You make me a millionaire..Part 2

584 24 12

9th June 1976


Brian's POV

"I'm sorry Brian...."  she told me as she stood in the doorway of my bedroom and had a somber expression.  I walked over to her and gave her a hug.  I'm certainly disappointed but I don't want her to feel like she let me down.  It takes us both to make it happen.  And it didn't happen this time.

"It's okay....we know there are no absolutes....we'll try again next month...just like we talked about..."  I did my best to console her.   "That's if you still want to..."  I added.  I want her to know she can still change her mind.  Clare smiled at me and nodded.

"Yeah...I do...we'll try again next month..."  she agreed.  I gave her an encouraging smile and hugged her again.  I hope her cramps aren't too bad.  I know she tends to have pretty bad cramping the first day of her period.

"Are you okay?  Do you need anything?  Can I get you a hot water bottle?"  I asked her gently as I loosened our hug.  

"I've got a heating pad so I'm good...thanks....I'm going to lay down for a bit...could you see to Tigs?" she asked me.  I nodded to her.  "She's playing in her room..."   

"Of course..."  I answered.  Clare gave me a thin smile and left my room and walked to her own.  I followed her out and went to Tiger Lily's room.  She was sitting on her floor playing with some blocks.  She looked up when I walked in and smiled at me.

"Hey poppet....are you making something?"  I asked her as I walked over and sat down next to her.   She was stacking blocks and talking to herself.  I grabbed a couple of extra blocks and built a little house.  "I'm building a house..."  I told her as I placed two squares together and put the elongated triangle on top.

"House..."  she repeated as she watched me.  I love it when she speaks a new word.  It feels like a little victory.  Hearing this is a nice distraction from the bad news Clare delivered to me.  This month is having its share of ups and downs.  We tried for a baby and failed.  We tried to find a new home and can't find one Roger and I agree on.  It's frustrating.  I also have a growing fear I won't have enough song material for our recording session next month.  Roger hasn't indicated he has any workable songs.  I don't like the feeling that we aren't prepared to work. 

Tiger Lily got up from her place on the floor and walked to her bookshelf.  She grabbed a little Japanese doll that Freddie had bought her on tour and walked over to me.  It was dressed in a silk kimono and had her black hair in a large bun on her head.

"Feddie...."  she said to me.  I wondered for a moment if she remembered that Fred had given her the doll or if the doll reminded her of him.  Between the kimono and the dark hair it was possible she thought it was him.  I couldn't help but smile.

"Yes...Freddie gave you the doll..."  I confirmed to her.  I realized she had gone from calling him 'Fee' to 'Feddie.'  It was a marked improvement in her speech.  We still had to develop her 'r' sound.  She left the 'r' out of my name as well.

"What are you two up to?" I heard Roger ask me as he stood in the doorway watching us. I smiled at the site of him.  He had returned from the hairdressers with his hair freshly layered and lightened.  He looked so beautiful.

"You look really good babe...beautiful.." I complimented him.  He smiled at me and ran his hand through his hair.  "I like the layering.."  I commented.

"Good papa..."  Tigs told him and Roger's face lit up at her opinion.  I felt like her opinion mattered more and decided to tease him about it.

"Oh...I see how it is...her opinion matters more than mine..."  I said to him sarcastically.  He rolled his eyes at me.

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