...

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A/N - Please note that I don't always use exact timelines for events.  This is fiction at the end of the day.   Side note -  Please watch the above footage of Queen's performance of Now I'm Here.  I find it quaint that Bri and Rog both are wearing neck scarves and the others are not.  Hhmmm...sometimes this shit just writes itself!


16 Jan 1975

Top of The Pops Studio - BBC

Brian's POV

"I think you might need a scarf or else everyone can see it..."  Freddie told me.  I blushed with embarrassment as Freddie giggled at me as I looked in the mirror.  Yeah.  Roger had left a huge hickey on my neck.  It was a big one too.  Freddie handed me a striped black and white scarf and I tried get it around my neck to cover up my love bite.  We generally didn't do this stuff to each other but we both had too much to drink night last night and got carried away after Deacy's stag party.  

"Oh... just let me do it!"  Freddie slapped my hands away from my neck and adjusted the scarf to his liking.  I have to admit he did a better job and I looked in the mirror to see my mark was sufficiently covered.

"Nice job Fred.."  I told him and he gave me a smug grin as he shoved me out of the way so he could finish his hair.  I walked over and took a seat by the door and saw Deacy walk in with Roger.  Deacy was laughing at Roger and slapped him hard on the back as they came through the door.  Roger was fiddling with a scarf of his own around his neck and Freddie looked over at him.  I remembered the purple mark I had made on Roger's neck and sighed.  We did get carried away last night.

"You as well?"  he bellowed at him and grabbed his scarf to adjust it.  He made judgmental 'tsk tsk' sounds at us and finished fixing Roger's scarf.   "Well you both look like little whores!  I hope you're happy!"  he commented to us as Roger walked over to join me on the bench.  "You know you'll have to keep those on for our meeting today.."  he added.  I gulped when I realized he was right.  We didn't want to draw any attention to ourselves since Peter would be there.  I nodded to Freddie and he returned to fixing his hair.

"I hope you plan on covering those up for my wedding..."  Deacy chided us as he stood by the wall and watched Freddie get ready.  He was already dressed and coifed.  As usual Freddie needed the most time to prepare.  "Ronnie would have fits if she saw your hickeys on her wedding day.."  he remarked and then started laughing at us both.  "Whores!  Good one Freddie..."  he nudged Freddie in his side and they both looked at us and laughed.  A producer appeared in the doorway and motioned at us all.

"They're ready for you..."  


Trident Management Offices

I was nervous.  We all were.  Freddie acted like he didn't have a care in the world but I knew he was nervous too.  I watched the door and was relieved when it opened and Jim Beach came in.  He nodded to us as he approached and we all stood up to greet him.

"Hi Jim!"  I told him as he shook my hand.  He greeted the others and we all stood around waiting for the receptionist to call us back.

"They're ready for you.."  the lady told us and she walked us back to a meeting room.  The door opened and we found the Sheffield Brothers present along with Peter and a few men I didn't recognize.  We had informed them that Jim would be attending and there were five empty seats waiting for us.  We got seated and Jim opened his briefcase.  He handed us each some papers and I looked them over as he gave copies to the Sheffield's and their representatives.

"Gentleman...I know you have sought counsel to re-negotiate your contract with us.  Can I just say that we would like to work this out and seek to renew your contract at the end of this year."  Norman Sheffield announced as his reps looked on.  

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